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Suggest me some nice classic titles to read with alot of nice lines


Taras Bulba


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>Life is trouble. Only death is not. To be alive is to undo your belt and *look* for trouble.

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Suggest me some smart book to read that makes you smart
Or dumb book thst makes you smart
Or whatever
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Read "The Peloponnesian War" by Thucydides and "Logic" by Aristotle.


>>3806 thank you
What about korean movie about a man in radio show looking for his missing ship back in the days when he plays the guitar


I only watch movies by superior Japanese kinographers, not K*rean pig dogs.


>>3808 there s a hot japanese gravure idol in that movie



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And win a sketch of that scene


K guess not


Two white female musicians finally have enough of their black bandmate's shit and lynch her.


>>3708 thats old story


A huge titty catgirl sucks my cock

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These are some history books I've been reading lately.

The Story of Civilization Part 11: The Age of Napoleon. I'm usually not a fan of Will Durant but this is book provides a good synopsis of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era in France. Those parts of the book make a nice little companion piece to David Chandler's "Campaigns of Napoleon". The book spreads itself too thing, though, by trying to cover every facet of Western Civilization during that period. For example, there's an entire chapter dedicated to Beethoven and several more just about poets and philosophers of the time. It's just too much to tackle in a meaningful way in just a single volume. Even the three-volume Encyclopedia of French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars failed to do that. Interestingly, neither that work or this has a section about Edmund Burke. There are offhand mentions made here and there (usually portraying him as the embodiment of stuffy English opposition to the revolutionaries) but no serious examination of him like there is about the other significant English philosophers of his day. This is especially surprising from Durant given his fascination with the history of philosophy.

The Italian Wars 1494-1559. This is the book I could find covering what was essentially the first modern European conflict. It does a decent job of giving a rundown of the events without doing that gay pop-history thing of trying to be like a novel. Personally I would have liked a little more focus on the military aspect over the political but I realize that's just my own autism.

Four Princes: Henry VIII, Francis I, Charles V, Suliman the Magnificent and the Obsessions that Forged Modern Europe. This covers roughly the same period as the Italian Wars but focuses on the lives of the titular four rulers who dominated Europe in the first half of the 16th century. Most of the figures it discusses, outside of those four, are portrayed in a rather one-dimensional way. It reminded me of the documentaries the History Channel used to air before it became all about pawnshops and aliens. Overall, it's okay I guess.

China Condensed Absolute shit. It reads like a summery of a Wikipedia article but without citing any sources and even more fabrications. It presents highly contested theories (like the Huns being the same people as the Xiongnu) and legends as facts. It's also very biased; it glorifies China as much as Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I've been reading a lot of the Osprey books. The illustrations are great and there's a lot of good information about the smaller details of the militaries but the tone of the writing is far from objective or professional, almost juvenile at points. I suspect a lot of these are ghostwritten by grad students.



Theodoric the Goth: Barbarian Champion of Civilisation by Thomas Hodgkin

It's partly a biography of Theodoric the Great and partly just a good overview of Late Antiquity from the barbarians' point of view.


>The Italian Wars 1494-1559
I got interested in this one, it's super rare to find any books on the topic. Maybe you should read about the Borgias to get something extra out of it.


Yeah, the one I mentioned is the only book I know of in English that specifically covers the wars of that whole period in Italy. Francesco Guicciardini, a friend of Machiavelli who lived through the conflict, wrote a 20 volume book about the entire history of Italy from 1490 to 1534. It's been translated and is on archive.org but I haven't read it yet.
It's a subject that deserves a lot more attention. The clash of all the different approaches to warfare alone makes it fascinating. It's almost cuckime tier at points. And it was all going on at the same time Cortes and Pizarro were fighting the Aztecs and the Incas.


Orphans of Versailles: The Germans in Western Poland, 1918-1939. To my knowledge, this is the only book in the English language specifically devoted to the subject of how ethnic Germans were treated in Poland in the years leading up to World War 2. It's actually quite objective and makes no attempt to whitewash the Polish Government's persecutions of it's German minority. To give you an idea, these are some passage from the latter part of the book,
"It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the Polish state was bent on the elimination of most of the German minority in western Poland-by forced assimilation where possible, but mainly by coerced emigration. Moreover, this goal was well on the way to being achieved in 1939; the Poznanian wojewode reportedly assured his supporters that within three years there would no longer be any Germans in Poland. A study of the minority's actual political, cultural, and economic situation merely reinforces the pessimistic assessments of contemporaries cited above. The fact that Hitler took up the minority's case several months before he launched World War II was perhaps the overriding consideration at the time, but it does not make the fact of the minority's plight less compelling."
"The "plight" of the German minority in Poland, in other words, was real; it was not merely alleged or fabricated in the interest of Nazi propaganda… Germans in Poland had ample justification for their complaints; their prospects for even medium-term survival were bleak; and no German government more principled than Hitler's would have been able to ignore their plight over the long run. Though it was not politic to make these points at the time, there is no reason why they cannot be accepted half a century later."

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How to check literaturely if your story doesnt make sense

Are you just correct by default
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What to read then


Charles Dickens is a good one to start with. He's a very well-rounded writer and his books are usually pretty accessible. A Tale of Two Cities, Bleak House, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Great Expectations are his most popular novels but you can't go wrong with any of them.


Those are alright. But my genre is themathically different from those… i find it hard to use em


Just read popular works in the genre you want to write in I guess. I don't read much genre fiction (not because I think I'm too good for it or anything; I just haven't gotten around to it) so I don't know what to recommend.


>>3688 hm… what are things with alot of actions, epic fights or so

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Writing somewhat realistic story but afraid of it being too fantastical… some fictional element but otherwise a realism of sorts… how do make sure the story isnt going wrong/no loop holes?
The setup is of present time so it might be easier to spot wrong things than scifi or fantasy


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Did you draw that Space Marine yet?


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This all i got.


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Now draw JBalvin.


Must decline given the urgency


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It's been two weeks, draw him now anon

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How to write cohesive texts in story

I got al the plots and premises (sort of) and now just worrying microscopic things but not typos.. just maybe action by action things and maybe statwmwnt by statemwnts so theyre "correct"
What is to be done?

Mathemathical check is complicated af so naturally we settle on logic statements maybe like "i am therefore i think" of sorts

Owait it s the other way


Unironically. Just type nonsense until something kind of happens. That's my technique.


Tho after all those checks can still be wrong.

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What blogs do you niggers read?


I hust read books and blogposts man, its hard to find people Im interested in. I do read webcomics which are kind of like blogs though


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How to make

Amazing PLOt


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That looks like shit faggot


Yours is in public domain



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What do you do to get 600k regular readers. Like how do you make sure it has "qualities" these people wants.


Write a space marine


>>3519 hmp. How did that work for you


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get stout




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