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 No.143010[View All]

I started reading the Horus Heresy 10 years ago…and I picked up where I left off yesterday out of the blue. I forgot that this stuff is actually entertaining. I feel self conscious reading this though, being a lonely old guy. I feel like the biggest virgin in history but apparently plenty of other guys out there read this shit. It is easy reading. I like easy reading because it is something to do after work that doesn't revolve around niggers, women, fags, or trannies. Speaking of that, has 40k been kike'd yet? I would be amazed if it hasn't happened.
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Gahoole is the only eceleb I need




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Based Amazon. First they btfo'd Lord of The Rings.
Then Fallout
Now 40K


Next it'll be one of those totally original leftwing franchises that everybody really liked growing up.


Ruining 40k is pretty based. Those guys were always somewhat annoying.


Everything is being redone to favor the BNWO.

In the future, you will be branded a conspiracy theorist for suggesting alternate versions of these franchises once existed.


Watch you won't even be able to play the original games on Steam 2.


Nope they're all going into the heretical vault never to be seen again.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Gahoole said this is the best video explaing the entire situation going on in 40k and I think he and and the woman in the video are right.

Lot's of Sargons atm making shit videos without any clue about the hobby and community, so if you need something actually informative and honest watch people from the hobby, not tourists like Vee or Critical Reviewer.


Date her, Gahoole.


>Pronouncing it "custodees" instead of "custodes"
If the gender is ever "ambiguous" or never specifically labeled, it's because it is heavily implied.


Watched 9:05 of it
Can't take the blatant globohomo shilling anymore.


Gahoole already have a gf atm, he will be loyal to her. He isn't a nigger or spic.

That's the correct way. I bet you are some retarded yankee.


TIL "Diode" is pronounced "Diodee."


>That face
Peak angloid aesthetic, the biggest ally of the kikes.


Hey I started reading these too and am reading A Thousand Sons.
I'm skipping around though, and not reading all of them.


Watch out, nazis, more ugly angloids are now hunting all the nazis in the Warhammer community. This 50 kilos faggot said he will kill the Golden One.


Euronynous moment


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>the Golden One still is around making subhumans mad
good to know



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This is the author. He is a fag, a Bong…


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And has #BLM in his twatter.


>Black Coaster
White peepo oways making rings in da wood.


He won.


Sargon won…


Sargon won.


Yeah, the guy afraid of Vaush and now defending Israel won.


Israel Won annoying brownlestinian


What are the must read 40k books that you guys would recommend?
I'm not all that interested in the Horus heresy.


I like Let The Galaxy Burn. It's a short story collection.


That's the only 40k book I have and I have been enjoying it.


By the way just curious what was your Favorite/least favorite short story?


In that collection I most enjoyed Into The Maelstrom. I really like Huron Blackheart and the Corsairs. Chaos pirates.

My least favorite are the Orc stories. I always hated the "Greenskin" comic relief mainly because I hate comic relief in general.


I just finished Business as usual and so far my favorite short has been Children of the Emperor, least favorite is Small Cogs which I had to skip.


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In two images


Also Orikan / Trazyn if you want some Cron stuff.


Are the Ciaphas cain novels really that great?
I already got spoiled on a ton of stuff that happens in them are they still all worth reading?


I was already looking into picking up the infinite and the divine thanks.


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Less than the overhype, but still above average and good all around, if you get what I mean.
I think the worst part is that Ciaphas by default is pretty loose with "da rulez" (to the point of very much pushing into heresy) and isn't as brutalist lawfag as the usual narrator / PoV that's signature to the setting, so he's a poor intro into into the setting and seems to be some quippy faggot at times. *But* if you understand what's going on, it's a good read since it's more of a knowledgeable take on how your advanced-level officers see the state of things without the constant filter of heresy and administration (to the point it reads more like a Rogue Trader, but within the Imperium). That, and it's a bit contrived how many factions he "naturally bumps into" (I'd have preferred if it just focused on 1-2, save the gangwars for the gangwar settings like Medusa V), but still.
One thing that is nice is that all his stuff is by the same writer, so there's no additional meddling, and is good standalone as well as part of the setting (but again, a horrible intro-point).

If you don't mind non-human factions, go Crons first, Trazyn especially is a good read into the state of things from a less soulless point of view (Silent King is a total faggot btw, skip almost all of him), while Orikan works as a peel to him that shows off the somewhat more soulless stuff without outright killing him.
There was a better-but-lesser-known Cron to read into, but it's been years since I read them, the most I remember was that there was one minor oonflct where he attacks a human garrison, he disables a tank but then gets pissy when a subordinate of his deplays some Deathmarks that just end the fight instantly (I think it was Zahndrekh?).


Why does it feel like over half of all ork novels are made by this proto human
Not only do I not mind the crons but I also never understood why people are so against them being fleshed out, as far as (almost) everyone in the setting is concerned, they still are faceless terminators.


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Partly because it goes against their core concept - it's like if the Nids all of a sudden started having internal monologues. It's just not their schtick.
The first adjective before Necron has almost always been Silent, they're commented on as being eeriely silent at all times, their behavior is uncaring and robotic. Previously, a Cron's behavior could be characterised as "…" at all times (even flayers, while drenched in gore and having the time of their non-lives), but over time as they've been fleshed out, it's gone from the higher-ups having echoes of sapience to them and directing the overall flow of their armies, down to lower-levels even starting to snap back with thoughts and opinions, right down to personal judgement and insubordination. And it's not just a "different direct", it's an opposite one - you can't be both completely silent machines, and autonomous ex-mortal AI. It's no longer a case where Crons are mentally damaged terminators that would see a flower in a barron desolate waste, crawl over on their last power supply and while thinking "…", just smash it with what little energy they have left because of their genuine default disgust toward the concept of life. Instead you'd have some spiel about how obsessed it is about plants growing in the filthy dirt, before questioning what it's doing, before running out of power, happy it didn't destroy the flower because of the folly of their kind yadda yadda crons bad.

Like, Trayzn's no longer the complete lunatic black sheep, but just an oddball for the Overlords / Krypteks. It's fine for factions to have odd-ones-out (Ork Flash Gitz are Refined Dumbass Gentlemen Ork Aristocracy), it's when the odd-ones-out become so popular that the entire faction begins to shift towards them. The Crons are not one of the philosophical factions - prior to being fleshed out (figuratively and narratively), they had about as much sapience as the Nids (only the Pharons / Hive Mind calling shots). Yes, it is cool to learn about the Nid hiveminds and how even they are at odds with each other, or the various genestealer cult conflicts - but that doesn't mean I want an Hormegaunt doing the same thing. Now, it's as if a Carnifex could enter into diplomatic relations with the Imperium (ignoring the language barrier) and outwit their strategy, which is stupid, because all a Necron Lychguard needs to do is walk at them and Gauss them in the face. Crons don't need to think, they just need to be Crons.
That's part of what makes them imposing. They don't care what you think. They don't care about feelings, or pain, or nuance. They just. hate. everything. And they will walk towards you, because they don't need to run. Because you cannot fucking kill what isn't even alive to begin with. And nothing blocks a Gauss shot.


I agree with your entire post.

I also now think that a 300 page novel about an Ork aristocracy going and accomplishing absolutely nothing ending with them fucking off to the edge of the galaxy only to get eatin by nids and be forgotten could make for a fun read.


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Can any of you vouch for the quality of the Night Lords omnibus by any chance?

They're the only traitor space marine legion that seem all that interesting post Horus Heresy.


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Depends on your tolerance for OWTHEEDGE.
If you like ultra-edge, then you'll love Night Lords. If it makes you knot up inside and keel over from sheer cringe, you'll hate it.


Is it humorous at all or is it just pure edge the whole way through?


The edge is the humor, you answered your own question you will hate it.


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Pure, distilled, refined sharpened edge. I won't spoil some of the highlights, but they really didn't pull any stops. If the word "straight edge" had a longform definition, it'd be the Night Lords series.
I mean, the Primarch literally has Curse as his surname, that alone sets the tone from the beginning, and that's before he becomes Space Marine Batman / the Lord of the Night. If you want moderate edge / a bit of edge in a grimdark setting, Raven Guard play the part well; all-out-edge is Night Lords, and they don't apologise for any of it.
This ain't Shadow the Hedgehog with an AK47, this isn't Sasuke, Darth Maul, Batman or Sephiroth. It's adult edge in an M-Rated series, that makes the Grimdark setting look like a softball at times.

Basically, Drukfags wanted something to like in HH because it was just after the fall of the Eldar (so no real Deldar yet), and Konrad Kurze was their laurel and more.



James Swallow is one of their oldest writers. The whole thing is kike'd. I'm deleting the whole 40k torrent. Fuck them.


No one here gives goyworkshop their money right? I get all my 40k books off of Ebay.

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