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File: 1730954170691.png (1.02 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb


They're still talking about the death of that squirrel. Where was the outcry when Larry Steve was murdered?


They're still talking about Peanut because of the timing and how it may have affected the election by reminding people of the tyranny of the state.


>tyranny of the state bad but only if dup is in office
>even if bidup was just dup 2.0 at least he wasn't orange man
These people are the problem


Americans understand you're more likely to have a Peanut situation, where they send a dozen zogbots to throw you out of your house so they can ransack it and blackbag your pet, with Democrat bureaucracy and pilpul about animal ownership laws.


His death was a satanist ritual


>t. Faceberg boomer


File: 1730967689866.jpeg (30.33 KB, 715x429, 5:3, racooon.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Why does everyone forget the raccoon that was also killed? Coon lives matter.


Why are zogbots obsessed with killing cute animals?


People aren't as sympathetic about Fred because raccoons have a bad rap. Squirrels are pretty harmless.


Jews have never liked pets, except for niggers and evangelicals.


why do you think? the government is evil. the government is communist. Especially in new york.


Jesus was an anarchist

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