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/lit/ - Literature and Writing

Fiction and Non-fiction
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Trying to choose interesting character names…mostly original but also fun.. think of pokemon, mickey mouse. the kind of names that improves your writing.


John Stone, Rick Lance, Bill Hunter.


Ben Dover
Hugh Janus
Harry Balzac


Grebbut Grobbit


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Travis Scott

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Other than harry potter what stories made like at least 600grand a year?

wait..Harry potter made that much basically, right?


Draw a space marine?


>>2816 lol, like naruto?


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Like Travis Scott.

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since you need to consistently deliver quality to earn X amount, how would you translate X to say the required value to produce? It's fair to say this right, since people(or a demographic) do look for a certain value and not any less, not brainless of a buyer?

Would there be a rough sketch for production/editing to maintain?


i mean like othr than punctuations and grammar, what makes it actually readable, consistent, and finally top grossing?

how do you keep writing/the story consistent too?


Make an overall arc, draw a space marine, and remember everyone is an npc who only cares about style every now and then and how well you can market it initially


>>2801 whats the minimum average quality of it is what i am asking.


Average quality is consistency, things don't need to be perfect rather they need to be dependable


Consistency is cringe, tbh. It should always be a gamble.

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Post your preferred reading music.
Vidrel I sometimes use for nonfiction


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And this one for fiction shit.
Sometimes I go so far as vidya or classical stuff, but the less distracting the better

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i got like 17 types of literature i want to develop regularly
and maybe multiply them by 10

what should this 10 be if 17 stands for titles so i have like, enough content quota/memes to gain traction from idk

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how to plan out good story?
i got like characters designed and the premise but i dunno how to make like, arcs and chapters like jojo or harry potter's books by books…

basicaly coming up withthe plotlines ..
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Not if the bridge went over land


>>2639 like grand canyon?
you d need to make sure it lands on the head
and not spinning out of control


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I'd hit you with a rock like the ones on the ground. They'd never know.


so you need to go down and pick up some rocks first? it mustbe a big rock


No, dummy, a fragment is enough. Just like in Killer Elite.

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what makes good plot in block buster and best seller paperbacks?


Paranormal romance for women and action/crime thrillers for men.


>>2648 that s a genre… i meant what makes the plot good in detail, moment by moment of the book


What always stands out to me in bad writing is excessive numbers of characters who exist to do nothing, and very nuts and bolts descriptions of things that leave you with absolutely no mental image of the scene. Don't know if that helps at all.
Also, I guess just bad flow. You want the words to flow nicely, like poetry, but not poetry. You don't want to feel like you're reading a technical manual.

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if you have to have like, do a literature that will win million readers and sales, how would you do it? how much materials and in what way will you attract all those potential readers…?


Draw a space marine.


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Write gay inerracial pornography. There's a huge market for that in the domestic market.


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Should it be a period piece (i.e. set in the good ol' days on a plantation in the Deep South), or a modern-day urban thriller about a buck breaker who assaults random black men in semi-public settings? Perhaps a blend of erotica and a crime thriller?

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>Uh, anon, why do you have a book written by the Unabomber on your shelf? You know that guy is a murderer don't you?
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Kaczynski's a murderer? Compared to other writers I've read, barely.

I also a few American presidential autobiographies, a couple of books written by Che Guevara, one by Julius Ceasar… quite few by "God" or those claiming to be his spokesmen. Kaczynski doesn't even get top 20 in my bookshelf murder marathon.


Why do you care nigger?


I'm reading interviews with hideous men after stumbling across an article where some jezebel journalist suggested people should throw away their copies of infinite jest just because some woman claims dfw pushed her out of a car or something but she still fucked him after I think?
Anyway the book is ok, I'm nearly finished but I don't understand the title is like ironic or something?


Check out The Pale King


Thanks, looks great, I don't have the attention span to read a whole novel.

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Are literary discussions /lit/ty?


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yeh-ish, but eef ur gunna maek a thrad baot a videyo, ephortpoast a decent 'mount moar ean2 eet den watchu deed hurr amigato - ur kewl bc obvs diz kinda poast haznt come auwp yiit, but proffer a question baot sumthin ean duh vid oar analyze its precepts and/or /lit/erary relations, oar wriet sumthin creatively phun baot eet %^>

awlsoe if ur simply shilling this shit bc ur 1 ov the 15 niggas awn diz pawdkast namefag/tripfag oar else >%^( "organic" hucksterean ov "podcasts" drownean aot valuable poasts awn duh board iz waie waie werse than just puttean sumthin auwp brieflee lyk dis

eye'll taekkuh gandur @ dis eannuh minuto n provied a brief evaluation miecelph but dupdrillourds kinda twittur-dril esque ean dat fruits ov his providence aotpace his philosophee eannuh expansive fashion n a lawt ov dat sugar flesh iz rottin prog pullulation >%^< soe idk hao valuable an hour-ten-min-tailed evaluation ov duh nigguh will b


Holy fucking audio, batman.


I watched the cuck philosophy video on baudrillard which discusses baudrillard's thoughts on the matrix which as we all know was based on S&S, where baudrillard pans the film suggesting that 'the matrix is the kind of film that the matrix would produce' that it missed the point of his work and was a surface understanding only exploring the simulation.
What is he fucking retarded didn't he see the sequels?
That's it, that's my little joke about baudrillard. Hope you liked it.

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