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Are there any other movies that seriously try to say, or at least imply, that the mainstream, orthodox scholarly consensus™ of a historical event is wrong?


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If you read the book it basically implies jesus never died and had children, which is true, catholic cucks have tried to suppress the messianic bloodline since the 1st century


Leftist commie cuck movie.


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Ready to UNnazify history?


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We have very little information about a historical Jesus if there even was one at all.
The Birth of a Nation comes across that way in retrospect, but that's because the Dunning-style historiography became verboten in academia when the Civil Rights™ agenda became the order of the day and its supporters in academia and the media stifled dissenting views. You used to have Northerners recognizing how hard the South had gotten shafted, but now that's not really the case at all. Southerners come across like they've got Stockholm Syndrome, and you even see vocally anti-"Yankee" ones bitching about how Northerners are bad because they don't love niggers the way true Southerners do. They've really had a number done on them over the generations.


You're talking about a mongrelized biomass of kikery. North and South Sadly isn't what it used to be. The South literally does not exist anymore in any way, and the North has reduced itself to pure suicidal negrophilia.
Forget about it.


>We have very little information about a historical Jesus
Sure thing, Chaim


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>The South literally does not exist anymore in any way
How much of that is due to the downfall of the planter class and the borderers becoming the more culturally dominant group after the war? It's pretty sad considering the Southern orientation the U.S. had in its early days. George Washington even looked down on New Englanders early into the Revolution. He thought they were just a bunch of drunks.
>and the North has reduced itself to pure suicidal negrophilia.
Not to necessarily shit on Ellis Islanders, but the Old Stock was already in decline in the Northeast by the early 20th century. The Midwest was settled later and hit its peak relevance around that time, but the Great Lakes region basically ended up consigning itself to hicklib lackeydom toward the Northeastern ruling class that tends to look down on them. Golemhood is everywhere.
>you must be a Jew if you have any doubt about the King of the Jews
Think before you post.


Jews hate Jesus and rejected the notion that he was King of the Jews.


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Jesus is a Jewish character, and Christianity is an outgrowth of Judaism. Owning the Jews by revering some supposed rabbi from 2,000 years ago makes no sense.


Christianity became sort of reverse-subverted by European Pagan values during medieval times, this was sadly undone by the reformation. However, at this point when society is collapsing all forms of Christianity return to their rebel rousing origins, there is no reason to be a christcuck in the year 2024. Europeans were successful in spite of a jewish rabbi, not because of him.


Christianity was subverted by pagan values the moment the Roman emperor adopted it.

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