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any tips on choosing the story to write thatll profit? i know you should follow trend and whatnot but if i were trace it then it ll be copying, while if i make it original it may not be better so how do i make informed choices on the things i should put in?


Disclaimer: I have no experience writing for money or working with people who do and are successful at it.

In my opinion it's only not about how well you can write but about how well you can sell it.
You could have some awesome story and if you have no way to promote it it'll just be another work lost in the sea of self-published garbage with other gems floating around.
Find a way to cultivate an audience or find a way to get your work promoted by a publisher. Best ideas I can give.


ok, some question:
how do you cultivate audience usually?
and in these days, what kind of "publisher" can help your writing busness… which is online now, to improve?


Submit something to the littyzine if it's worth I'll tell you the genre you need to write


wheres littyzine

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when do you retcons? was there retcons in literatures?

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There once was an amerimutt
Who had a stinky poopy butt
And when he tried to drink his tea
It smelled like really nasty pee!


Very vivid imagery you are working with here, Anon; the striking image of an amerimutt sets us off, followed by the short, yet highly descriptive qualities of his butt, and his pee…
Am I right in assuming you may be of the Tarl Warwick and Dan Harmon school?

I believe you mentioned you had written more poetry, and even some prose as well, would you mind sharing some more of your work with us?



"Holy crap!", Peter Griffin exclaimed as he was playing Minecraft, "a round block!". "Don't be ridiculous Peter! There's no such thing as a round block, especially not in Minecraft!" said Brian Griffin, Peter's talking liberal dog. "No, Brian, you gotta come look" Peter responded. Brian shrugged as his face took on an annoyed expression. He walked over to the couch where Peter was sitting and looked at his iPad. Sure enough, just as Peter described, there was a perfectly round sphere, black in color, was sitting there in the Minecraft game. A dark wave of terror came over Brian Griffin and he began to scream. After a few minutes he was able regain just enough composure to utter the words "We have to tell someone about this!".

Word of the round block spread all over the world. The sky turned dark, the clouds began to bleed and there was gnashing of teeth upon the Earth. All of the leading Minecraft experts, the very kings of this realm, gathered together at a press conference to issue a statement regarding the sphere. Peter and Brian Griffin, devout Minecrafters, were watching with baited breath. Captainsparklez, Skydoesminecraft, Jackseptic… everyone was there except Markiplier, the mighty "First Among Equals". "W-We are aware of the situation", Captainsparklez said with obvious fear in his voice, "but we would like to remind everyone to remain calm. Do not pani-". He could not finish his sentence before his face began to melt, his eyes, nose and mouth fell off of his face and his entire body collapsed in on itself as it melted.

Peter and Brian were horrified by the image on screen. Just then, the broadcast cut out as their television set turned into a black sphere, identical to the one they had seen in Minecraft. They shouted in fear. "Where's Markiplier?!" Peter asked. Everything around them became softer and rounder and all that was solid around them became as liquid. "The entire planet is melting!" said Brian. "Good thing I built that rocket ship for emergencies like these!" Peter replied. They rushed to the spacecraft and flew into the endlessness of Space. They gazed out the window and saw that even the familiar cube that was Earth was melting and had transformed into yet another black sphere. It's surface began to ripple like water and an image began to form in it's reflePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


When is the next Littyzens issue going to be published and deadline? Did you die from COVID TBC?


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extendid aporoghees 4 mie absence, irl stuph + own personal writtan jags haev kinda overtakin mei tiem %^x

the next feuilleton will b ree-lees'd on X-MAS DAY (eef submissions r staqqed enuff bie then - eef gnawt will wait a lil lawngur but eets lookan sumwat sparse soe whew noes) n u can submit auwp til A WEEK AOT FRUM X-MAS DAY (but idk send eet ean aftur dat n eye'll prollie maek eet werk)

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Will reading Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald help me better understand the world?
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all left wing ideologies are controlled by marxists, even if they oppose marxism, they will ultimately act in a way that benefits marxists and marxism among you, once they are no longer useful as cover, they will be discarded, but only after you had been.

two of the core elements of marxism is that it requires the elimination of all non-marxist elements and that it will use any means, including grandiose acts of deception, to achieve this end.

they are a cancer that will go to any length to seek out and destroy anything that does not conform to it's very strict standards, you let them in, even a little bit, and they will metastasize and grow until you are pushed out, they cannot tolerate the existence of dissent, even if it is only limited to a small insular group in a remote and isolated location that communicates in secret, all who do not conform must be found and purged before their promised utopia can be delivered, all failures of their ideology are put down to outsiders or a lack of faith on someone's part.

the left prioritizes the most dangerous sources of dissent first if the left is coming to you for access, it means yu have been identified as a worse threat than whatever they haven't sought out yet, they will talk about acceptance and tolerance and freedom, but once they get their feet in the door, they will focus on building themselves up and then pushing you out of the space you built for yourself, look around at all the other things that gave coexistence with them a chance every time letting one in allowed them to take over, it was inevitable.

the right can tolerate a large range of disagreement, the left cannot, they are obsessed with growing their numbers, aand as their numbers grow, they develop a strict conformist ideology that eventually becomes full-blown marxism, and they become more and more fixated on purging those who disagree, do not let one of these vermin in, or you will end up swarmed by them.

do not make the mistake so many others have, you cannot inhabit the same space as these sorts of people, even the most liberal looking ones eventually turn against you once they feel the pressure to transform into their worst forms for fear of being given the same treatment they would give to you (and they fear rightly)


damn, not good!


As with a lot of these books on the kikes, I buy them and can't read them.
They're so dense, and this whole topic is so overwhelming.
It's not a red pill. It's a red dumptruck full of dirt being poured on me at once.


You can't really understand why the 20th century went the way it did without understand the role of its Jewish intellectual movements. I don't know how accurate the idea of Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy is, but The Culture of Critique does a good job of showing how they were all had at least some element of pursuing Jewish group interests. I'd recommend going with Jewish History, Jewish Religion by Israel Shahak first. It focuses on how Judaism has historically been aggressively self-aggrandizing and extremely hostile to outgroup members. The author was a Jewish liberal, but he was the consistent kind.


>doesn't understand what marxism is, confuses it with communism
>doesn't understand that both marxism and communism lost 40 years ago and are now dead and buried
>thinks muh right can tolerate dissent better than muh left, because ideological content totally has something to do with ideological structure
Let me guess, american?

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Books about self progression and success
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what if I have really ugly teeth?


For those that want to become an ubermensch:
>48 Laws of Power
>Prometheus Rising
>Convict Conditioning
>Phd of persuasion


haven't heard of prometheus rising or Phd of Persuasion. I've read 48 Laws, top tier book. Isn't Convict Conditioning only about bodyweight training? I'll take a look at it regardless.


skip the pseud shit in this (i won't tell you which are and are not) and instead read 'The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence'. it's much better, addresses more areas of life and scenarios, doesn't rely on forced anecdotal bloat, and has no silly sociopath larping.

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>This S.O.S. BROADCAST of the U.S.S. BTFO shotguns-spectromyers towards the stars in hopes of one day reaching the rightphoal cocked and furtive AUSCULTARNATIVE, fyurr'd awn the nightmaers surroundean us ean this apocalyptic crescendo. Our KINO PAYLODE, for which our accounted, no-bull crewmembers embraced the VACUUM TOMB to ensure graced your phantom frequencies, HOALDS ONLEE DIS: the proof of /lit/tyral worked stakes benchmarkid 'raond a twitter, router wake wake-up routines, and -the- ubiquituous case studhee ov hao best 2 abait the interminable casuistree ov femgroid pecunity 2wards reason oar waits ean ackshun. Plus 103 PAYGES MOAR, awlwaies par duh coerse-heir…OV COARSE.

>BY GOD, heed aohr invidia-parousias when noe uddur internet collectives could…OAR WUUD.

>This is ur gud cap'n, Donaldu-desu Jays Dup, signing off with…


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If any of you have critique for my stories (Hunters in Meadowridge, Climax in Edmonton) please dont hesitate, I realized my mistake after publishing that there is no introduction to the plot, I thought I could swing it in media res but alas it turned out not as intended.


I'm a bit too busy these days but when I get to immerse myself into the feuilleton I'll try to give some critique.


I just read Hunters in Meadowridge. I felt the initial part was too flowery, almost like a Norm joke where he's improvising some filler. But what comes later is great.
The last paragraph left me confused, though. There was a shot that hits the rock, and a scream. Peters gets up. Did the shot wake up the bear and cause it to eat Willem? And this will sound a bit meta, but does that make it a literal Willem scream? If so hats off to you, kek. I never thought I'd see someone managing to insert a Willem scream in a mute medium, it's amazing kek.


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So my thought process was to make a story based off a painting. So I found this one and started planning my story. The man in the cave is the devil "Lucy aka Lucifer" since my basic understanding of religion is that his existence is to corrupt souls so I used the cave as the entrance into hell. I tried to incorporate satanic animals as foreshadow, and I vaguely included the seven deadly sins. For the devil I used scripture but modified for a satanic purpose barring a few sentences. I had to throw in a backstory so when the other hunter shows up it makes sense. Willem Ill change his name to Wilhelm and steal your idea, it was unintentional on my part unfortunately traverses to the hell-side at the end and his body immolates and combusts, and cause there aint no room for pity in hell.

I read the story after a month or so and I could really touch up a lot. My entry for the next issue is a thanksgiving dinner with a Jew family.


Very interesting. Honestly a lot of the symbolism had gone over my head, including the Lucy part or the hellhound part that should have been obvious (but discussing it with a friend he did notice both the Lucy part and the biblical themes before I had seen your reply). Did Lucy turn himself into the owl?

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Anybody read this for the sake of analyzing the narrative structures or the takeaways that have shaped society?
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Yeah to a certain extent.
What I've found interesting is how it basically shills for Jews.
The story of Joseph in Egypt is that Jews can rule perfectly well, just not as Sultan. So in other words, they manage all the supply, get their family all the best real estate and jobs, accumulate all the wealth from good forward planning, and they'll take none of the responsibility when bad things happen because they aren't Sultan.

I mean it's like a bed time story to a child to make the child know that the parent is in charge, except we're talking about Jews and all others.


The Gospels are quite entertaining. When you strip away so much of the cultural idea of who Jesus was, he just comes across as someone who spends his life wandering around pissing off Jews, and it's kind of funny.


There's a guy called Bruce Gore on youtube, you might want to check out.


>10,000 hours of footage/lectures.
Gee, thanks.
There's so much fucking content on his page.


Yeah, I think he intends to cover the entire Bible, which is admirable.

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i have ending defined and im so creeped out by the idea that the writing will suck logicLly and completely throw me off and everyone else
what do i do

i have plot points defined but the texts…dialogue and things happening inbetween that will lead to those plot points "logically"… i cant seem to solve them by just simple Q and A? i just dont know how to simplify it lol
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the goal is so that i can write isnt it


>>1771 kimochi warui


I'd suggest that if you have an ending, begin a diagram or a bullet point outline for a plot structure on how best to get there. Just start filling it in wherever you feel you have a weak point once you have the major plot points outlined.


Look up the snowflake method. It amounts to writing a novel by starting with an outline and then just filling in more and more points til you've basically got your rough draft.


I always start by writing down particular scenes I think up and then attempt to cobble these disjointed scenes into a semi-coherent whole as I go on.
I end up with several lengthy, nearly finished scenes and a lot of blanks I need to fill out as well. That way I have a lot of room to add new scenes and even change the order of some of the scenes.

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What are some books that reflect the culture of Imageboards? Besides Notes from Underground


Confederacy of Dunces. I'm being completely serious.


Ignatius is honestly what happens when someone takes imageboard memes and "not being a normalfag" too seriously


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>edgy conjecture
>degenerate porn
>hatred of niggers
>anonymous gay sex

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Can somebody please explain hyperreality to me?
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I think he wrote something good about aesthetics


I'm starting to remember.
He talked about simulations right? Simulacra
It's fuzzy, but maybe I can find my old books.


Based on the context it was used in by people who claim to have read him (not me, I can't read), it basically refers to the simulation of reality formed in our minds by the media we consume as being more "real" to us than reality itself. Example: reality - leftists deeply entrenched at every level of government, media, business, intelligence agencies. Shitlib Hyperreality - hoards of white supremacists sabotaging POCs and subverting ARE DEMOCRACY.

People who have read him just try to correct me. Protip: you probably can


I still think about digging up my books.
Such a daunting task.


I don't recall this being the case because I believe he shills the 9/11 narrative, but I could be wrong.

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