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File: 1725172618691.jpg (32.38 KB, 433x399, 433:399, ss3donscreen_0.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>only 14 3D films coming out this year
>almost all kiddie and capeshit

What's behind the declining interest in 3D? The tech is better than ever.



>>almost all kiddie and capeshit
was always like that



3D is kinda dead, barely anyone used the gimmik even in vidya games when that was the entire gimmik.


You may recall they were even coming out with 3D smartphones where you didn't need glasses like the Nintendo 3DS. I always thought that stuff was neat, I don't get why it was abandoned.


Cause it hurt your eyes.
t. 3DS user from back in the day


Did it hurt if you played like for a long time, or does it hurt right away?


Not that guy, but I gives you headaches after 15 min


15-20 was about right.


You're an idiot if you still go to the cinema to watch slops. The only reason to go to a movie theater these days is if they're showing a classic or is it an event as special as The Joker.


Joker is just edgy capesoy.


3D never added anything to the experience for me. What is it even supposed to accomplish? It never made me feel more immersed or like I was really in the scene because if I was there, I wouldn't be just sitting in a smelly chair and quietly staring at everyone.


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>colour never added anything to the experience for me
>voice never added anything to the experience for me


People realized it was a stupid fucking gimmick, just like the dozen other times it was pushed on people.


File: 1725484449855.png (845.39 KB, 608x906, 304:453, kindaichi fumi.png) ImgOps iqdb

this semiunironically


Manga is kino


Apples and bananas.


Apples won't give me radiation poisoning

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