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/lit/ - Literature and Writing

Fiction and Non-fiction
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Alright folks everyone here's probably seen/heard/read about tribulations Gahoole's gone through so I figured now's as good a time as any to thingify up and quorum as to the future of the board.

/lit/'s activity has stabilized to a level that's quite preferable for BO like myself (p. quiet moast ov time, long stretches between replies, general solid contributive effort and poast quality overall as consequence) and the only thing I would personally like to change about that is curating literary werks frum board populace to distribute accordingly to masses/uninitiated/non-littified lachrymose lackolytes ov smellin wat the rock's cookin.

This is why I am announcing the launch of the /LIT/TYZEN'S FEUILLETON - a conglomerated selection ov /lit/ty submissions and quality poasts frum the board published every 4 months ean stripped down, minimalist format focusean awn text transmitted, gnawt impetuousness acquitted by niftiness oar committed 2 obsequious butterbawlean ov present day curator (aka ur cicisbeo BO, mie %^> )

Potential (perpetuity'd) pieces for the /LIT/TYZEN'S FEUILLETON include:

- Excerpts from current standing of the "/lit/ writes a novel thread"
- Excerpts from any recent progress on a /lit/ board project
- Board defining poasts or threads, transcribed in their entirety/includean relevant image poastings
- Anything you desire to transmit to [email protected] that passes behe/lit/ty /lit/muster test

The plan is to have a larger, free-wheeling document snapshotting poastings/contributions @ the time of inception as opposed 2 focused sifting for "literary" logorrhea value OR holistic proprietorship of literary media proffered 2 public - feel free to submit werks u would submit 2 other places or have submitted before.

If anyone has requests/complaints/critiques about the board/the mag/etc., poast'm here. More information will be coming sewn about deadlines for first issue but eye'd want it aot there by January 2021 @ latest.


Jesus fucking christ, why is the only /lit/ on the webring had to be on this reddit trash heap of a node.




Make some high quality posts then, fuccboi


Hi drunk /lit/ mod I was thinking we could do a book club akin to the film club. Have categories maybe bi-weekly or monthly and noms and then we can discuss whatever. A link to the ebook would be preferable? Do you think we could do this


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book klub's 100% alright for /lit/ but I'd prefer >we get a show of at least 4-5 dedicated people before all-in committing to plotting out a couple of months/a year's worth of categories and recommendations and I don't have severe inclination to run it awl myself (given writtan eye do and other readings, etc.) If someone wants to rev up a thread I'll sticky it, otherwise if we get level of response to justify here I'll start it up myself.


I'd be down to try (as long as the books are kept on the shorter side), but I'm not sure if anyone is even checking this board regularly beside me, you, and that other guy.


too soon

yes that's right 2-3 people on this board and in reality 1 person will read the book. the webring is pretty brainlet tier tbh.


I made a thread, I could also run it


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aight cholos n trollops ya skolop sklop'd BO's baque w/ sum Ps n Qs baot hao 2 format the feuilleton/wat ppl wud prefer 4 legibility's sake baot organization ov werk wittin:

- References to board poasts eancluded ean the feuilleton will list authors by tvch.moe/lit/ poast # url - dis permits readers 2 locate said poast ean broader context wile awlsoe maintainean anonymity 2 functional degree n locatean poasts ean history ov threads overall. r poasters okay w/ this as regular procedure moving forward ean2 future publications?
- given this iz a feuilleton and not a zine/fag "literary magazine" oar w/e im considerean standardizing the internal formattean and havean the differences reside ean the inside cover image onlee + w/e images r marbled ean2 ne articles included ean the feuilleton. iz dis acceptable standard 4 a /lit/ty board such az diz 1?
- should a colophon b incorporated ean2 the feuilleton document, oar just poasted as updated ean poasts made awn general feuilleton thread?
- dew ppl want an option 2 "opt-aot" of havean a potential poast b eanclewdid ean duh feuilleton? lyk capstonean poast w/ "NON-FEUIL" oar havin that ean topic line? wud presume ppl r phien w/ aggregation ov /lit/ty content dat'll nevur b sold 4 ne amount ov gualla proliferatean their poasts but lmk eef diz iz a necessity 4 skittish and/or reticent poasters

Once again eef ne1 has articles/stories/poems and ne n awl uddur forms ov writing (includean but gnawt limited 2: music compositions, recipes, RPG modules, etc.) one can email [email protected] w/ their submissions. plz lmk eef u want 2 b credited, bie wat moniker eef soe, and ne formattean considerations u want prioritized ean body general

eye'll unsticky diz thread ean abaot a week oar soe im p. shore since i can awlwaies bump eet + it might transmogrify ean2 the feuilleton premiere thread eventually 2 redewce board cluttur

keep sargin' on, arsonigs >%^)


Don't miss these limericks from Anyaposter


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snagged'm auwp, tanks 4 the tippo frendippo %^>


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aight eye noe eye gaeve yaw'll the gavel's galvaudevillian goe-araond awn unstickyean duh thred but eye PRAWMISC dis'll b last week den it returns 2 dustbin ov sullied regbump bupkus bumpkin land %^<

giving an upd8 awn THE /LIT/TYZEN'S FEUILLETON 4 those interested - about 60 pages-ish in w/ current submissions/harvest aot the present poasts awn board n am still waitin awn hearin back from 4-5 ppl baot their submissions. da biggur da bettur 4 incipient weadhurs soe if you have anything ur willin 2 put forward 2 represent the /lit/tyest board known 2 man contact [email protected] w/ ur exposes n gazettish gazeallotry POSTHASTE since bie the end ov da month eye'm lookin 2 have a deadline (ean reality diz will prolly b the 1st soft 1 %^x but aim high and alight w/ w/e arc comes w/ time iz mie practical methodology soe w/e)

PLEASE NOTE THAT IF YOU DO NOT WANT UR POSTS ON THIS BOARD INCORPORATED EAN2 THE FEUILLETON VIA FUTURE PUBLICATIONS, MARK THEM AS "NF" IN THE NAME OR SUBJECT FIELD OR INDICATE EARLY/LATE IN THE BODY OF YOUR TEXT YOU DO NOT DESIRE GOING TO PRINT! i'll b subsumin the above into the board intro soe ppl noe baot forked flier furtherance ov poasts hurr ean general but since we onlee rly gawt a coupla die-hard niggas awn reg eet'll b fine mentioned hurr initially imo

tanks 4 soldierin alawng w/ da rest ov us as we attempt 2 solder a dulcet, non-polyesteryear-poseur selvedge 2 the welcomin ov a nu dawn ov /lit/ty %^D o7


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