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With what, knives, bats, and fireworks?


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Zoomer Britons don't have it in them to take their country back from the muds and reds.

The only way it'll work is if the military backs the lads up and stages a coup against the Crown, but that won't happen for numerous reasons.


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bbcmenko was in uk 1 year ago…


Are your serious shitskins and communist are terrible at war and cowardly. Britain took over most of the world with less men even seen in the video. They aren't fighting strong White men its a bunch of no muscle pakis/arabs that were too cowardly to fight their own government. There is no military without the English natives.


Zoomer anglos have nowhere else to go. There is no "GO BACK" for them. Zoomer groids have a "GO BACK" to go to. One will fight much harder than the other, and that's going to be the ones that have no where to run to.


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reminder: black people built britain


I am so sick of niggers.




Everyone on the planet is, but that's a good thing. When we can all come together like Voltron and agree in unison that all kikes and niggers need to be exterminated, this world might finally know what real peace is.


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4chan shutdown soon


It's active again for US IPs. Goes without saying, don't access the site without a vpn/tor.


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>don't access the site without a vpn/tor
Good luck with that. Those faggots have practically range banned everything. If you don't go into 4chumps with shields down and raw dog them without a condom, you can't post anything at all.

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