It's free real estate!
Native americans had been burning this ecosystem since time immemorial, the same degenerates that caused the late Pleistocene extinction. I'm glad they were replaced.
>California is under attack.
Really makes you think.
>>153514Not Good millions of refugees and the largest economy in the USA. That would start a civil war.
>>153523>That would start a civil war.The normalfags don't have the balls for that.
>>153523if you ever think zogbots are going to do a civil war, you're a moron.
>>153499Somehow FEMA will find money for CA's disaster relief.
>>153533But not until the fire starts getting uncomfortably close to (((certain people's))) homes.
>>153536It depends, do (((they))) have insurance?
>>153504Injuns explicitly said they didn't like that area and also said, along with some euro scientists, that the planned american reforesting efforts were pants-on-head retarded because they were replacing local trees with highly flammable eucalyptus trees.
Honestly this is half jew tactics and half americans being dumb regarding their own land.
>>153538>half americans being dumbCalifornians. Those nigger brained hippies would die of dehydration if they spend millions of tax dollars on importing water from other states.
>>153523>That would start a civil war.Isn't that what everyone here wants
>>153554>hollyjew burningWait I'm going to act like a conservative retard and express sadness at Hollywood burning.
At least one arsonist has been arrested.
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Did LA burn down yet?
Its pretty obvious this is neither natural nor unplanned.
Im cursious to see where this goes, 2025 started with a bang and it keeps going every day, this will be quite a show.
Also i think this is in part a cleanup op to get rid of witnesses and evidence, now that ai can take over there is no need for actors and the like anymore.
As that quack oh seven guy once said: grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, trust the plan to burn down the world, i think its too late for goycattle at this point.
>>153573Maybe normalfags are just that retarded and the insurance companies that pulled out new one good wind will burn all the houses down.
>be USA>getting more and more retardedly right wing every day>literally illegal to be a cop if not right wing in the USA basically (for decades)>every teen tricked into thinking some rich boy that did nothing for the world is the good guy even though he rubbed the elbows of jews>the most left wing state is under attackBut I did not need to see the fire to know that. How long has everyone called them Commie-Fornia on the Internet? They hate them for putting up with it, the people that live there. Letting it burn could be called accelerationism, making your point by letting them have what they want without balance. No rights nor lefts are needed, no reddit nor imageboard, people should not be so divided and confused. It's the most populated US state, an attack is an attack but you're okay with it because, even though surely young right wing zoomers are born there, stuck there, mostly they're known to be 'hardcore left wing' so you don't even flinch.
An example of how it's accelerationism is how they fired a bunch of firefighters for not taking the neo-flu shot but also gave money to the Slav drama of which taht slav drama is so old news. I had met a Ukranian girl in 2009ish, she did not understand why the bombings were not on the US news back fucken then. Faggotworld and it's 'news'. I bet California is on fire every year (I've seen lots of videos of it being on fire for years), it's just that some rich places got burned for once. If it effects some boy born rich then suddenly it's hecken valid news.
The USA was founded by egaltarianism. Democracy predates the Rebublican. The wrong side won also.
>>153524It's the most populated US state.
>>153580Roll my eyes and know what accelerationism is.
"Accelerationism can involve sabotage as a tactic to destabilize existing systems and promote radical social change, particularly within certain right-wing extremist ideologies."
Only idiots would take the shot so they have no smart firefighters now, only the disgenic in general, but I bet after his 'drastic chanage' you'll still be told to take that shot anyways.
>>153573>Also i think this is in part a cleanup op to get rid of witnesses and evidenceThis might be in Hollywood but it isn't a Hollywood movie. This has everything to do with the land being worth much more than the people living on it.
Back in November of last year Will Rothschild was cremated in a house fire in that area. Now these fires are rituals so they will continue to serve their master even after death. The memorial for this was planned and designed years ago.
>>153576Normalfags are always retarded, but this is no ordinary insurance scam for sure.
>>153586Its true they make those rituals, but those are for a purpose and the way they do it there are usually multiple uses for what they do, reverence to their dead members is unusual, the ones who plan only see them as pawns to be used.
It will be interesting to compare the relief offered to the 1%ers to Hurricane Helene victims.
>>153591>4 screens>color cycling CPU lightsBling isn't just for niggers.
>>153591Videos like this make me realize just how badly normalfag progs need to be shoved into the ground, why they deserve a boot down their throats to tell them what to do.
>>153591Now that's a certified
whiteboisex moment
>>153591We found the nazi virgin.
Oy vey soyim, jews are literally a virus, a cancer that does nothing but destroy.
>>153598Piece of shit Boomer. You had it so easy with those other rich pieces of shit that all you have tears for are bunnies. Fuck you and your goddamn bunny museum.
>>153591That's Nuzach when Gahoole replied to him a few months ago.
Wait, is the fire still going?
>>153557>but enough about all this fire and burning and shit; I have another kid to molestnever change bidup
Good. Fuck California.
>>153603>>153604fuckin traitors need to be killed..
>P.Diddler's house was spared
>>153668>elect a nigger>not having your home on fireYou only get one.
>>153733Apparently mexcrements showed up to the rescue while Shekelbaum btfo Dup by implying that the US should be referred as Mexican American, is she dogwhistling that mixedrace shitskins got the upper hand? Also Seth MacFarlane drew a half-assed sketch of his retarded GaryStu from Family Goy thanking the faggyfighters, being an useless virtual signalling liberal cocksucker as usual.
>>153554I think that video is fake
>>153735>Apparently mexcrements showed up to the rescue while Shekelbaum btfo Dup by implying that the US should be referred as Mexican American, is she dogwhistling that mixedrace shitskins got the upper hand?As a kikess she is feeling pretty good right now with what Biden's kike administration and the Mexicans were able to accomplish in 4 years. Dup will never be able to deport them all now. It's a pipe dream.
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>>153773One new psyop for week now.
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Bro Sanchez, the smartest black American aka the Joe Rogan from the black community showed once again how stupid the cumskins are!
Just use seawater to deal with the fires!
Oh, the real truth is that if they use seawater to put out the fires they'll prove that the Earth is flat!
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Lights falling from the sky and causing fires. And now we also have this, supposedly China hacked the electrical distribution stations in several cities.
>>153782I'm fucking retarded, but wouldn't the salt destroy the soil?
>>153822In the long-run, yes
Niggers are dumb
>>153822I said he was the smartest black man in America. Not that that means anything.
>>153822Most of the soil in a city for plants is brought in anyway but it would wreck havoc on the infrastructure through corrosion. In that sense might as well let it burn.
Places that salt their roads during winter the bridges and civil engineering is designed to deal with it or be easy to repair.
>>153829Bro Sanchez won once again.
>>153777Burned acrage is at a historic low
>>153845The freedom city that trump and co will be built on top of it will make sure no trace will ever be found and this catastrophy nor any other will be smeared with conspiracy rumors.
>>153941It will be more polarizazion and bread and circus, people will by default go to the sympathy camp and not rationally analyze anthing but offer sympathies and condolences instead of solutions and then forget about it.
Meanwhile the satanic technocrats plan will proceed as usual without a hitch, people will be busy meming over the internet while more control measures will be deployed behind the scenes and the narritive will advance unhinered.
The reason this is happening is that California is one of the few places Jesus didn't set foot in while he was alive.
>>154123Along with the rest of America yets burgers tend to be the most annoying and radical of christians that have done great harm to the image of the religion
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>>154164>Spends friday nights doing family activities and converting dead people with their familieslel
>>154202The new one is right next to an Air Force base and it's almost as big as the Palisades fire.
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>>154202That's nothing compared to the flames these good liberals are dealing with 24/7 on their socials