[Options] Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America.
Do not engage in posts that would encourage illegal content to be posted.
No fedposting (instigating or engaging in behavior that skirts the line of legality and encourages others to do the same)
Violation of the above rules will result in a permanent ban from the site. In the case of fedposting since this is a complex issue a discussion between mod staff and users can happen in regards to that rule only to reduce to a temporary ban/lift.
No spam of any kind (except the canned food IF you grill it) Excessive spam will result in a 30 day ban
Keep threads on topic to the board they are associated with. Exception is /dunk/. off topic threads will be deleted
Do not derail threads outside of normal conversational flow specifically using the tactics below
-Boogeyman/Namecalling (i.e. nuzach, balvinfag, ramoncoon etc)
-Meta complaints about other users and/or the state of the board (complaints about mods are allowed as long as it does not fully derail thread)
-Excessively off topic content from the OP
Violating derailment rule will result in a 1 hour ban on first offense, 1 day on second, and 7 day on third
Porn or Nudity of any kind must be spoilered. Unspoilered porn will be spoilered/deleted at mod discretion. Threads dedicated to Porn are not allowed on any board. /dunk/ has lighter rules on this.
Board Owners may create their own rules applicable only on their board. If you wish to host a board on tvch please email admin@tvch.moe
Ban evasion will result in a ban being applied of the same length plus one day
If you have been incorrectly banned please appeal, and/or contact me via email admin@tvch.moe
Questions and requests can be emailed to admin@tvch.moe