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File: 1659913774076.png (574.01 KB, 688x804, 172:201, carrie fisher redux.png) ImgOps iqdb


The sick fucks in hollywood…

Carrie Fisher died long before her appearances in Disney Star Wars movies. She was CGI the whole time. The space flight scene was made to look fake, to pretend CGIing someone is hard to do.

In fact, she was reincarnated like all souls, and the sick fucks that they are, made her play Princess Leia again in her next life, binding her in servitude.
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To add to that:
I think presidents constantly using duplicates even when the original is dead is proof enough how easy it is and feasible to get look-alike actors. Or maybe even androids. Same applies to getting an actor that looks like them as a little kid.
This isn't a deboonk kike answer but rather just opens up to other theories.


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>He doesn't know



>live through a thousand lifetimes of war and glorious combat, from Carthage to Germany
>reincarnate into fucking dup
I'd be kinda mad if I were Patton, ngl


>Return as a general to lead men to destroy the enemy.
>Find out too late that you killed the wrong enemy.
>Return again but in JewYork into a rich family to build a platform for global attention and presidency.
Yeah I'm thinking it was a good plan.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I think at this point, it's blindingly obvious that Jones is CIP. With him being sued, and not being protected by whatever group or groups once controlled him, it's starting to look like he has nothing to lose.

If Jones dropped the act, and gave evidence against his ex-protectors, would you buy it? Would it redeem him?


>getting sued
It's for street cred. They're just bolstering his image.


What do you ever care. Sure is easy to rank up points being petty like that. Maybe im more big hearted than you all.


Interesting idea. I'm curious to see how the lawsuits pan out.

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Crrow777 thread
The first Lunar Wave from Sept 2012: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3axPn65MGM [Open]

The Sun We See & One We Don't: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i8BOA3YMuE [Open]

Rockets Do Not Go To Space - Audio of Eyewitness Account: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks0ezrHBhzI [Open]

UFO Filmed At The Moon For Over 1 Minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC6MlZ8ib0s [Open]

1965 scientist claims the moon is plasma, landing on it won't be possible

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oCNGcbwxWg [Open]

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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I mean people have met Toah Jovan in dream and have remember past lives on Voyganui so there' gotta be at least some truth to it right
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One anon on 8/co/ mentioned something about the tribes of Israel corresponding to the Toas, and the whole light and darkness/chaos angle might be Jewish, but I believe most of the names are Maori in origin.


Yes, most of Bionicle's cultural inspirations were from the Maori and related island cultures, this is the first I've heard about Isreali Toas. I'd like to read that thread but it's probably been deleted.


I'm glad this thread exists.


Anyone can explain to me all the autism about Bionicle community?
I still own some of the toys and even some small cd with some Bionicle game, but I never understood all the memes about the toys.


The Maori angle could be misdirection.

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Post some right-wing KANG theory
I know it's all a meme but it's more believable than niggers being Egyptians
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this I found it from studying anthropology White People have genes from space.


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True, because the royalty also were the ones that were literate and able to protect their families.


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Cringe cumskin thread.


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Based and redpilled, fellow brother in Christ!

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Having A Bad Workers For All Of You!? Yes!

The Bad Workers Of Nickelodeon Was
4 Famous Creators Such As
Butch Hartman, Chris Savino, (((Dan Schneider))), Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Cool "engilsh isn't my first language" schitzopost, m8y.

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This is what girls that surf /truth/ look like


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I'm OK with that.


>Amerifags can't into metaphors


>hardest and highest glass ceiling
Which ceiling was she referring to then
which is hardest and highest


White Women are beautiful.


"Glass ceiling" was a political figure of speech in the 90s-00s referring to invisible social factors which feminists believed were impeding the upward social mobility of women. Basically Clinton thinks that the only reason she didn't win was because of da glass ceiling.

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The bomb was planted when they were built. This is like Banksy making his self-destructing painting. Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
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>samefagging this hard in the weekend


Yeah just proving my point. Not like I need to argue either since anyone who isn't a brain damaged retard should be able to spot you insufferable little cunts without much effort. I miss 2015 /tv/ anons so fucking much, zerosugar if you're out there I don't care if you got your dick sucked by an ugly tranny even you were far better than gayhole and his discord clique.




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"sigil refers to a symbolic representation of the practitioner's desired outcome." Would it be safe to say that money is a form of sigil magic?


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What year were these bills?
I think they send all kinds of messages with money. Even back in the old days with coins. Probably still do.


Where did /fringe/ go after 8kun died?


I don't know that there's even a real successor board, although there is a /fringe/ /server/ thread.


Just talked to /fringe/ and that say that money can't work as a sigil because you have to forgot it after you "activate" it.

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