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Written in the middle of the 19th century, Debit and Credit (AKA Soll und Haben) by Gustav Freytag is a very interesting work. It was one of the most popular and critically acclaimed German novels ever written until 1945. Supposedly wealthy German fathers would buy it as a gift for their sons when they reached adulthood because of it's encapsulation of Prussian middleclass values. The reason it fell out of favor after WWII is because of it's negative portrayals of Jews and Poles, although not all Jews and Poles in the novel are villains. The main story is about a young German businessman who gets caught up in a struggle between a declining Silesian aristocratic family and Jewish moneylenders.
All the social and political aspects aside, it's just a well written novel. It strikes a unique balance between romanticism and realism which makes it very enjoyable to read if you like old literature.
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I need some recommendations from romance noir, fantasy and philosophy.
Also anything "redpilled".


Johann George Hamann's Relational Metacriticism by Gwen Griffith Dickson. She's the only modern commentator of Hamann that understands him instead of trying to turn him into something else and the book includes translations of his most important treatises, some of which are the English translations in existence.
For reference, Hamann was a German philosopher from 18th century who hated the Enlightenment thinkers of his day and spent his life btfoing them. He was also adored by Goethe and Kierkegaard.


>Christian stuff and woman stuff


It's not theological or apologetic writings. Hamann was a philosopher who happened to be a Christian like most people were back then. Most of his treatises are critiques of Enlightenment rationalism on philosophical grounds. The references to the Bible and Greek mythology are just allegories to show absurdities of his opponents views, like in the Socractic Memorabilia where he uses the language of a false idol to demonstrate how "the public" isn't a real entity.
And I recommended Dickson's translations and introductions because I think those are the best ones in English. There is another collection of translations by some guy from Cambridge but if you want to read that instead. He's just general philosophy professor rather than a Hamann scholar, like Dickson, and it's clear he doesn't understand a lot of Hamann's writings though.


Wow, I made a lot of typos in this post. Too many even to correct. That's what happens when you don't eat a J Balvin meal everyday. You should still be able to grasp what I'm saying.

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Which from his books is objectively the better one?


The Industrial Society and Its Future will forever be his great classic. The Anti-Tech Revolution is essentially an expanded version of that manifesto but he rambles a lot in it. It does have a great btfo of transhumanism though. The System's neatest trick is also great. What's sad is that he was working on another book which he hoped would be his masterpiece before he died. Hopefully they'll publish the unfinished manuscript.


I'm glad we got to read his little ditty before he passed. A true gangsta clit nigga.


I only own The Industrial Society and Its Future, never had the opportunity to reads his other works, I have always received divergent opinions about his other books.

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Recommend me some essential /hitlercore/
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Was there actually a novelization of that? Back in the day a lot of movies had tie-in novels, so it wouldn't surprise me if someone cranked out a novel for Ilsa.




Attack on Titan


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The ending of Don Quixote is weird, isn't it? He comes to his senses just before he dies, but no one is happy about it. In fact, they seem to be more bothered by it than they are by the fact that he's dying. The last chapter has this uneasy feeling throughout it, like the last episode of that Dinosaurs show when the snow starts falling at the end. There's a sense that this isn't right. I wonder if, despite what the Spanish critics seem say, the romantics were right when they said the book is really about the struggle between the passions and ideals of the individual vs. the wicked constraints of the world. I mean, if Cervantes was just trying to attack fantastical stories and the people who read and write them, why was his very next novel, The Travails of Persiles and Sigismunda, which he began writing at the exact same time as Don Quixote, a fantastical story played straight? That would make him a hypocrite. Am I just coping by reading too much into the book because I like fantastical stories and I don't want to admit that I'm being mocked?


It's been about a decade since I read it so I dont gave a lot to contribute. My initial thought was that there was the wpisode where it mocks those that copy him. So I thought that him dying was tying a knot so that no author could lift his character. Then I read what you said again so I think his death was to show that its ok to die and its all about the ride on your horsey and where that journey takes you.


I thought about it some more but if I recall people thought he was a goofy knight back then so it added realism or some shit to make it legitimate


>My initial thought was that there was the wpisode where it mocks those that copy him.
I read up on this a little, and it seems like the anonymous author who wrote a sequel to the first part of Don Quixote only did so to spite Cervantes. Apparently they were political enemies or something. I haven't read it, but supposedly the guy mocks and degrades the character far more than Cervantes ever did, to the point of cruelty.


Don Quixote was a nut, but… kind of cool as nuts go.
A nut who wakes up too late is theoretically laudable… but ends up neither here nor there, and awkward for everyone. At least, if he does not have great sense of humor to handle this.

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I know this sounds retarded but I need books on how to talk with flow and to speak in an organized manner. Whenever I talk I either side track or I either talk about something and then I blank out and can't remember about what I'm talking about since my mind is already thinking about something else or I'm thinking too much on the words to use. How do you fix this, I need to learn how to speak like a normal person.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I don't know of any books, but there a lot of videos on the subject.

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Where do I start with Archie comics?
What are the essential issues?
Which ones are canon and non-canon?
What are the arcs to skip?
Is there any reason to read this stuff besides masturbating to Betty and Veronica?
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I've read a theory before about jews hating actually rich white people so tried to force her and other white rich characters to be "evil" and bitchy while at the same time made blonde characters being dumb but "nice".


She was villainized during the Kevin Keller (gay man) vs Veronica Lodge (straight woman) arc and never recovered


It was part of the Life With Archie Parallel Futures arc, where Archie's marriage choice causes a timeline split
Archie dies in both timelines sacrificing himself for the gay senator


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It's yet another milking farm franchise.
As to its "continuity", consider the very existence of Archie vs Predator…
IMHO the same general approach applies to most lines that ran long enough to outlive their own running gags:
⁃ start at the earliest,
⁃ read until it all gets "more of the same" and you are bored,
⁃ later return for some self-parodies and crossovers.

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Where do you find pdf/epubs/etc. of books online? I only know of archive.org, gutenberg.org, b-ok.org and libgen.is. Are there any others?
Also, discuss books about pirates and anything related to them.


fadedpage.com has a lot of public domain literature, even classic 1920s/30s pulp fiction and weird fiction; H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Henry Kuttner, C. L. Moore, &c.
8ch used to have a /pdf/, but it was mostly political stuff.
The Internet Archive has a lot of pulp magazines and short story collections as well, but be sure to download what you need ASAP. They remove anything that breaks copyright, even if it is a long-out of print magazine.

Here is a short story named Pirates by E. F. Benson: http://archive.vn/jZDbV / http://web.archive.org/web/20190803022543/http://www.steve-calvert.co.uk/public-domain-texts/e-f-benson-pirates.html
No actual pirates appear in the story though, the title refers to a childhood game the protagonist used to play. Not even one of his spooky ghost stories, but a sweet, melancholic ghostly tale of an old man reminiscing about his childhood.


myanonymous is a private tracker but very easy to get into and without the autism and ratiofagging of most tv/movie/music trackers.


Does anyone has any pdf links to The Anarchist Cookbook among other useful books?




Reddit sucks cock and so do you, faggot

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From what I heard, vol3 "gf" has uterine cancer.
The word on the street was that her uterus was so badly beaten by BBC and Big Colombian Cocks that they are going to have to remove it. Vol3 is okay with that, he says she had a nice time with those lads and he never thought about having kids anyway.

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plot forms all people know from experience + internalized understanding of said plot forms by study + pure animal instinct, in that order. no matter who you are you're already at least on step 2. just go up and talk to her bro


>>4289 i dont want to talk and you are not my bro.


you are my bro and I'm praying for you bro


>>4301 yer praying but are you paying thats the thing.

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You are working on your feuilleton submission, right Anon? You'll never get your art hoe gf without amateur artistic pursuits like this.
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I got mine without needing that around 2009, back then the art hoes are hot but not super crazy yet. But I have absolutely not idea how to get a art hoe nowadays, safely.


you get one by having drugs and seeming edgy in a safe way.


I've written like four short stories already this year, but I'm still not sure what I want to write for the feuilleton.


lol, lmao even


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"Edgy in a safe way" is codeword for "I know that they're only being brought to our country to keep wages down and fuck over the rest of us, but that's no reason to be rude to 'em!"

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