That is a boy
>>348053this is awesome, the niggercattle are demanding she get arrested for being naked
ye is truly a visionary
>>348057All the porn we "need" has already been made
What reason is there really for there to be any new porn?
Porn is not only exploitative but there is an unviable oversupply of it.
It can be argued that anybody who pays for porn or encourages the fortunes of new pornographers directly is unethical.
So why is new porn made? Every possible configuration of male, female, every practicable act is depicted, every body type, every ethnicity in every combination.
Who does new porn serve? Most people don't make much money from it and it is mostly free
>>348059To the birthing ward with a white baby in her tummy, yes.
>>348058Jew York almost looks like a place you could visit now. Almost.
>>348055Only men get arrested for indecent exposure, women are allowed to be pedophiles.
>>348069>>348072PAWG ass nigger loving dago!
Why is he wearing eye protection? Isn't this night?
Why are Americans like this?
>>348090The bitch is a terrone.
>>348072Do you have any others uncensored?
>>348092From Australia, and lives in the USA
lol the jews really fucked kanyes brain with drugs.
>>348099Perfect, we have a better view of her pussy here, in the other one her legs were closer together. She has a nice pussy for a 30-year-old.
Why weren't they immediately led out?
>>348106They wanted to give everyone a chance to see that fine piece of ass, and for the photographers to take some pics, but they were led out eventually.
>>348108It's almost hard to believe on a 30-year-old who takes black dicks on the reg, probably labiaplasty and definitely a Hollywood wax.
>>348053 (OP)
>>348099>>348111This the same nigger that got mind broken and cucked by a Big White Cock. That his long time assistant and security said kanye and jayz were getting buck broken along with all the other black entertainers including Denzel. And had a tall Blonde "nazi" with a chest swastika tattoo breaking his new wife Bianca in half in Germany and Italy flying him out to nyc and making his assistant film while Kanye praised Hitler in the background wear a nazi tshirt. And that beyonce literally seeks out rednecks/cowboys for gangbangs and started dressing country after going missing for a month and bought some White Man a ranch in Wyoming she went missing with.
>"My wife is out here f-ing a white boy with a 10-inch penis! And you won't help me!" Charlamagne recalled Ye shouting on the phone call. "You're telling me that's your friend? When you're supposed to be culture?" the video
Its the new era of the Big White Cock.
>>348113Beyonce doing this country routine is nothing more than a psyop to get country girls to look up to her and burn coal.
>>348067>>348068>>348069RIGHT ON
>>348113Pete is a jewish choc and Beyonce is doing a show to sidestep The Diddler's accusations and enrich the country scene
>>348113All famous niggers get buck broken by jews to get to where they are.
Still butthurt with the buckbreaking meme, Jewzach?
>>348115That might be true too but beyonce does worship Big White Cock she dyed her hair to please the White Man. Buying her White daddy a 10 million dollar ranch says a lot.
>>348117Quarter but, that didn't stop him from telling kanye he stretched out kim k with his Big White Cock that kanye posted the text.
>>348134>beyonce does worship Big White Cock she dyed her hair to please the White ManShe straightened and dyed her hair blonde to psyop White girls into thinking "she's literally me" so they'll take black dicks.
You're the one who's always posting and thinking about coons having sex, my lolcow.
>>348136White woman don't like beyonce, she has been getting torn apart on social media if it was taylor swift you would have a point. Its a psyop for black girls and niggers to steal White culture.
>>348138The White hair thing is also a trick to get White boys who would otherwise be turned off by Black hair to blow their loads to a sheboon.
>>348113Lol kanye is a pathetic cuck. Cuckoldry will always be gay and pathetic.
>kike faggot
>pedobait isn't deleted by mods for hours on end
Really makes you think
I see you are a gentleman of cvltvre.
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thoughts on beyonce evolving into a white woman?