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 No.143010[Last 50 Posts]

I started reading the Horus Heresy 10 years ago…and I picked up where I left off yesterday out of the blue. I forgot that this stuff is actually entertaining. I feel self conscious reading this though, being a lonely old guy. I feel like the biggest virgin in history but apparently plenty of other guys out there read this shit. It is easy reading. I like easy reading because it is something to do after work that doesn't revolve around niggers, women, fags, or trannies. Speaking of that, has 40k been kike'd yet? I would be amazed if it hasn't happened.


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My problem with 40k are the suits of armor on space marines became so unrealistic around the 4th edition as to be comical outside of the scifi setting it was originally intended for. Which was fighting in low gravity corridors inside spacehulks or ship to ship raiding battles.

Just take a third edition terminator model and it looks small compared to a normal space marine model from today. In the art work for the horus heresy series it's even worse, the people in the armor would have to be 12-15 feet tall to fit inside and would weigh several tons. 3" marble slab floors would crack under that weight considering the pressure.

And that's not even with the car sized weapons they're carrying.


I suppose as 40k got more popular they catered more to spectacle and bombast, hence the bigger size.


Also, have you read the Horus Heresy? Do you play the board games irl?


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Its about to be because god damn amazon is making a show about warhammer and going to rape it just like lord of the rings with annoying sheboon niggers and faggots.

Also try warhammer vermintide 2 plays like a left 4 dead game with some rpg elements. Its the only game I have seen this decade that had ZERO NIGGERS OR ANY SHITSKINS. Also had multiple likeable characters Victor Saltzpyre is what /pol/ wants to be and has a lot of kino quotes.


Thanks, I will check it out.

I did not know Amazon was doing they another shitty show. Sad to hear…though it's not like anything they did attracted a loyal following except for the blue hairs and woke niggers.


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Are you reading Thousand Sons right now or did you just choose that at random? Curious which books you read so far. I've read them all


I am on A Thousand Sons right now, page 95. I read everything up to Mechanicum back in 2014 and then dropped it for reasons I can't remember. I was looking for some good light reading lately that was violent and non-kike'd, so I went back to the Horus Heresy and I must say I am really enjoying myself. I skipped over the two short story books after Mechanicum and went straight to A Thousand Sons.


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All I can say is that Dan Abnett, Graham McNeill and Chris Wraight seem to make the best Horus Heresy books. My favorites are:
>the three Mechanicum books
>Descent of Angels
>Prospero Burns
>The First Heretic
>The Last Church
>Outcast Dead
>Know No Fear
>Vulkan Lives
Probably forgetting some, I know most of ones in the Primarch series - usually just going into their backgrounds - are good, like the one for Perturabo, Curze, Lorgar, Alpharius, from memory.


Yeah. Honestly I am enjoying all the writers so far. WH40K books are good action books but they're more complicated than young adult fiction. It is actually on an adult level of reading without being heady or dense like literature. That is very hard to find.
I read so much literature in my life so far that I am burnt out on it tbh. Warhammer is fun. It's a godsend.


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>10 years ago
I'm no afficionado, and I'm a bit out of the loop myself, so take what I can remember with a pinch of salt. What I do know:
>WotC is yes, pozzed to the core nowadays and still as soullessly corporate as before, but the main thing stopping them is the setting themselves and the neckbeard fanbase (who are also pozzed, but too autistic to let them get away with rewriting canon absentmindedly)
>Female space marines and mystery meat mutt space marines are now equally as heckin valid, and the Imperium is confirmed 100% evil (until they were forced to backtrack)
>Primaris are Space Smurfs 2.0 (everybody hates them), and it seems like Strike Team is being set up to 40k as AoS was to Warhammer Fantasy.
>Horus Heresy had a literal fucking Marvel writer that got the boot and joined up with them for a stretch; and fucked up everything, to the point his shit is treated as near non-canon for the trouble it's caused. Lore contributions were exactly as shit as you thought; including but not limited to THE ETERNALS, Vulkan going through the struggles of being da black man + massive overfocus and overpower (eg Big E personally trains Vulkan for over a decade, and everything Vulkan makes is of higher quality than both Fulgrim and Ferrus) (also Vulkan is the physically strongest Primarch, and the most kind to his unit, and the most humanitarian, and also becomes space-jesus-superman that needs kryptonite spear to return from the dead, which he does, but then disappears into the ether to be "found again later"), and Big E's wife / Big E'ress being a strong old PoC crone-goddess tha literally uses nature magic unheard of in the setting before, who sent the 20 sons to literal hellplanets because she thought they would grow up better without their evil father, then dying after a snarky quip a few pages after she was introduced (I kid you not) (she was also allowed to live on Terra afterwards as Big E's divorced wife, with no issues)

Other than that, of the new stuff in main canon;
>Corvus is an angry cloud, and has lost his physical body in exchange for being an angry, immaterial cloud
>Machine God is all but confirmed to be a non-Big-E C'Tan that digitises shit and hates physical matter, that the Crons are leaving well-alone
>We kinda-maybe-sorta know who the Lost Legions are now (2 was a Loyalist that went full retard and I'm pretty sure got mind-enslaved-or-something to fight for Xenos against Humanity before getting offed by Leman, 11 is some crazy Malal Chaos God shit and is currently a renegade-prisoner-weapon in the prison cells of Terra that is only being kept in check by Big E's mind and will be unleashed next time anyone comes knocking at Terra and will be a pain in the neck for everyone equally, giving Humans some breathing space)
>Space Elves successfully created their Death God, and progress is underway to escaping Slaaneshi analvore
>Head Space Smurf was resurrected by + is fucking with the Elves Death-God Oracle / Mortal Incarnation
>Big E might be becoming his own God (Star Child)
>Tau are so irrelevant that there's a few new minor Xeno empires
Oh, and they're trying to weasel 4 new minor Chaos Gods in (including evilTech and not!Malal-but-massively-weaker)

Other than that, the old HH books still hold up. Just careful on the newer stuff, check your writers.
I'm on team Nid anyways, so I've not paid much attention to HH since we're not in that setting (even Ouroboros is a few milennia after HH); I'm more pissed off how we've been completely fuckign shafted;
>Offscreen war with Orkz for somethin like 5 editions in a row
>War finally ends, borderline stalemate (that's still fucking ongoing, no faction allowed to lose)
>Finally a new Main Hive Fleet?
<Nah dawg, still Hive Fleet Leviathan, it's just two not!NewMainHiveFleets approaching at completely new angles through the galaxy and exhibiting new behavior like different Hive Fleets (but they're leviathans, wouldn't want people to need to repaint stuff)
<Also we fucked up in 9E, you're back to being a joke-faction that is massively overpriced, Space Smurfs + Crons need their time in the sun again, but keep buying plastic and YOU WILL NOT print your own :)

Psychobitch Lorgarl is both cutest and makes the most sense as a woman


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Forgot related


We're fucking saved.


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>Imperium is not an aspirational state
>>defends itself against all odds against complete xenobiological horrors, most Humans live in order and blissful unawareness of the horrors that surround them, are assured there is a very real God figure that is very much keeping an eye out for them, most planets that out of the way of intergalactic warpaths are actually left relatively well-alone, living industrious nuclear family lives, contributing to a galactic effort, with a professional and consummate secret police cleaning up abject degeneracy and dangers
>>as the readers, we mainly focus in on the unique cases, war-stories and bad-eggs
Satirical, right?
<oh but no epic rebels, disabled folx, violent niggers or homosexuals allowed without being executed (because there are very real chaos gods / demonlords who will use any niche to genocide entire planets and empower themselves)
<and no smartphones / AI because last time that happened in-universe, terminator became a thing
It's not paradise, but the average Human in 40k isn't exactly living a life of suffering, considering the average of a universe of a few quintillion+ humans is pretty milquetoast.


That is about the best response you could realistically expect.
>>Female space marines and mystery meat mutt space marines are now equally as heckin valid, and the Imperium is confirmed 100% evil (until they were forced to backtrack)
Ok…at what point do foid marines and mystery meat show up? Again I am on A Thousand Sons which was published in 2010 and I see no female marines and the only black marines are the Salamanders but they don't act like jigaboos. When does this start happening?
>WoTC is yes, pozzed to the core nowadays
what is WoTC?
>Marvel nigger lover kike'd Vulcan
Jesus, what was this faggot's name? Tell me what books he wrote so I can avoid them.
The only books I've read so far are Horus Heresy related. I haven't ventured outside of that. 10 years ago I started reading it because I have an uncle who is obsessed with 40k and he gave me his old books.
I think it is a tactical cuck. My impression from the older Horus Heresy books that I've read so far, up to ATS from 2010 is that the Imperium is not evil. The Chaos Gods are definitely evil and the Imperium is a kind of doomed, Sisyphean crusade. There's a heavy Catholic tone to the series and to the Imperium at that point. However it sounds like 40k gets kike'd and cuck'd later on. It seems everything has to get kike'd to some degree now by niggers, soys, and women.


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Nick Kyne is the main one responsible for Vulkanwank and a lot of the Perpetuals stuff, but Chris Wraight was the one who wrote Warhawk / Empress book.

Basically, they all started slipping and cucked it up in recent years, you gotta take it on a case-by-case basis. Older books (~pre-2015) hold up, newer books are more shaky ground.
Don't forget that WH is fundamentally noncanon of itself at it's core; conscious Death of the Author / deciding what is and is not canon is a safe approach. In part because not everyone has read everything, in part because fanfic and OC is encouraged, in part because it gets a lot of legal issues off of GW's back.


/tg/ mixup, as I said, I'm rusty on it. Meant GW / GamesWorkshop (WotC = Wizards of the Coast = MtG).

>foid marines and mystery meat show up?

Sisters of Silence / Sisters of Battle is 40k and has always been a semi-thing on the backburner since ~80's / 90's, but equality-in-the-military / grrrrrrl power has been creeping in as an element for the last few years for obvious cuckshit reasons. Again, it's up to the reader to decide where to draw the line - there's a difference between everyone fit and able to hold a flashlight desparately being thrown at a frontline, or the Imperium not letting any talented psyker go to waste (man or woman); and then there's the Imperium wasting resources on female skeletons and biology for Space Marines, and female inquisitors wrestling chaos space marines to the ground to execute them.

>best response you could realistically expect

It really isn't; HH is basically the Empire's Glory Years, while 40k is when the shit hits the fan proper. That said, it's still the undisputed most morally righteous and pro-human faction in the setting, and all of what the Ork said still rings true. There's some brutal atmospheres, sure, and every hive city is Kowloon on steroids, but for the most part there's no point in forcing people to suffer if it's going to impact on productivity and they're not close to a frontline.
Chaos Gods aren't strictly "evil" either, they're just living by what they are (and what they are, are extreme abstract emotions given comprehended formes) (literally, immaterial). For example, Khorne might daylight as a murderhobo, but he's still the God of Martial Prowess too, and is unkillable, because as long as anyone fights him, he will continue to exist. Nurgle might have more STD's than a hooker, but he's still the God of Harvests (which in one funny case, he sends a plaguebearer to drown a desert planet praying for rain; turning it into an entire diseased mire/bog). Their deal is that because they're immaterial, they're the most extreme / powerful incarnations of their own emotion / concepts, which leads them to be utterly destructive and chaotic. Basically just ultra-shit-stirrers.

Overall, the appeal is that everything is fucked, but also nuanced while still being clearly for-against. Dark Eldar / Pirate Elves are the best example - they literally survive off of torturing the innocent in the most excruciating ways possible; but are forced to because otherwise Slaanesh is gonna analvore their souls (so they're essentially paying off the debt of their own lives), and they only do it while not burrowed away in the Webway. Nuanced, but still pure evil, and not illogical.


>It really isn't; HH is basically the Empire's Glory Years, while 40k is when the shit hits the fan proper. That said, it's still the undisputed most morally righteous and pro-human faction in the setting, and all of what the Ork said still rings true. There's some brutal atmospheres, sure, and every hive city is Kowloon on steroids, but for the most part there's no point in forcing people to suffer if it's going to impact on productivity and they're not close to a frontline.
I agree completely. My fear is that if GW didn't tactically cuck they would be considered "nazis" and then you'd have another online color revolution. Could they stay uncucked and fight it off? Well, they're based in the UK…
>Chaos Gods aren't strictly "evil" either, they're just living by what they are
True but I detect at least in these "before times" books predating GG and everything after a Christian though not I suppose strictly Christian morality. Khorne is wrath. Slaanesh is lust. Tzeentch is pride or intellectual vanity. Nurgle the duplicity of the world. You could assign some other things to them. Slaanesh and Nurgle expose the groundlessness of pride in a way. They are all treacherous. The "Age of Technology" was prideful in secular i.e. atheist achievement. The Heresy is like the Reformation. Hell, GW uses the literal word "heresy." The Dark Angels have a guy literally named Luther.

None of this is compatible with woke leftism shitlib bugman morality. I think any concession to this ZOG view will necessarily compromise the *ahem* artistic integrity of 40k. Leftists and liberals of course don't care and actually enjoy subverting and perverting everything.


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>The Dark Angels have a guy named Luther
And funnily enough, I recall an excerpt from the first HH Dark Angels book going into the background of Caliban where Luther took the position of "Satan" during the trials/councils that new initiates had to complete before being allowed into the knighthood.

Also kind of related to what you were discussing, I think a lot of people are eager to say 40k or 30k has very strong anti-religion undertones but I feel like that the opposite is true, in that it reinforces the practical use, if not the spiritual use, of religion. I will say it does seem to draw a clear line at zealotry being unhelpful to a degree.


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>Khorne is wrath. Slaanesh is lust. Tzeentch is pride or intellectual vanity. Nurgle the duplicity of the world.
Again, it's not so simple, especially when Slaan's homebase is a near 1-1 of the general 9-circles-of-Hell concept, and all-encompassing-sin in general. Slaan might predominantly be known for lust; but at the same time is the "desire" for rest / sloth, the "desire" for good food / glutton, the "desire" for wealth / greed etc. He scares the fuck out of the other Chaos Gods, because he's the most capable of leeching from them after Malal - the desire for glory in war, the desire for both stability and rebellion, the desire for respite from pestilence or peace in the afterlife.

Khorne couldn't care less about petty personal matters - he is just "conflict". He's as much a vice for survivalists trying to stay alive or magnets of opposite charges or a rose growing thorns as not to be eaten, as he is warriors trying to kill. He feels no happiness or satisfaction after killing what he hates (everything), only the obsession to conflict more.
Slaan isn't just sticking xir barbed femdogdick into things to coom harder than anyone has ever coomed before. He's any concept of desire or want, as previously mentioned.
Tzeen isn't pride or vanity - it's pure flux & change. As long as any planet has waves that crash at the shores and shape the coast, and a conscious mind to observe it, Tzeen will exist.
Nurgle isn't simple duplicitiousness - he is the cycle of life and death itself. He's the only happy one, because he adores every gnat, mosquito and nemotode just as much as he does every complex organism or carcass filled with fungi, and rotting flesh. Life within death, death within life, life within life, death within death - all of it pleases him.
Malal isn't shadow the hedgehog and renegadeness that has any motives or wit or will back the underdog to *smug chuckle* see the big guy fall - he is the simple concept of chaos & anarchy itself (which is why he is the only one actively eradicating himself, and the only way he still exists-but-doesn't-exist after the irl copyright dispute).

The entire setting has multiple areas that it gleams / borrows from other sources as a foundation (because it's been worked on by hundreds, if not thousands of different contributors over a nigh half-century) - as mentioned, the Metalmen uprising is a rip of Terminator, but also not!Rambo is a very real character in the setting (Sly Mambo), Orkz are football hooligans + mad max, while the Dark Angels are Classical British / Arthurian Fantasy, Space Wolves are Werewolf-Vikings / Ulfhedinn, Night Lords are loosely Orwell + Batman and the White Scars are Biker-Mongols etc etc. And it's not just limited to one faction either - Horus himself is named after the Egyptian God of the same name (and his dynamic with Big E being close to the relation to Ra), while the Thousand Sons and Necrons each also borrow Egyptian themes.
While Warhammer40k does have it's own identity; it still takes a lot from other sources. The nu-lore isn't shit simply because it takes from pozzed sources and forces modern >american politics into it; it's shit because it's badly written, in part to force some of that crap in.
What you gleam from the setting is ultimately up to you. If you're after themes of ultranazis praying to ultraGod to spread ultraChristianity; you'll probably find it somewhere… but it's not going to change that you're ultimately chasing windmills.
40k is 40k (it's own thing), and GW are soulless corporate chameleons that sell plastic and other peoples work at a marked up price, simple as. My only advice is that public libraries and the internet lets you read things for free.

> My fear is that if GW didn't tactically cuck they would be considered "nazis" and then you'd have another online color revolution. Could they stay uncucked and fight it off? Well, they're based in the UK…

Tactical cuckholdry isn't any part of it; they really are just an OG soulless megacorp. Less cuck, more pimp - anyone can fuck it's girl, as long as make them money. If the pendulum swung tomorrow, they'd be the first to do a full line of Death Korps of Krieg figs and books. But today is clown world, so that means disabled pakistani trannys teaching you how to paint your overpriced figs with overpriced paint.

>The Dark Angels have a guy literally named Luther.

Yeah, and equally as much from Uther Pendragon (the script being flipped / EPIC SUBVERSIONED?! where not!Arthur's father betrays him, rather than his son). Caliban is a borrow of Caliban (Shakespeare) and Caliburn (the original name of Excalibur, while Arthur wields it). Dark Angels in general are (out of context) the #1 Legion because Brettonia is the most popular non-Empire faction in Warhammer Fantasy. If anyone is an analogy of Protestantism / a rift in the faith caused by seeking the word of God, it would be the Word Bearers more than the Dark Angels (all he ever wanted was the Truth).
On the other hand, if you want another example; the C'Tan have a literal guy called Mephet'ran the Deciever / not!Mephistopheles, that kicked off the War in Heaven (aka when the lizardpeople / Old Ones got into a fight with talking stars, which resulted in the Orkz as a leftover self-replicating bioweapon and the Crons becoming soulless machines for following the deception of Meph). C'Tan, nothing to do with the Chaos Gods / Demons (even though they're the closest thing to Plural Gods) - it's just the setting borrows from anything and everything for various rules of cool and easier thematic signalling.


> the Metalmen uprising is a rip of Terminator
Actually it's a reference to the Butlerian Jihad from Dune


Warhammer always struck me as a rip from everything. I remember playing the RTS campaign. It was pretty fun, but it was basically a rip from LOTR or I forget. Maybe it was a rip from WC3.


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t. Shitlib redditor


The Tau are gay and don't belong in the universe anyway.


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>40k is about funny teehees and hahas, you're not supposed to like the imperium!
>akshully the government in helldivers 2 is fascist and problematic and you're SUPPOSED to not like it!


Lisa Simpson belongs to the might jewish cock.


That's basically canonically true. There was that episode where she had a crush on her Jewish substitute teacher.


Wouldn't surprise me.


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The Tau are a hilariously insignificant non-faction that went from being the first rep for the one of the numerous non-evil minor xeno races around the galaxy, to therefore being notable out-of-canon because it was the only + most established non-evil minor Xeno race (though that's changing now you've got the Votann, Zoats, Kroot etc). Add that to them being thrown into the Super-Smash-Bros conflicts for out-of-canon reasons (aka all the factions are present for Super Smash Shitshows like Medusa V; which in turn means the ultra-minor-ones are odd by their presence on the other side of the fucking galaxy, and falsely appear more prominent than they really are).

A few in-canon snippets to put the Tau into perspective;
>The Tau genuinely thought they had defeated the Emperor of Mankind after throwing their entire military force + conscription at a small Imperium fleet to take out a low-level commander
>In that same assult there were numerous Tau squadrons that were so scared of incoming bolter fire that they defected and fled the battlefields, thinking that it was their apocalypse, and survival would help them more for the Greater Good. Again, not even a standard fleet. These were ironically some of the only few to survive, and were reluctantly pardoned because the Tau were so annihilated by a basic-tier Imperial fleet. Tau are the only race that canonically and regularly displays retreats born from genuine cowardice, not tactical planning.
>A Tau diplomat nearly fainted after first finding out a single Human hive city (of which there are often numerous on a single planet alone) has a higher population than the entire Tau "Empire", and had to force his entire diplomatic fleet to shut the fuck up and not let the Humans know (since the Humans also thought they were much larger than they were)
>Similarly, other diplomats have nearly thrown up / fainted after seeing the appearence and casual use of Servitors (tl;dr bioslaves / reprogrammed criminal slaves); which the Imperium representative didn't understand, and just thought it was some kind of atmosphere thing
>Tau genuinely thought Chaos was just some mumbo-jumbo demonshit that the Imperium was making up as a scare-tactic in their diplomatic meetings with Rogue Traders, and that the Great Rift was surely just some kind of scientific phenomena; until a single Bloodletter / low-level Khornite demon caught them off-guard, blitzed through half their controlled space and nearly assaulted their homeplanet (completely by itself)
>The Imperium is grappling with hundreds of distinct Tyrannid incursions and fleets; while the Tau are barely fending off a single fractured Fleet from Hive Fleet Behemoth (that the Imperium defeated) that drifted near their system
The *only* reason the Tau are alive, similar to Diasporex, is that they keep to themselves, and the Imperium is stretched to thin to just eradicate them in an afternoon. Like the Diasporex, it's specifically proven that all the democracy and kumbaya shit gets blown the fuck out when you've got an enemy with one guy calling the shots and not needing to seek council to adapt the script.

Also, the Tau are the opposite kind of peel-empire to the Imperium, because they are heavily implied to be a submit-or-die mind-control cattle cult on steroids, that is only given a veneer of "morality" because everything around them is so fucked. I mean, for fucks sake the Kroot are functionally the biological Borg, they chemically castrate + put "new converts" on the frontlines to die for the greater good since they're more reliably able to command their own (aka slave legions) and they are literally emotionless, sexless and soulless; so Chaos ignores because they don't have souls and Tau don't show up on psyker scans because none of them have a significant mental imprint (also another reason the Imperium overlooks them). The Elves might be racists that call disapprovingly Humans Mon'Keigh / Monkeys, but it seems that the "friendly" Tau calling Humans Gue'la / Gweilo (since their inception as a faction) is lost on these pro-diversity multicultural types / Tau dindu nuffin they good guise.
It's not to say they're insignificant entirely - they have some of the best established tech in the setting, are the only ones with functioning AI / drones (because it hasn't turned on them yet), are the most capable of rallying reinforcements in new systems without conflict, and are the only ones in a position to genuinely grow, develop and adapt (aside from the Nids and Orks in da biggsest warz); but their biggest and fundamental flaw isn't their philosophy, but rather how completely and utterly insignificantly small they are on the grander scheme of things. In equal minor ship-v-ship skirmishes, they undoubtedly have a massive advantage over almost all factions aside from the Crons, and maybe the Deldar. But in the ultra-macro civilisation-crashes that Warhammer is known for (eg an Ork Waaah vs a full-sized Nid Main Hive Fleet, each with trillions of units to their ranks, being crashed into each other head-first), they're nothing more than a bug on the window. Shit's like Wuxia, where the faction is only allowed to exist becsause the Heavenly Dragon Lord x9 Ultramax has bigger things to care about.

tl;dr Lisa is a fucking idiot who has no idea what she's talking about, and is correct for the complete opposite reason. They are a staple part of the satire, but we laugh at them, not with them.


Lolita Express.


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Wokehammer 41%


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Aaaaaaaaand…it's kike'd.

Twitter isn't doing archives anymore either. Musk blows.


At least we know now and can go to bed.


Yup. I just finished A Thousand Sons and while I enjoyed it, I think I'm going to bow out now and return to old books now that I know 40k is kike'd.

That's what is great about the Old Books. You can't kike them. I mean obviously you can ban them, nu-translate them, etc, but there's so many out there in physical form that it is over. That's why for example they just loudly denounce Gone With The Wind. You just can't reconstruct the most popular film of all time.

Physical media, Buda. Buy physical media, as much as you can.



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At least they finally came clean instead of the blatant flip flop they were doing.




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Funny how trannies infest any otherwise manly space. You'd think it was planned.


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Yeah, women, niggers, and fags were eating up Ubermensch slaughtering xenos vermin and chaos satanists back in 2006, lemme tell ya.


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Ah yes the trve bastion of virile masculinity… tabletop gaming…


With the deep plots involved, why wouldn't it be?


Is that Rosseter?


Low T males are still males
Gothic Space Operas are manly


I bet he's 10x more of a man than (You)


What is canon if it can't be rewritten


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In the same week we had 40k chuds and New Vegas chuds talking massive L's


And Dup will lost too very soon!



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Balding is high t, actually. That's why steroid used go bald.


lmao, true, you see lot's of nerds losers seething about Fallout kino and now this, they can't handle strong mommies lol


No it's basic bitch trolling and you're a retard.


Wait, weren't you basic bitched trolled into posting that though


Not if I'm calling the retard falling for it a retard.


Most of people are defending this retcon about Custodes.
Most of degenerates e-celebs praised by you guys are saying "actually, it doesn't matter!" or just pretending they care about to get your money.
You guys haven't learn anything from GamerGate or the "alt-right" era.
And 40k is overrated trash anyway.


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>And 40k is overrated trash anyway.
Modern WH40K definitely is, but the early stuff was cool before everything became soulless and lame.


Name one anon that praises an e-celeb on this website


Gahoole is the only eceleb I need




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Based Amazon. First they btfo'd Lord of The Rings.
Then Fallout
Now 40K


Next it'll be one of those totally original leftwing franchises that everybody really liked growing up.


Ruining 40k is pretty based. Those guys were always somewhat annoying.


Everything is being redone to favor the BNWO.

In the future, you will be branded a conspiracy theorist for suggesting alternate versions of these franchises once existed.


Watch you won't even be able to play the original games on Steam 2.


Nope they're all going into the heretical vault never to be seen again.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Gahoole said this is the best video explaing the entire situation going on in 40k and I think he and and the woman in the video are right.

Lot's of Sargons atm making shit videos without any clue about the hobby and community, so if you need something actually informative and honest watch people from the hobby, not tourists like Vee or Critical Reviewer.


Date her, Gahoole.


>Pronouncing it "custodees" instead of "custodes"
If the gender is ever "ambiguous" or never specifically labeled, it's because it is heavily implied.


Watched 9:05 of it
Can't take the blatant globohomo shilling anymore.


Gahoole already have a gf atm, he will be loyal to her. He isn't a nigger or spic.

That's the correct way. I bet you are some retarded yankee.


TIL "Diode" is pronounced "Diodee."


>That face
Peak angloid aesthetic, the biggest ally of the kikes.


Hey I started reading these too and am reading A Thousand Sons.
I'm skipping around though, and not reading all of them.


Watch out, nazis, more ugly angloids are now hunting all the nazis in the Warhammer community. This 50 kilos faggot said he will kill the Golden One.


Euronynous moment


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>the Golden One still is around making subhumans mad
good to know



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This is the author. He is a fag, a Bong…


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And has #BLM in his twatter.


>Black Coaster
White peepo oways making rings in da wood.


He won.


Sargon won…


Sargon won.


Yeah, the guy afraid of Vaush and now defending Israel won.


Israel Won annoying brownlestinian


What are the must read 40k books that you guys would recommend?
I'm not all that interested in the Horus heresy.


I like Let The Galaxy Burn. It's a short story collection.


That's the only 40k book I have and I have been enjoying it.


By the way just curious what was your Favorite/least favorite short story?


In that collection I most enjoyed Into The Maelstrom. I really like Huron Blackheart and the Corsairs. Chaos pirates.

My least favorite are the Orc stories. I always hated the "Greenskin" comic relief mainly because I hate comic relief in general.


I just finished Business as usual and so far my favorite short has been Children of the Emperor, least favorite is Small Cogs which I had to skip.


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In two images


Also Orikan / Trazyn if you want some Cron stuff.


Are the Ciaphas cain novels really that great?
I already got spoiled on a ton of stuff that happens in them are they still all worth reading?


I was already looking into picking up the infinite and the divine thanks.


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Less than the overhype, but still above average and good all around, if you get what I mean.
I think the worst part is that Ciaphas by default is pretty loose with "da rulez" (to the point of very much pushing into heresy) and isn't as brutalist lawfag as the usual narrator / PoV that's signature to the setting, so he's a poor intro into into the setting and seems to be some quippy faggot at times. *But* if you understand what's going on, it's a good read since it's more of a knowledgeable take on how your advanced-level officers see the state of things without the constant filter of heresy and administration (to the point it reads more like a Rogue Trader, but within the Imperium). That, and it's a bit contrived how many factions he "naturally bumps into" (I'd have preferred if it just focused on 1-2, save the gangwars for the gangwar settings like Medusa V), but still.
One thing that is nice is that all his stuff is by the same writer, so there's no additional meddling, and is good standalone as well as part of the setting (but again, a horrible intro-point).

If you don't mind non-human factions, go Crons first, Trazyn especially is a good read into the state of things from a less soulless point of view (Silent King is a total faggot btw, skip almost all of him), while Orikan works as a peel to him that shows off the somewhat more soulless stuff without outright killing him.
There was a better-but-lesser-known Cron to read into, but it's been years since I read them, the most I remember was that there was one minor oonflct where he attacks a human garrison, he disables a tank but then gets pissy when a subordinate of his deplays some Deathmarks that just end the fight instantly (I think it was Zahndrekh?).


Why does it feel like over half of all ork novels are made by this proto human
Not only do I not mind the crons but I also never understood why people are so against them being fleshed out, as far as (almost) everyone in the setting is concerned, they still are faceless terminators.


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Partly because it goes against their core concept - it's like if the Nids all of a sudden started having internal monologues. It's just not their schtick.
The first adjective before Necron has almost always been Silent, they're commented on as being eeriely silent at all times, their behavior is uncaring and robotic. Previously, a Cron's behavior could be characterised as "…" at all times (even flayers, while drenched in gore and having the time of their non-lives), but over time as they've been fleshed out, it's gone from the higher-ups having echoes of sapience to them and directing the overall flow of their armies, down to lower-levels even starting to snap back with thoughts and opinions, right down to personal judgement and insubordination. And it's not just a "different direct", it's an opposite one - you can't be both completely silent machines, and autonomous ex-mortal AI. It's no longer a case where Crons are mentally damaged terminators that would see a flower in a barron desolate waste, crawl over on their last power supply and while thinking "…", just smash it with what little energy they have left because of their genuine default disgust toward the concept of life. Instead you'd have some spiel about how obsessed it is about plants growing in the filthy dirt, before questioning what it's doing, before running out of power, happy it didn't destroy the flower because of the folly of their kind yadda yadda crons bad.

Like, Trayzn's no longer the complete lunatic black sheep, but just an oddball for the Overlords / Krypteks. It's fine for factions to have odd-ones-out (Ork Flash Gitz are Refined Dumbass Gentlemen Ork Aristocracy), it's when the odd-ones-out become so popular that the entire faction begins to shift towards them. The Crons are not one of the philosophical factions - prior to being fleshed out (figuratively and narratively), they had about as much sapience as the Nids (only the Pharons / Hive Mind calling shots). Yes, it is cool to learn about the Nid hiveminds and how even they are at odds with each other, or the various genestealer cult conflicts - but that doesn't mean I want an Hormegaunt doing the same thing. Now, it's as if a Carnifex could enter into diplomatic relations with the Imperium (ignoring the language barrier) and outwit their strategy, which is stupid, because all a Necron Lychguard needs to do is walk at them and Gauss them in the face. Crons don't need to think, they just need to be Crons.
That's part of what makes them imposing. They don't care what you think. They don't care about feelings, or pain, or nuance. They just. hate. everything. And they will walk towards you, because they don't need to run. Because you cannot fucking kill what isn't even alive to begin with. And nothing blocks a Gauss shot.


I agree with your entire post.

I also now think that a 300 page novel about an Ork aristocracy going and accomplishing absolutely nothing ending with them fucking off to the edge of the galaxy only to get eatin by nids and be forgotten could make for a fun read.


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Can any of you vouch for the quality of the Night Lords omnibus by any chance?

They're the only traitor space marine legion that seem all that interesting post Horus Heresy.


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Depends on your tolerance for OWTHEEDGE.
If you like ultra-edge, then you'll love Night Lords. If it makes you knot up inside and keel over from sheer cringe, you'll hate it.


Is it humorous at all or is it just pure edge the whole way through?


The edge is the humor, you answered your own question you will hate it.


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Pure, distilled, refined sharpened edge. I won't spoil some of the highlights, but they really didn't pull any stops. If the word "straight edge" had a longform definition, it'd be the Night Lords series.
I mean, the Primarch literally has Curse as his surname, that alone sets the tone from the beginning, and that's before he becomes Space Marine Batman / the Lord of the Night. If you want moderate edge / a bit of edge in a grimdark setting, Raven Guard play the part well; all-out-edge is Night Lords, and they don't apologise for any of it.
This ain't Shadow the Hedgehog with an AK47, this isn't Sasuke, Darth Maul, Batman or Sephiroth. It's adult edge in an M-Rated series, that makes the Grimdark setting look like a softball at times.

Basically, Drukfags wanted something to like in HH because it was just after the fall of the Eldar (so no real Deldar yet), and Konrad Kurze was their laurel and more.



James Swallow is one of their oldest writers. The whole thing is kike'd. I'm deleting the whole 40k torrent. Fuck them.


No one here gives goyworkshop their money right? I get all my 40k books off of Ebay.

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