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File: 1722474084495.jpg (114 KB, 720x943, 720:943, 1722472426797235.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


uhhh…. litty sisters?


The Army shouldn't be in the business of paying celebrities millions of dollars for their endorsement.


LMAO, the rock laying the smackdown on recruitment numbers
Enlistments just hit rock bottom, bah gawd


How could they possibly say that with any certainty? Unless the entire US Army did not have a single recruit enlisting in 2024.

I know a lot of people are waking up to the fact that they're fighting for Israel and not the United States of America but not ZERO fucking recruits level of happening.


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>Pay a fake faggy shitskin tough guy pedo to advertise

Instead of you know making the military Pro-White you know the actual people who made the military. Every military is just becoming filled with retarded shitskins and beaners.


gahoole's fanboy status: obliterated

4 rizzle, what do they mean by getting their money back? they paid for a service. they got the service. you can't just get your money back because nobody liked the service. maybe instead of blaming the rock you should be looking at the reasons why nobody wants to join the army


>How could they possibly say that with any certainty?
They have direct access to social media accounts of everybody who ever saw anything related to this specific recruitment campaign. During the recruiting process they have access to all private personal data. How more certain can you get that all recent recruits never saw or heard of the Rock promotion.

Happens all the time for influencers, they get bonuses and penalties depending on their performance.


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the most fucked up thing, when you think about this, is that we, the american tax-paying population, not only paid out millions to litty for no reason but also paid the wages for the retards who came up with this stupid plan, and will continue to pay their wages and pensions for decades


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At this point they should focus on superliminal add campaigns.


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You do realize the US military is just welfare now. Thank God chinks will always be dumb soyboy bugs retards that are now copying the US with shitskins. The russmutts are apparently also retarded bringing in shitskins and using fake equipment. The rest of the subhuman browns are just inbred cowards that can't afford ammo.


When did this deal even happen? Where were the advertisements? The only army advertisements I have fucking seen lately are ones showing off girls being in like car repair places and then flashback to them working on a tank in the army. Did they do advertisements during the UFL?? In which case that's not "with the rock" that's just a company he is a part of and if he wasn't in the ads himself why even mention that? Just seems fucking retarded and maybe biden trying to bite back at dwayne for not endorsing him this run around.


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My son is 17 and we have Rock movie night every Friday (this week is Rampage), and he was actually inspired by the Rocks Big Rock Energy and the Anoa'i family spirit to join the military and serve our nation. The other day he looked at me tearfully and said he doesn't think he has it in him to serve anymore like The Rock did in the Teremana Wars. I sat him down in front of our Dwayne portrait that reminds us to keep His littyness in our hearts at all times, to ask why he would deny the raunchy gifts he was given. He looked me straight in the eye and said "Dad, after Biden dropped out of the race for reasons unknown, I don't think I can be in the military any more since it will be Drumpf's racist fascist colonialist LGBTQIATS+ exclusionary militia, just like the January 6th insurrection…".

I was so ready to throw my well worn copy of Central Intelligence at him, but you know what? He was right. Rock bless him.


> we, the american tax-paying population, not only paid out millions
except you don't. It's all from money printed by the fed out of thin air. Taxes haven't been enough to fund government spending since before you were born. Heck, pretty soon it won't be enough to cover the interest payments on government debt.


This. Even the national debts between trade countries are basically just fake money that never existed. It's the real reason why the world's economy is stagnating: none of the biggest players actually have any real money.


Should have gone with Vin Diesel

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