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How to Enjoy TVCH Video game Board

1. Read the Global Rules
2. Be Badass
3. You can't ever lose
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The only thing this tells me is that Z3R0/nuzach larped as a ramonposter a few times and visibly got too excited, proving once again that every time he tried to insult ramonfags he was simply just projecting his own faggotry.

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Someone has been zoomer-meowing.


That dude has a really big jaw.


LeoPirate said the game is good, you should trust at him.


pretty sure he hates all modern gaymes cause they suck ass.

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I'm hyped !
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They're still going with this pile of shit? The gayme was dead on arrival and even adding normalniggers' favorite villain didn't help. Why bother continuing wasting money on propaganda no one's consuming?


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The state and bankers are on their side, they can blow all the shekels in the world just to brainwash enough goyim just to bring back Weimar to its fullest.


Damn this image is powerful


They're now labelled as anti-semites for using a dune-coon who wished death to all kikes. This Israel vs Palestine conflict keeps on delivering.


>This Israel vs Palestine conflict keeps on delivering.
It really has been amazing. The kikes have spent generations and who knows how much money on programing the NPCs to view both kikes and shitskins as victims of white nazi oppression, but forgot that they as programed in that the darker a sub-human's skin is the more oppressed they are.

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Bttter than wukong.


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So is Metal Slug X. Why shouldn't I just play that?


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Based Metal Slug chad.


Nice titters

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Won't happen. There's no way (((ubisoft))) would dare to remove a nigger from a gayme.

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>A banned notice on redtext
>Post deleted
>With a fuckton of replies of anal sore mannchildren
Since they can't downvote, but they totally hate triple A BingWahoo's.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Keep seething at Mark Vann Dame as always cucks


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Who's seething at what? Everyone has their right to shit on corporations, is just that jannies as expected they defend their beloved childhood company for free.


Its over


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It hasn't even begun!

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kikejima knows this, hes a pathetic loser, leftist all love to humiliate themselves.


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Kojima know how to make pc version.
Deal with it


Wow. I hate it.


Kojima has always been a god to me. Knowing that he's as fascinated by trannies as I am just makes me feel more capable and smarter.


Might be part of the humiliation ritual so that he gets that pedowood movie deal.

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 No.86[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You will buy Starfield and you will be happy!
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Oh no no no no


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Look at these credits

Microsoft is doing money laundering right before our eyes with a new type of Hollywood accounting where hundreds of studios all over the world will spend millions buying xbox game development access/devkits and tooling while renting cloud compute on top of Microsoft getting tax shelter credits and free labor thanks to government subsidies for funding media production.

Is it any wonder why in the last 10 years the number of people working on major games has seen a tenfold increase? Or why thousands are fired in batches every year?


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>what's the problem?


Who are you quoting?


New DLC is out

I will be buying multiple copies only to make Bethesda haters seethe

[Last 50 Posts]
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The gay nigger.


Am I supposed to hate this? You improved it


stop trying to derail all threads and making them about yourself your our lost dad

they tried to take off his job, twice


games became gay when Cod was always against the russians as the enemy. Never will china or israel be an enemy in a war game. Fuck gayming.


The only games where we have Israel as an enemy were the ones made in the Middle East during the 2000s and 2010s
I remember I downloaded and played on the school computer with other kids during the 00s and when a Jewish professor found out about this he forced us to do a presentation on the Holocaust

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balvbros, our response?
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Why was the post about T-Pain's meal deleted?


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That big drumstick in the front looks like a dick.


potent chinese medicine


So their game universe also suffers from an obesity epidemic?

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