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What was the greatest negro sitcom?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The Fosters? With a young Sadoc Burrows.


And the bodycams where niggers are killed or maimed.


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Where niggers nig around doing nigger things like being a subhuman nigger?


Cops sucks. The episodes are curated to show more White criminals. Body cams on YouTube can be good.


Fresh Prince is the only one I've wasted any time watching


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Only saw fresh prince, it was alright. Alfonso Ribero is an honorary white.


He ruined America's Funniest Home Videos for me.


I watched a lot of Family Matters as a kid. I have a feeling I might not enjoy it as much now though.


When I was a kid, I thought Urkel was a funny guy, but I never watched more than a couple of episodes because it was all black people.


I can't even tell if that's a nigger or a pajeet.


Its Sanford & Son for me


As a millennial, I grew up watching these shows. They taught me several valuable lessons about the importance of family and how delicious black men are.


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These were decent, two rowdy and retarded (realistic) chicago youths with tons of luck and an uppity negroe puppet staying with a struggling black family trying to do good but always succumbing to niggardly situations, usually thanks to his cotton-picking antics.


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I guess Cory in the White Ass House because of the memes that tried to overhype everyone just to spite weaboos.

>Kenal and Kel
Curse Encyclopedia Dramatica for reminding me of a forgotten furfag comic in which its cartoonist got harassed off the internet
>Puppet negro
Is this one of those shows that left out so many unanswered questions? Like why treating the puppet as a human or how the hell did it gain life on its own?


Stop posting Emptyhero dox


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No, Cory in the house isn't black enough.


>forgotten furfag comic in which its cartoonist got harassed off the internet
>left out so many unanswered questions?
I keep hearing about its strange ending but i don't recall anything weird about it, other than the puppet himself and episodes ending in cliffhangers sometimes.
>treating the puppet as a human or how the hell did it gain life on its own
IIRC he's treated just like any other nigger, just very short and somewhat lazy. Half the jokes are him not assing himself to walk somewhere and being a midget, that's why i kinda liked it, feels like a young Coleman being sassy but also getting the short end of the stick without actually hurting some actor's feelings.

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