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>wanna know how i got this imageboard?


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Best Gahoole yet.


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What are the odds that International Jewry set Ramon up for his arrest? What do you lads make of the arrest, anyways?

I presume that nothing came of it, or the charges were dropped, or it got plead down to nothing. I can't really find any information about what happened after he got sentenced to house arrest and the man seems to be doing fine now.

Was he set up? If not, why on earth was this beautiful man out driving around with a bunch of animals in his van?

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File: 1727988216831.png (2.95 MB, 1920x1141, 1920:1141, nuzach gaycel.png) ImgOps iqdb

>The only thing he is president of is your white butthole and your hand lol.


Literally 98 percent of all you do here is talk about assholes and porn and blacks. Have you ever considered you might actually be a homosexual? ALL you talk about is men cornholing each other.


Yes, I'm gay, unironically while you zoomers larp as gays with your dumb ironic attitude.
But above being gay I'm an incel. Even the black guys on grindr reject me. Kys!


lmao Ramon Coons btfo.


literally the only thing you talk about on here is nuzach and homosexuality. Maybe you have a projection problem? Get therapy, homo.

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>Nuzach not only saved Ramon but literal tranny porn into his barely functioning spic HDD
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>the thread with the gay nigger pornstar has nothing to do with pornography because our meme of the gay nigger pornstar is not about him being a gay nigger pornstar.
4dcope from the coonmeisters.


He is a gaycel living a prison gay life.


>and to show you how much I hate gay nigger pornstars, I'm going to go save loads of gay nigger porn on my computer and post it! Haha, yes, that'll show them how awful they are, watching loads of naked black men!


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he is insane, he acts like a crazy kike woman.


>steals nuzach's own words
projection, cope, and seethe from the coonmeisters.
>saves a gay nigger pornstar to his computer for…reasons
>constantly says someone else is gay but not him
projection: the post
>some literally who from his faggot ass foxdick farm

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Prior to yesterday, if someone said jews were planting explosives inside of electronics and had the ability to detonate them remotely they would be labeled a "conspiracy theorist" and a "schizo". And yet this is exactly what happened.

Also, remember when the jews were caught tunneling beneath the sewers doing God knows what? That's another thing people would get called crazy if they thought was happening, and yet the jews were caught doing it.

Really makes you wonder what else the "Schizos" claim the jews are up to which has yet to be proven but is nonetheless true.
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>if you post nigger porn to make nazi incels seethe, then ur a cuckold!!!
Unlike you and your Ramon coon, I do not derive sexual satisfaction from my memes. Only lulz.
Quit projecting your homosexuality on me, homo.


You literally only like cuckold porn if you hate based "nazi incels." As a proud National Socialist and Robot, I don't like it. As a proud cuckold/cp poster you think nigger dicks are awesome!


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>Sure, I post and watch nigger porn, but… but… but… it's totally normal and cool when I do it! Haha owned!


all you coons do is steal my insults and say "NO, U" to everything. You're just like the downlow niggers you so admire.

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Reminder that zoomers are subhuman infantilized vermin.
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47.5 alcoholic content and plenty of pussy and bussy today


>Emily Youcis
Whatever happened to her? She use to be such wife material. Is she married with kids yet?


pics or btfo


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Tiktokers recently discovered her cartoon and later regret googling her name.


the funny thing is, most of anons actually have a normal life and are married or dating or just getting casual pussy while the gaycel only have us in his sad life

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 No.143985[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ASMR thread
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File: 1727917102589.mp4 (18.7 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Gen Z Chic Got Red Pilled ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Where were you when Angelica saved America?

MAGA hat soon?!

spoilers: We're beyond saving.


>grotesquely obese fat fuck The Griftering with his forced SSRI tone and forced SSRI stare.
Yeah, Jeremy is on psychotropic drugs. How the fuck else are you going to do something like that every day? He should be run over with his own tractor wherever the fuck he is in Minnesota or some other bumfuckville with a minority majority of Somalians and other African filth.
The swarthoid cutie in the vide, who is probably half Somalian, should be forcibly impregnated and bleached by me.


>mexican ASMR militant femdyke turning into a Dup sympathizer
Try as they might, no brownoid can resist the BWC


>who is probably half Somalian
Someone failed racial anthropology class. She is clearly as mestiza. Do you even know what a Somalian looks like?


eh, I'm not the negrophilic zoomer faggot that you are. Be my guest and tell us all about the niggers you love so much, you stupidass closeted faggot. Then turn around and complain about nigger dicks that were posted to piss you off weeks ago and pretend you're not gay lol. Stupid fuck.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I told you Styx wouldn't be getting away with it. I've discovered Chaos Magic a month and now I'm a powerful chaos mage. My Sun + Venus In Scorpio in the 9th house + my Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces in the 1st House and Pisces as the Ascendant give me an exceptionally high supply of intense spiritual energy to use in my rituals. TARL WARWICK, I TOLD YOU YOU WERE FINISHED. STOP SEXUALLY ABUSING WOMEN. I am ascending to the likes of Crowley, Spare and Rasputin. soon you will see my name everywhere, with mg lavish lifestyle full of debauchery, and everyone is gonna wonder "how tf is he pulling that off"? and I will give a little nod to /pol/ and /x/ and you will know.
Easy tutorial to get what you want in life (including politics)
>find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed
>get a piece of paper and a pen
>write your intention in the present tense or past like "Jane Doe is in love with me". In older texts you'll also find intentions written as a clear wish like "This my wish to acquire the strength of a tiger by October 2024" or something like that.
>remove all vowels and repeated letters leaving only consonants
>you can also pick only the first letter of each word if your intention is too long or if you wanna simplify it
>use the remaining letters to create a unique symbol. if it feels "magical" it's good. there are no rules though.
>draw the symbol while focusing on your intention visualize it happening now
>charge the sigil through masturbation. bring yourself to the point of orgasm focusing on the symbol.
>release your energy into the sigil during climax, (you can cum on your sigil basically)
>throw the sigil in the trash or destroy it so you can forget it
>move on with your day


The grift is over boyos.


damn styx is tapping only prime pussy, good on him, and he is beating that bpd whore ass alright, based


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shit is so bad nowadays that people are nostalgic for the 70s.
So why not the 00s?

What do you miss the most about this mediocre decade you were growing up in?
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Pretty sure cyberbullying laws were conceived during that age.

>race traitors and faggots
Eminem, Smashmouth and even Kurt Cobain's rotting corpse were still popular, liberalism was already there but subtle for the cattle.


>Eminem, Smashmouth and even Kurt Cobain's rotting corpse were still popular, liberalism was already there but subtle for the cattle.
Of course, the seeds were being planted in the media, but it hadn't really trickled down to how regular people behaved yet. Contrast it with today, you can't go anywhere without seeing a mudshark with her pet ape, or some flaggot abomination. There's so many of them around now, we are literally in a Weimar Germany situation, except there is no Hitler coming to save us.


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>Nowadays everything is too ironic and nobody takes anything seriously and people get offended over everything, PC took over.
Case in point.


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>those comments


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That explains why Impractical Jokers went irrelevant.

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Go to their synagogues, Show them the Fear of Allah SWBT.


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Here's some OC for congress, glowies.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is it kino?


Wtf is this?


nigger is ape-ing the stupid grimace shake vids, it's retarded

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