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The US Supreme Court has upheld a law that bans TikTok nationwide unless its China-based parent company ByteDance sells the platform by this Sunday.



>The Chinese can't spy on Americans. That's (((our))) job!


There is literally nothing Tiktok offers that hasn't been duplicated on other platforms. Why is this so difficult for zoomers and alphas?


a million reasons. Brand loyalty. familiarity. A sense of ownership ie it's not infested with old people, the fact that the most brown and gay generation actually kind of like, sympathize and even wish to be more like godless chinks. Authority is telling them it's bad so they're going to dig in their heels more.
godless chinks are not your friend, no matter how much we hate the lizard people from the hexagon on Saturn. The gooks are doing a better job of nuking retarded kids minds than the kikes ever could. Hopefully next the burgers ban faceberg, twitter and all other kinds of artificial social interactions. I'm aware they won't, they need those nudes and all your dirty secrets


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>The gooks are doing a better job of nuking retarded kids minds than the kikes ever could.
The brainrot isn't the issue, it's messaging about the jewish problem that has spread like wildfire on Tiktok during the Israel-Hamas war that prompted ZOG to ban it.


two things can be true at once. Kikes can be loosing their minds that the chinks are letting the goyim talk about kikery. It is also true that godless chinks are trying to fuck up the country they see as their enemy.


You are a bunch of uninformed boomers tiktok is the best place online to meet trad girls and where it is allowed to talk about taboo subjects including the Illuminati and that is why they are banning the site Nick Fuentes is right about Trump


>Nick Fuentes is right about Trump
What did he say?


The closet homo manlet said a lot of things about Dup. I imagine he was referring to Dup being prepared to do more favors for the Jews during this second term.


>that is why they are banning the site
this tbqh
(((they))) only decided to ban tiktok once tiktok became anti-israel, there's a reason the ban was ultimately pushed by bidup despite dup being the one to initially propose it


We're not going to lie, TikTok sucks, like everything else on the internet these days, but over the last few years it's gone from being a Tumblr tier site to a place where some people They could make jokes with each other and from what I know they had some JQ moments.
They wanted to ban the site years ago but didn't. The timing is really strange. Isn't one of the reasons they wanted to ban it about China? Or have all these Boomers and other fags forgotten about that?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


tbh ban smartphones and social media and watch as pedos erupt in demonic rage as they can no longer satiate their lust for child's flesh.


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Do you honestly care if some pedos are looking at public domain legal images of children that keep them straight?


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>he doesn't remember Stickam


The best part about Stickam was the aesthetic of the girls. They were mostly scene, and played White people music. Now all the girls on Tiktok dance to nigger music. Maybe the ban is a good thing. The app was too cucked, even for zog.



This sounds crazy but there was a quaint homeliness about the Stickam days. 2008 in hindsight feels so much better than now in every way, and I remember Silent Gen dooming about Obama. They weren't wrong but no one realized truly how bad it was going to get.





There was a surge of mudsharking during the Obama years for sure. I've heard stories from my local high school that would make your hair stand on end. But the Tiktok years were truly a sick time, you would think almost all young White girls were going black exclusively with how they behaved on there. I think Dup should keep the ban in place, it's time to turn the page.


a lot of niggas ain't pullin' out tonight


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>dup's first 'Constitutional Crisis' is over shortform ADHD chinkslop app
This is absolutely hilarious that they're just ignoring a LAW that was reaffirmed by SCROTUS based on a dup promise which he truly lacks the authority to back up.



>This is absolutely hilarious that they're just ignoring a LAW that was reaffirmed by SCROTUS based on a dup promise which he truly lacks the authority to back up.
It's the President's prerogative to direct his justice department to not enforce a law. What do you call this immigration fiasco? Joe Biden has been flouting immigration laws for four years.


>he (President) shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed
both dup and bidup are unconstitutional shitheads per Article II Section 3…
Although it's probably a quaint assessment at this point.

In any event, I'm kinda jazzed that ChinkByte didn't even bother to chill for 48hrs before dragging their ass across Congress and SCOTUS's lawful mandate,lmao.


Amerimutts would rather be spied upon by the chicoms than give up their mudshark negrophilia app.


dup btfo
dup whines about china all the time and when he finally has a chance to btfo the chinks he backpeddles hard for them, embarrassing.


Honestly in a way its good because zoomers can at least post their anti-kike shit on the platform. The brainrot on a chink platform vs amerimutt platform makes no difference.


Can China just make Canada their colony already?


I'm emojitroon

I'm a pedo

I'm gay too but not really


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Just want to point out that tiktoks "algorithm" pushes you to the top if your are black and or brown hence why all these unfunny dumb niggers got popular out of nowhere and that ugly nigger is the most subscribed not a futbol player or a hot girl but some dumb nigger with a shootable face. The whole tiktok app from the get go was always a giant chink psyop to push anti-White messages.


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There was videos of White girls proving it was pushing black men on their tiktok algorithm even they just watched makeup tutorials when they made account if they were White , while if they uploaded themselves as asian girls all they got was recipes basically, some tech bro looked at the metadata and it was pushing black men on White women when he tested it with a 100 accounts despite there be no searches or relations to it even regionally and no trends especially if there was less clothes so they were getting shirtless fat niggers too. Same thing with the comment section. It was also just pushing blacks in general.


Can you talk like a white adult male instead of a spic zoomer?


The main function of big social platforms is censorship, their userbases want the american firewall, because it's easier to have someone else remove undesirable information for you, and chinabugs deserve to be nuked


The main function is social control and structuring, censorship is only a tool for that.
You should think before you post.
Also reminder that cia, nsa and dod monotired and manipulated all communications in america, the tiktok thing is a deliberate allowed action perpetrated by american authorities.

This whole social media hype that we have now was built up when facebook and co came along, its all there to control you.


Checked and correct. It's a weapon used to sow discord in the west between Whites and the endless amounts of browns the western females and rootless kikes let in over the last 50 years.
Yes. The app is ground zero for Floydian riots or pro-sandnigger sentiment. It's used to gas up all the uppity darkies every time a scholar gets goodified or the blood thirsty shylocks level a Palestinian neighborhood.

Again, allow me to reiterate for our groyper and adjacent friends; It is good that NigNog lets you talk about the coin clippers in a negative tone. It is good that you can share information about warmongering kikes to the masses. However, every other thing about the app is actually terrible and a weapon used against you to work you and other retarded niggers up into social unrest. Just because you can do one thing you like on it doesn't make it overall good. THERE IS NO GOOD SOCIAL MEDIA. THERE IS NO GOOD ELECTRONIC INTERACTIONS. GET OFF ALL OF THEM, WETHER OWNED BY SOME GOOK OR SOME JEW. GO OUTSIDE AND ACTUALLY TALK TO PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE.


Nigger, you know no one's capable of doing that now. You have people who've lived in their neighborhoods for 20+ years that don't know their neighbors and never bothered to learn. Most people just want to keep to themselves and not be under the mercy of some Stepford wives styled-cuntoids who think they run the neighborhood.


I guess that's the fight of our age; to maybe join a church group or an archery club or something and not be henpecked by stupid cunts. But I'm not going to give up, I don't think you should either because not everything is overrun by lesbians, even if that's what (((social media))) would have you believe.
also, there is a kryptonite for these loud angry dykes; you say "sure, whatever" and then ignore her and keep doing what you're doing. It turns out what these bitches want is constant attention.
> You have people who've lived in their neighborhoods for 20+ years that don't know their neighbors and never bothered to learn
Perhaps; PERHAPS it's time to say "Hi neighbor, I'm Gahoole and I've never introduced myself" to said neighbors. The best time to start improving your situation is today. You don't have to instantly become the head of a giant social network; you just need to start saying "hello" more.
>Most people just want to keep to themselves
and yet they've never been more miserable and alone. Maybe that's not what they want. Maybe they're just scared of obnoxious lesbians, explosively emotional sheboons and axe-to-grind brown people.


lol, lmao even. That works for actual humans, not for the absolute subhumans that post on the webring. Just imagine some pasty white balding neckbeard or obese spic actually trying to talk to someone like it's their prerogative fucking lol.


oh man, that sucks. are you ok? wanna talk about it?


I do talk to people whom I do business with. As far as women, you're never gonna get a chance with the 10/10s you see on Instagram IRL.


Trump won and the gen z belong to God. Deal with that, tranny.


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Yeah the chinese one


>you're never gonna get a chance with the 10/10s you see on Instagram IRL.
The point I'm more so saying is that you want to try to get in with a community of somewhat likeminded Whites. Having a foid is nice and all, but the hour is late and it's time to focus on more pressing issues than landing some babe. I think the best the 10 of us that post here (and the 7 of us that aren't retarded cp spamming trannies) is probably a 6, and there's nothing wrong with that; we're all (except the cp posting trannies) 6's.


Not such thing as chinese gods.


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idk South Park made Jesus look pretty badass with that Black Hawk Down Christmas episode.
Maybe don't get your opinion from brownoids who think fictional works will affect real life. Their low IQ makes them impulsive it's why arabs have to have their women covered head to toe.


Correct, but people still refuse to see that your own ZOGman policymakers and big corpos have done way more harm to society than the bugmen ever will. The chinks at best are only copying subversion tactics that alphabets and hooknoses have already entrenched America in since the 60s. What most likely happened is that America wanted to outsource its spying to China and is now seething because China does want to do that shit, but for its own benefit.


Your right, however none of this give the chinks a pass for being subversive nation wrecking ants. Copying kikery and doing it at a 85% percent subversion rate is still horrible and is only compounding the already galactic amounts of kikery. It will take untold amount of time and effort to undo the judaic curse on America, and this is absolutely a big problem that needs attention; you don't need to invite a feral animal into your house in order to try and kill another feral animal.


>the chinese control hollywood
Yes, all those slant eyes with names ending in 'berg' or 'stein.'

It's been a long time since I watched South Park so correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember them ever making fun of Jesus in a malicious way. The worst I can remember is the episode where he couldn't beat Satan in a boxing match.


>ZOGman policymakers and big corpos
I don't recognize any practical distinction between them.

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