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Do these actually contribute anything or is it just pure self-indulgence?


>Add myself into the movie
>my character is getting cucked by a nigger
What was his endgame?


He wanted to say the N word. Sometimes you have to do degrading things to get what you want.


Super cringe, its implied he is gonna kill her and the nog tho.


It was the 70s. He already had an n-word pass


At least in this case it wasn't the original plan. The actor intended for this scene didn't show up so Scorcese just did it himself.


File: 1722848609837.mp4 (2.41 MB, 640x352, 20:11, sender.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

depends on the director involved


Well yeah, if you're gonna lay down those big Ns, you can't leave any witnesses.


Tarantino when he gets clipped in Reservoir Dogs.

After coming up with welfare for all nagging niggers, it was all good for now.


Why is there a Cronenberg cameo in everything? Doesn't he have movies to direct?


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>Tarantino when he gets clipped in Reservoir Dogs.
That's not even his best one.


Considering that Scorcese was once up all night with a loaded gun ready to kill the producer that wanted to make more cuts in the movie, he was surely the right guy for this scene.


I agree, really shitty scene in a already overrated flick.

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