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What made people see caricatures as role models? People in the past knew that characters like Falstaff were meant to be objects of ridicule. They didn't want to follow his example. Yet in recent times, you have entire generations of males who saw dumb, lazy, hedonistic sitcom dads as the template for everything they're expected to be as men. What caused this? I don't think it was intentional. I think early examples of this type of character, like Ralph from the Honeymooners, were also meant to be objects of ridicule in the tradition of John Falstaff. But somehow, audiences began seeing these types of characters as role models. What happened?


The divorce craze led to a lot of young boys growing up without a father figure, so they filled the void with the men from the electric jew.


Parental neglect. Boomers ruined their own children by ignoring them, then ignored them twice over by sitting them in front of the television. Everything always goes back to how boomers were total pieces of shit and how the Jews exploited that.


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Not to mention boomers behave like overgrown toddlers and pushed for liberalism because they're that easy to manipulate with emotions, however the ones who are still alive are reaping what they sow and now they're urging through trashcans due to their failed ideologies.


Boomers were also victims of tv parenting. Blame the "greatest" generation.


That's a fair point, the "greatest" fucked everything up by being total retards and believing they had saved the world from evil. They didn't think they had to put in the work anymore and trusted the government to do it for them. Truly, the end of WWII marked the end of civilization.


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The one that fascinates me is the Lost Generation. These were people who were raised on promises of an optimistic future where science and reason would lead mankind to previously unthinkable heights, where war, oppression, and brutality would vanish. Instead they lived to see:
>World War I
>the Spanish Flu
>the rise of Communism and its associated atrocities
>the Great Depression
>World War II
>the advent of nuclear weapons
>the Cold War and its associated wars and shenanigans
>the advent of literal mind control
>the toppling of the social order they had always known and the desecration of everything they held to be sacred, beginning in the 1910s and coming to a head in the 1960s
It's amazing they didn't all lose their minds. I don't think even the last generation of the Roman Empire lived through so much trauma.


Before globohomo i would say these gen categories are U.S. centric, someone who was promised "an optimistic future where science and reason would lead mankind" already saw behind the veil in a couple of wars before WWI when some industrial forays were already present like the balkan wars or the skirmishes of the 1880's.
And to be fair some people were living like the "silent generation" in rural parts all over the world.
Globohomo did homogenize everything but the most fucked up of rural places and that's still debatable due to mobile phones and remote internet access. The only difference is culture of parents before that and war. In that regard some slav who grew in the mid-90's is much more jaded and cautious than an american gen X despite the latter being the stereotypical bad-tempered angsty person.


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>People in the past knew that characters like Falstaff were meant to be objects of ridicule.
Suffah Henry, I made you bish! Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world bish, whatchu think bout that? King Henry? More like King Dicksucker


>It's amazing they didn't all lose their minds.
I'd argue that they clearly did, they fell into the deepest of delusions that went on to be passed down the generations as psychological damage.


Some of them maybe, but many, at least in America, were quite realistic about what was going on. They were very bitter about WWI, and they viewed the ideals behind Wilson's crusade with extreme cynicism. They were also adamantly opposed America's entry into WWII. That's why FDR provoked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. There was no other way to get the public to support the war.
I'm not saying attacking Pearl Harbor wasn't idiotic on the part of the Japanese, but FDR knew how they would react to his sanctions.

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