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Surely you guys must've heard about it by now, right?
I'm not sure what to think. Do I have worms? How would I know? The symptoms are blah blah blah tiredness, itchy asshole, etc.
Who doesn't have that?

Anyways, this is a general thread for worms/parasites/etc.
I think I'll try to eat 3 garlic cloves in the morning with a flat teaspoon of turmeric powder in hot water after supper.
I've heard anons start to shit worms after about 7 days of doing this.


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>Without headaches or nausea


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ah shit they know that I know


You tried it?


Since my teens years I'm very worried about worms and I usually take the pills ever six months, or more if I rim some femboy or eat some pussy.


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All you need is niacin.


Wormwood is a well known poison, you can use it to alleviate some illnesses but it hits like a rock


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Why don't they call it wormwouldn't


t. worm


Wormwood is a well-known dewormer though.


The easiest and most straight forward way I found to achieve enlightenment is to kill all the nasty parasites inside your body.
The Buddha and Jesus both fasted for about 40 days to deprive the parasites of any food and starve them. However this method is dangerous and can kill you.
Fortunately, there's a much more efficient method that I've personally found that works much better.

First, change your diet. Avoid carbohydrates, gluten, and processed sugar as much as possible. If you want a sweetener to use, use honey (preferably unpasteurized). Eat vegetables and NEVER eat undercooked or raw meat.

Second, do a parasite cleanse. There are two methods that I found extremely helpful. The first being Dr. Jennifer Daniel's Turpentine protocol (remember to use ONLY PURE GUM SPIRITS turpentine). This is extremely effective for killing brain protozoa like toxoplasmosis and the like.
The second method I found extremely effective is an herbal enema (yes, this means you'll have to shove a water hose up your ass). This method is MUCH more effective than making a tea and goes directly into your organs and bloodstream, where the parasites live and feast.
My personal concoction that I've found extremely effective is as follows:
1 pot of water
1 tablespoon of Himalayan pink salt
1 tablespoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon of shredded sage
1 tablespoon of powdered cloves
1 teaspoon of turmeric
1 tablespoon of garlic powder OR garlic juice
1 half pot of coffee
1 whole lemon
Bring the mixture to ALMOST A BOIL and strain it into a bowl. Wait for it to cool until it's lukewarm, squeeze the lemon juice into the mixture, then strain it AGAIN into the enema bag. After you do the enema walk around for about 10-20 minutes, then poop into a plastic bucket. You will be SHOCKED how many worms come out of you.

Third, Listen to 741hz.

Fourth, do kundalini awakening meditation. This requires you to retain your semen for AT LEAST 2 weeks.

Do your own research on this topic
Good Luck and Namaste.

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