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>gaymurs bullied sony into removing the psn requirement for helldivers 2
yeah, im thinking we're back


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I can only hope this will become the xbox one moment for Sony's Playstation brand. After proving incompetence to this extent the trust should be gone for good. The people making decisions have no idea what they're doing and those tasked to deal with the fallout can do nothing but lie.


Nearly everyone accepting the malware tier anti-cheat and dogging on anyone who didn't like it was a black pill and a half when this game came out, however seeing out of touch corpo scum and the hateful ass dev team get their teeth kicked in as well as have full on mental breakdowns caused by ticked off gamers has been a joy to see.

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 No.142402[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Having a cup of tea.
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Got tea.


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Having a cup of tea.


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I had blackberry tea with my lunch. :)


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Having more tea.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Gahoole is a BBC Lover as the likings of Nastassia Ponomarenko.

American BBC Lovers.



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Why it's so dead ?
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Worse, to make a thread you have to wait 5 minutes.
Literally 5 minutes


Shit's ridiculous, I'm convinced the people that keep using that place are bottom feeders who either don't know any better or simply like eating turds.


>or simply like eating turds.
It's called the brownpill. Have you not taken it yet?


Been searching for a video of Tyrone reading the copypasta, I know it exist because I have seen it being posted before but it ain't in yt.


I didn't know that. I've got the Rog Rogerson one but it would get deleted if I posted it due to it having the original video playing behind him.

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>Channels name spells TND
How did Anthony get away with this?


He also criticized rap, he's got no boundaries.


Str8 from 4/bant/


I only use cuckchan for /v/ to instigate console wars 4thelulz

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God I love this woman
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Big boobies :)


Khazar milkers. and I would gladly feed from them


I do not care if anons think i'm running damage control of Israel. I want to fuck this jewish woman.


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I want to fuck Kat Dennings so badly


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>gaymurgate is back
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They get paid dogshit wages. They are just spiteful/annoying people


It's not about the money, it's about the message!


I thought they made 40-50k to write about square watermelons and such, and that the reason they do this is to get their foot in the door at a "real" journalist outlet.

So they'd take the silver pieces to see ordinary people and villify them and figuratively push them all under the bus, because their sights are set on career, recognition and money


I doubt most games journalists would want to go and do actual journalism, they just want to vomit out their opinions to the world. It is closer to being an author or blogger than being a real journalist.


I'm imagining someone that wants to get their foot in a door in journalism and had siblings that played a lot of video games that they hated.

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 No.143010[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I started reading the Horus Heresy 10 years ago…and I picked up where I left off yesterday out of the blue. I forgot that this stuff is actually entertaining. I feel self conscious reading this though, being a lonely old guy. I feel like the biggest virgin in history but apparently plenty of other guys out there read this shit. It is easy reading. I like easy reading because it is something to do after work that doesn't revolve around niggers, women, fags, or trannies. Speaking of that, has 40k been kike'd yet? I would be amazed if it hasn't happened.
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Can any of you vouch for the quality of the Night Lords omnibus by any chance?

They're the only traitor space marine legion that seem all that interesting post Horus Heresy.


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Depends on your tolerance for OWTHEEDGE.
If you like ultra-edge, then you'll love Night Lords. If it makes you knot up inside and keel over from sheer cringe, you'll hate it.


Is it humorous at all or is it just pure edge the whole way through?


The edge is the humor, you answered your own question you will hate it.


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Pure, distilled, refined sharpened edge. I won't spoil some of the highlights, but they really didn't pull any stops. If the word "straight edge" had a longform definition, it'd be the Night Lords series.
I mean, the Primarch literally has Curse as his surname, that alone sets the tone from the beginning, and that's before he becomes Space Marine Batman / the Lord of the Night. If you want moderate edge / a bit of edge in a grimdark setting, Raven Guard play the part well; all-out-edge is Night Lords, and they don't apologise for any of it.
This ain't Shadow the Hedgehog with an AK47, this isn't Sasuke, Darth Maul, Batman or Sephiroth. It's adult edge in an M-Rated series, that makes the Grimdark setting look like a softball at times.

Basically, Drukfags wanted something to like in HH because it was just after the fall of the Eldar (so no real Deldar yet), and Konrad Kurze was their laurel and more.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Where should he have taken her


Rosties are never satisfied. Always looking to get more.


He should have taken her back to Africa where both of these animals belong.



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Bananas in Pyjamas are coming down the stairs
Bananas in Pyjamas are coming down in pairs
Bananas in Pyjamas are chasing teddy bears
Cause on Tuesdays they all try to catch them unawares.
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I still have some plushies from the show.




I should get a super Ramon dvd, so I could take a picture of both at the same time.


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Misleading title, wife and her boyfriend were very disappointed


Bad touch vibe bananas

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