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How to Enjoy TVCH Video game Board

1. Read the Global Rules
2. Be Badass
3. You can't ever lose
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this is simply the best game ever. I just wanted to reiterate that.
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Hey look, another moment where a soyboy don't understand Fallout!


>coomerfaggot is behind all the garbage posts against FNV
imagine my surprise


He's not even really posting against New Vegas he's just being purposely obtuse.


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I like New Vegas I just don't like Fallout purists who act like New Vegas is some deep cut when it sold more than Fallout 3. Or that the Bethesda games are unplayable garbage, when they are average at worst.


I agree with you completely,I enjoyed a lot of my time with Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game all together, I just don't get why you think Microsoft or any other corporation wouldn't do some dumb shit like that.


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I mean shit man, if drumming up fake rivalries and turning people against eachother for the sake of getting a dollar isn't a key part of modern advertisement then what is?

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post your favorite wads,overhauls and games
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My favorite part of Afterglow was doing full nelson with the mutant sorceress while Athena watches.


>Porn game about full figured women fucking teenage boys.
>TinyHat Productions


>teenage boys fucking grown women is fine
>Fucking a adult looking sex bot is not
I don't understand Steam sometimes.


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It also needed an alt-fire that didn't suck ass.
This man looks like he's ready to personally bring the rape face meme back by force.

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What should RE9 focus on and what game should get remade next?

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Ummm /ch3/sisters??? What the FUCK is this???
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Elliot hulse was right about zoomer


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>Trannies are fucking everywhere in the cuckeogoom industry.
Not anymore!


They're all getting fired en mass lol


DUPdate, he really was devoted into the character.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Funkochads we eatin' good
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>It looks lame as hell, it's not even that hard to find cool looking figures online my man step up your game, it's not even a money thing either.
That was just one of the first examples to come to mind. Sure, there are better anime figures, but even a mediocre anime figure is infinitely better than Funkoshit.


Fair enough, I just read the bottom part of your post.


Garbage people like Disney adults do, even cheap little figurines like the Animatez Drone figures are a thousand times better.


I don't think the type of people who buy Funko pops are sentient enough for said information to matter.


That's fine, but then it can't be called Capitalism.

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What erotic games are you playing?

Also, which one of you made this? Because it isn't even subtle, honestly.
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I'd jump in those milk splattered titties so hard the only fucking thing that would splatter is my skull.


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Is Gahoole a tits or ass kinda person?


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Gahoole moved to Florida in search of big spicy Latina Culo


>Gahoole moved to Florida
I should too.

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Does /ch3/ like to boop snoots


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>shitty VN becomes """game"""


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Well if you think booping snoots is shitty we could always touch tips instead


Undertale tier community


After all the quality posting is said and done, a bit of mental retardation must drip forth to keep us humble.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not movies based on video games, not videos made about games, but kino made using video games as a tool to create higher works of art. Starting with the gold standard.
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It's privated actually, not deleted.


Probably has something to do with his adult swim show then, because no one else he associates with deletes or privates shit.
Not that they make much of anything besides streamer bullshit either though unfortunately, but the humor is still there.


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Bonus points if it gets taken down by Nintendo, causing a slippery slope:
>They thought it was tainting the image of their character
<Everyone would believe that Luigi is canonically a pedophile


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
These "le randum bingwahoo gmod" attracts the worst kind of faggots.


Dolphin power armor

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He also butchered the mediocre sitcom that put him in the map into a serious reboot, as if its only redeemable factor that was comedy was a flaw.


You think that's the face he makes when he's locked in the cuckshed and has to listen to the noises of his wife fucking other men?


That theory doesn't work since his dad asks him for money. Unless he checks the headstone to see if anyone left money on it.


They are niggers so they probably wouldn't go to his grave unless it was hoping to steal something.


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He could sell his uncle's body parts for those batshit insane witch-doctors, or sell Ralphie's wig.

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