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how to write things without plot hole? like since things are written from say beginning to end,
how is it so that when you expand it, things dont be wrong, or, cross each others

one thing i figured is that, keeping amounts, like character will have consistent "value" of color or shape, or, points, and keeping this makes it right….but it still dont feel quite right, like itll still, plot hole somehow.


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You should just give up, you have zero artistic talent. Go flip some burgers.

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Piracing E-books

does anyone have any recommendations of sites to get a great variety of books for free? Let's share it!



[link removed]/


The last link as an onion, zlibrary24t if anyone wants to try out by own your risk.


For reading some authors online without dramas


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How to write maybe uh
Light novels that ll sell for maybe 6 digits.
Or even comics/mangas, regularly good enough at least 5 digit every release and such…?
Whats the guideline to maximize the appeal


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Your draws are trash you and seethe like Emojitroon.


>>5295 well i said write so you cant even read so keep seething, soi

Maybe show us some tutorials so we can tell you actually know how anything else than using thw fotocopier you sneak in to use

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I m bored so i d like some clue on making illustratoons that ll sell maybe some 6 digit traffics or klout

Not prompts but directions. Tutorials and such. The kind that sells as novel covers and such

Like how to finish this image high quality or such


Anon that looks pretty good.


Well it s not 6 digit so i m kind of bored. Your praise is welcome but i really could use a very nice guided targetting just to make drawing a little bit more

Rewarding of an activity.

Any idea?


Eh fuc its lit

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Larry McMurtry
Isaac Asimov
Robin Hobb
Stephen King
Brandon Sanderson
Robert Jordan
Patrick Rothfuss
William Faulkner
Cormac McCarthy
Robert Heinlein
Arthur C. Clarke
Toshikazu Kawaguchi
Jorge Luis Borges
James Joyce
William S. Burroughs
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>I use "goyslop" about anything i don't like anymore, do i fit in my fellow young based bros???


At least he's rich and can smash pussy, what about you "aryan" incels?


I'm married with kids and can say that I hate all women except like 5 percent and I'd eventually hate them too with enough sexposure


Bad list, it need more women and latinx writers.

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I never read any of his works, but recently I decided to search more about his books, since left-wingers are constantly attacking him and calling him a "chud".




he's a "right-winger" because he's anti-midia, anti-climate change and shit like that

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Whats good story technically?

A million dollar best seller perhaps. Like how does each pages collectively adds up to the sales number


A good story connects emotionally, psychically, and intellectually. It should be absorbed rather than consciously consumed, like viewing someone else's dream.


>>5166 yea but is it million sales tho

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Are there any? I've read a bunch of the classic Conan clones, but is there anything from the last ten or twenty years?
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There's a fun side character in Goblin Slayer (chapters 13, 46, 66-69).


Is the manga actually good? I hate weeb light-novels, so I would rather to check the manga.


It's one of the only good manga that are blatantly aimed at zoomers. But if you compare it with something aimed at a more mature audience from just a few years earlier like Golden Kamuy - which only preceded the manga adaptation of Goblin Slayer by a couple of years, the difference in writing quality immediately becomes apparent.


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How does stories or fict quantify to 6 digit traffics? How does the market measure and then promote and attract such number of sales of a piece of story content?


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Write something to the feminine public, OP, if you plan is just to make massive among of money.


oc Ramonposter here, you don't have to be so tough on OP, he's autistic, but innocent.


In anyway? Makes no sense
>>5021 can u explain whats feminime? 6 digit is a large amount so i expect more clarity




Just do your own research about the top selling novels, especially own america, is always books wrote for women


>>5034 no i mean quantitative detail on why things sells this much and such


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Cormac McCarthy has passed away.

"He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die."
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Which one is his best book in your opinion, /lit/?


I'll ask again, which one of his books is your favorite ones and which one you dislike the most.
I've read the The Passenger yet, but people tell me it's trash just like Stella Maris.


McCarthy is "Southern Gothic" in the line of Faulkner and O'Connor. This genre observes the destitution of the Civil War South. McCarthy is artistically and politically closer to Faulkner who I dislike because he was a liberal. O'Connor was a real Southerner and the better writer. Faulkner was very performative in his Southernness. He leaned too heavily into his celebrity status. McCarthy was a liberal up until No Country and the Road.
Blood Meridian is overrated. The language is artsy and pretentious. Melville's Moby Dick thematically dominates the book. It really is a transcription of Moby Dick onto the Wild West. Melville was a nigger loving Yankee and McCarthy prepares room in BM for some nigger triumphalism.
No Country takes Blood Meridian and inverts its racial moral dichotomy while also emptying BM's rhetorical contrivances, all of which gives the book a more realistic effect. It's my favorite.
ATPH and the whole "border series" are strangely innocent books in the context of McCarthy's work and were obviously written for mass consumption. He needed the money and it brought him a lot of public recognition.
I haven't read his two latest books and may never will if the tranny character rumor I heard is true.


Well, I brought some William Faulkner books yesterday. I still want to read Blood Meridian.
Give me a recommendation of the best books of O'Cooner and the ones you like the most of McCarthy, without being No Country for Old Men.


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Overrated "genius"

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