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yao wuzzup boardinskos,

1stlee eye want 2 apologhize 4 gnawt bein moar prescent ean duh bohrd's daie tew daie - the IRL sitchewayshun eye haev goean awn iznt v. gud atm n eye cudn't access the intergnit reliably enuff 2 keep auwp wit/enkourage thangs. eye want 2 thanq errie1 who has kept the lights awn ean duh joint, lyk book club OP + ppl poastean ean the /lit/ writes a gnawvul thread - u guys r the workhoarses keepin noe hoarse werked soil just az toiled hearse. %^> /lub erriebawdee poastean

w/ dat bein said thurrs noe guarantee eye'm set 2 haev the sort ov unbridled access eye haev 4 the momint netime again ean duh fewchur - consequently, fulfillean a # of priorities 4 the board ean the upcomean weeks/months will b ov highest peckean ohrdur (and wud lyk a referendum frum ppl whew still poast prawpur az well):

- fwellieton 6: bellicose-cosinnfragomad landean time 4 diz @ werst iz end-ov-year-ish - eye'll attempt 2 weald 2gethur a goodie bookie w/ the materiohl eye've gawt awn hand atm but eef ur hungerin 4 gerund-munsterean contribewshuns 2 /LIT/TYKINO ov ne n awl sorts (writtan + piccies) email [email protected] w/ ur chiros, quartos n folilos %^D

- /lit/ writes a novel pt 2 - prollie will end it aot the nite b4 the election n publisch eet election daie - shud it end nao? waie b4 den?

- galvanizing poastin energy - gnawt exactlee proppean auwp PPH but mayb gittin a lil moar cross-pollination w/ sum uddahr sides ov duh interwebs (Amarna, sum /lit/ mag rags, etc.) 2 slapdash a splash ov new panache ean duh lasso-ossal spawt %^) again lmk watchu thinq baot this - wagnaw dew wat the board wills @ the end ov duh daie

the /lit/ spirit emits writ tir-W stime awlmightee, and wishean the Lord blesces awl ov the /lit/tyzens w/ spritsail-swift-sweems,

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Read Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep recently and really enjoyed it, gotta say though it nearly faceplanted by trying to be too deep near the end but recovered just in time.

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1. Global rules relating to illegal/board-jeopardizing content are enforced.
2. Slander/libel Dwayne "Wanton Waylaid Bercesure-Jobber Names" "The Rock" Johnson at ur own peril.
3. As much as possible keep discussion related to literature or its creation/critique. Philosophy threads should preferably pertain to a direct written source (this definition's flexible in anticipation of wat ppl like 2 use these boards 4), branching out accordingly. /lit/ boards regularly serve as catch-awls for "social science" discussion, which suffices in moderation but doesn't excuse eschewing conversation about the board's chosen topic + its baseline medium (writtan + reedan).
4. Poasts awn this board are occasionally harvested foar submissions ean2 the board magazine, THE /LIT/TYZEN'S FEUILLETON (collective issues interred herein: https://mega.nz/folder/vh5ilKLZ#6AuBFAfWUYlBdr_ob1j5KQ) - if you do not desire your poasts 2 evur find their waie ean2 the feuilleton, please note in the subject phield oar body "NF". Submit werks 2 [email protected] eef 1 soe desires.

This serves as a haberdasherized nu hoam ov duh /lit/erary loam for collective /lit/izens blasted to the four winds after the 'kunpocalypse. Preservation and perseverance provides the utmoast value in prestige-emptied pallet-towns lyk our parochial neck ov duh wouds, so pick your patois and commit to poastean-novelly pashtunwali - or simply enjoie the livean archives, thrivean n growean b4 ur eyes.

/lit/ will inevitably remain a slow board, so post appropriately & enjoy your stay.


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Friends from the webring:

https://alogs.space/pdfs/ - Grimoires, chirographs, and off-mint manuscripts enter the age of endless, eternal propagation.
https://smuglo.li/fanfic/ - Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!).

Frans frum overtoobs:

https://cashedcobrazhousewriter.substack.com - flieto fliete flaith-fliuch piscynełicʿ ssyngzždetito děi wraystać.
https://superpredator.zone - THE OLD GODS ARE WAKING UP
https://daggermag.com - In the night, a shard of moonlight limning - then down comes THE DAGGER.
https://brainiacplaza.net/forums/ - BRAINIACPALOOZA IS COMIN' FOR YOU BROTHER!
https://encyclopedia.zone - The #1 home for shitposting on the Internet.

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 No.3692[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

On the table there sat…
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 No.4083[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

B.O. OP EDIT: VIEW THE /LIT/PENDIUM HERE - https://mega.nz/folder/ThhnnayI#T30OHb3sHifcmVzLlnkYZg

Today begins a new chapter into the /lit/club. I made a fateful mistake by choosing the subject for the first nomination (Book Published 2 Years Ago) because of those bastards at the FBI. There are different resources vying for the vacancy filled by such a great site and I found one called

annas-archive.org which indexes a bunch of shadow sites.

Anyways without more stalling tactics. I present the list for this season and the nomination: World of Wonders

Thank you everyone as usual and I look forward to your tastes.

ANIMAL PLANET is the next theme, books centered around animal characters and their environment.
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It was not that good of a list to be honest and all your criticisms are valid.
L'Etranger wins, I was kind of hoping for Virginia Woolf but what can you do. It's about time I read this classic.

Last week's book was funny at times, I liked to imagine it remastered as a post modern classic like a few chapters in The Pale King or something or anecdotes in a Kurt Vonnegut novel.


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If there is I'd appreciate some recommendations.


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Don't the artist making it love some hot interracial couples and severe BDSM? Our guy!


>Uggo bot gets BLACKED
>Everyone in the comments loves it
What a fucking disappointment that was.


Where? E-hentai? That place is plagued by people like acidkike and MarkMann.

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>Virgil is shallow and phony compared to Homer
>Roman literature in general is shallow and phony compared to Greek literature
>the French chivalric romances and chanson de gestes pale in comparison to the German ripoffs
>the Decameron sucks
>the Canterbury Tales are even worse
>the "picaresque novel" is the worst is the worst thing to ever come out of Spain
>The Faerie Queene is a much better "English Renaissance Epic" than Paradise Lost
>all of Shakespeare's early comedies are awful
>Amadis of Gaul is better than Don Quixote
>Moliere is neither amusing nor insightful
>the 18th century was the dark ages of Western literature
>Voltaire is the most overrated writer in the history of Western civilization
>nobody cares about the literary merits of Jane Austin's novels, they only read them because they were written by a woman and have women protagonists
>Percy Blyth Shelly was a worse poet than Mary Shelly was an author (bad!)
>Walter Scott was better than William Makepeace Thackeray, Thomas Hardy, and George Eliot combined
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>Tolkien is the only good fantasy author.


Octavia E. Butler is overrated. I literally had a soyboy trying to sucker punch me for saying it back at college and the entire class got mad at me, including our teacher.


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Dickens remains as the favorite of all time only because of Christmas Carol, lots of self-pity progs tend to cannibalize mediocre works as propaganda.
Became popular during Spain conquering and forcing aborigines to regurgitate their shit, just another overrated work of literature of a schizo who never left his cave, but god forbid if you criticize it, its reputation is almost on par with the Bible (the main reason why you exist plebeians).


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>Loves a garbage like Charles Dickens
>Hates Don Quixote


I'm curious as to how true this is cause if you just mean classical fantasy I think you might be on to something.

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It is here bros. The novel by the Harry.


What are we supposed to say about this?


The sci-fi looks autistic.>>5517


I saw Acolyte trailer.It seems like the plot of acolyte is similar to his novel. Are they stealing from Harry?

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i got ideas but its too difficult and when i do the small daily stuff i peter out and forget

i just wanna talk about my story but its too big
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300 words

Vape pen key board how do I write three thousand words let alone three hundred words on a 5 day basis on this day that I chose to do the three hundred day word a day basis if I do goo I will score good boy points on the Friday of the day that was this week and now I am only down to sixty seven words does that count the word itself or the total number I guess it's just the same thing does spelling count or is it okay I just make a bunch of typos also do small one letter words like a and I count as words since they are so minimal and other words bust their ass all day being words with more than one letter I'm sure that's a pain in the ass. That period right there means I stopped to grab my dick ha ha just kidding I have a hair in my face and now this concentration on spelling is making me anxious I feel it in my arms and in my legs its getting difficult to write now like I am using muscles that I hardly ever use in my shoulders or triceps like wtf I work out a fairly decent amount. That was another break by the way, but anyway I think it's the concentration that's making me uneasy about writing so much damn bro I got fucked up by jewish media bad I forgot how to natural write more than 200 words. Well looks like I'm closing in on the big 300. I'm feeling better a bit more now after a stretch but damn bro that's fucked up I used to do this more freely but shit I guess life gets you like that when you aren't looking well here we are 300 wowwee I am still going. Sorta filling in for all those pussy ass short letter words so fuck you a and I punk ass bitches lmao


whatever you do, flee the flow state, it is a trick of the devil meant to pollute your pen. if you can't "write" a long sentence with multiple clauses in your head, you can't write, and you should just read. there's nothing wrong with being a reader. people who advise stream of consciousness noodling are luciferians.


Try eating your own semen after you masturbate, it's called "recycling" and it recharges your creative energies


Too big? Why don't you start simply.


I meant to add: why don't you tell us about it?

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I've been overthinking this recently; why read translated fiction and poetry? What is the value in reading something that isn't in the author's own language/voice? Can poetry even truly be translated? If not, wouldn't that carry over into fiction as a whole, since sound, flow, word choice, wordplay, and cultural/linguistic implications are so important to the experience and meaning of a story? Am I just having some sort of midwit short circuit here?

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 No.120[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

"Literature"? What are you, gay? We'll have none of that nonsense in this thread. Come and talk about stories about cool things for men.
>nuuuuh, but my poetry
I will literally beat you up.

What are your favourite books? Who are your favourite writers? What are you reading now? What do you plan on reading, but have not yet gotten around to?
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He's just making shit up


Eat shit and die, /trannypol/.


Who the fuck is John Scalzi and why he's being so fucking shilled as the biggest sci-fi author from this generation???


Re-read Paycheck by Philip K Dick and Goldenman by him too.

I enjoyed more the last one. Its over for Louis K Dick and other nigger loves. The golden gods will take over the Earth.


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