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 No.4083[View All]

B.O. OP EDIT: VIEW THE /LIT/PENDIUM HERE - https://mega.nz/folder/ThhnnayI#T30OHb3sHifcmVzLlnkYZg

Today begins a new chapter into the /lit/club. I made a fateful mistake by choosing the subject for the first nomination (Book Published 2 Years Ago) because of those bastards at the FBI. There are different resources vying for the vacancy filled by such a great site and I found one called

annas-archive.org which indexes a bunch of shadow sites.

Anyways without more stalling tactics. I present the list for this season and the nomination: World of Wonders

Thank you everyone as usual and I look forward to your tastes.

ANIMAL PLANET is the next theme, books centered around animal characters and their environment.
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I've been on a Twin Peaks kick the past few weeks and have always wanted to read The Tibetan Book of the Dead. This is a text that has an explanation and the actual text too.



Been on a vacation, will draw today/tomorrow. I know it takes little effort but that's the whey the protein cookie crumbles


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FRENCH ARMS, WAR, AND GENOCIDE IN RWANDA by MEL MCNULTY and DREAM STORY by Arthur Schnitzler are the winners.


For Dream Story it's the book that Stanley Kubrick used for Eyes Wide Shut.

I added in PRETTIES by Scott Westerfield for an anon that wanted to see if he was worth it. Unfortunately for him it wasn't nominated.

I have to say, The Tunnel is going to be in my top 3 right now, what a perfect book and synthesis of some of my thoughts, a better Roth if you will.

Your Friends Favourite Books is next. You don't have any friends? That's ok, you can wait till next time…


ULYSSES by James Joyce

THE SUN ALSO RISES by Ernest Hemingway

THE HOUR OF THE STAR by Clarice Lispector

I knew Ulysses would be in there but I was surprised by Hemingway and the lady.
I haven't read Ulysses yet but I am unsure if it can be read to it's fullest in Epub format.

Dream Story was pretty good, I was surprised how much of it is in Eyes Wide Shut and how faithful of an adaptation it was. Pretty much every scene in the book I pictured in the film and it lost some of its magic for me but I also gained some new found appreciation. It must feel like winning the lottery to have your slightly above average work layered into something greater by a third party.


From my other friend. That's right I have 2 more than you thought!
MOBY DICK by Herman Melville
A FROLIC OF HIS OWN by William Gaddis


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ULYSSES is the winner. It's a book I felt you need the hardcopy to read but we will see. It's also supposed to be a hard book to read so I don't know if having a guide is something that would be useful to have.


DOGGOREL is next, which is a genre I am unfamiliar with but I like the band Electric Six and maybe that's what it reminded me of.

Ulysses is, I'm assuming, long, ergo, I think, it will be some weeks before the next one.


It's not going well, I am struggling to get frame of references or themes going into this blind. I'm also reading much slower than normal. I'm 10 percent done, I would have liked to be 20-25% by the end of the week but it's unlikely.

I know not a lot post in here but if anyone has any recommended further reading for Ulysses let me know


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lo siento amigato this yrs been a flurry ov IRL gnawsince gittin ean duh waie ov dewin nethin @ awl w/ the board n stuph but eye've been keepin auwp tew duh bezt ov mie beset abirities D^%

https://www.ulyssesguide.com/schema mite proviede sum sorta assistawns w/ orientean sum ov duh headiyur sections w/ whats necessary 4 interpretean dem - eye gawt nuthin else doe atm re: reks 4 hao 2 reed the beezvotch

eye'll have mie reqs 4 the nxt category auwp manana livean cawls alas %^<


70% done, 2 more weeks and that will be that. Recommending getting a general idea before going into it. It went a lot more smoothly. I look forward to reading other summaries as it's done.


All done give your nom's for Sunday as there are 0 (zero)


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manana cabana'd ean2 28-aud rakshasa-nakama-hajjs ean2 duh yiistirdaie, soe eye'll compinsate bie givean a flotilla ov choices 4 the boisterous woadies abodean baot %^>

doggorel wuz 1 ov mie noms 2 - it's usuallie "bad" poetry ean the rewdiment forms (lyk limericks, basic ababab rhymes, etc.) w/ a tweest awn'm - an example ov a mastur ov duh craft iz OGDEN NASH n soe eye figour eye'd give a big bundul ov his SELECTED POEMS 4 browsean purposes ov appreciatin such a boutique piccant-sobriquetiquette'd beat: https://mega.nz/file/jt4iUJ6T#dRJUZUQvp1SIRDIrbipJdIJgQn3rTSnKlCq4s8YmNPI

awlsoe extendean duh definition 2 "nethin done sardonically and/oar intentionallie shite" and "books that mite just b fuckin shite", soe as a rider-awn eye'll re-nom THE EXTENDED WERKS OF ALEXANDER GORDON JAHANS az encapsewl8d withean hurr ean moast ov eets totality: https://mega.nz/file/jkIhRYyI#lDxtVLZO5rG1SIwU7y5B7t4iD1Ac-6JhOHfxYAMoyCw

phiel phrie 2 piq 1 storhee n behoald eets farshnuke-noiree noroi gory glory eef noe uddahr noms slied awn ean oar as an attendee regourdless >%^>







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The Road Past Altamont by Gabrielle Roy
I love Quebec accents (female) PLAAPPLAAPPLAAPPLAAP


Dialogues on the Infinity of Love by Tullia D'Aragona

I love Monica Bellucci


One of Ours by Willa Cather

Virginian Vaginal Virgin Accent



Maybe not as interesting theme as I one thought it could have been. Dialogues on the Infinity of Love by Tullia D'Aragona WINS. I wanted it to be a female author so you could imagine the regional dialect as you get it read in your head.


BOOKS THAT INSPIRED YOU TO READ MORE is next. Aka that one book that you read where it all clicked and maybe you come here.


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Forgot image


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Worst fucking introduction I've ever read, God damn I fucking hate women no more PLAAPLAAPLAAP that's 4 sure!


Woman can't write what fo you expect?


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Something less preachy

JR by William Gaddis - My friend lent me this book when I first started reading and at the time I thought I "got it" but can't remember a single plot point. It made me feel big brained and I'd like that again.

BARNEYS VERSION by Mordechai Richler - The first book to make me cry as an adult.

SABBATHS THEATRE by Phillip Roth - The best book that pervert wrote. Inspirational take on SPOILER. Also Kino Kover Page

THE FLOUNDER by Gunter Grass - The only book to make me hungry.


If I remember correctly Flowers for Algernon was bought by my mum for me. It had a positive impact on my teenage neet life



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THE FLOUNDER by Gunter Grass wins. A whirlwind tale of Germany's history told through a man and a woman and a flounder. Avoids WW2 for good measure and I only wish he had made an addendum for all the rapefugees before he died. Oh well…

KINO KOVER PAGE IS NEXT preferable if you upload the cover with your nomination. The one I had lined up has disappeared from my device and I don't remember the title… Boohoo


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hoap errie1s thanksgivean mayde auwf melungeonless, burgeon-bund unfisked, & sumptuous merlin pelican-pemmican'd-esque, w/ the pitter-patter havin'-haven-hit ov anuddur year steered neerlie clearawn threw %^D

ean seasonal, gobble-gobble giblet similar refleksheen, eye'm rollean threw leftovahrs 4 mie recommendations frum /lit/ty klub season 1 4 deez prime cutts

1stlee bein PALE FIRE by VLADIMIR NABAKOV (heil Putler savior ov duh white reyce and /lit/tyKINOSSEUIR FLANDEREURIPIDESTINIES): https://mega.nz/file/e9hSSQya#rAdDQ4_pZUK4jnS5oGRl0BrDCnyVi69CGTzDbLJR6mA

and the 2nd bein' GRAVITY'S RAINBOW by the PYNCHMASTER THOMAS PYNCHON HEEMCELPH (which eye can't find ean the original season 1 suggestions but eye'm shoar we did eet back ean duh 1st thread): https://mega.nz/file/il5gBYya#JHUMTNFNDMtijOcq5ZPCnOkxiF_j26ldCs2nEoxXMdc

hoap 2 catch u guiez araond b4 xxxmas rolls threw prawpur and enjoy the benedictions ov duh lord ean ur loivs mie skyhigh /lit/antamounted vroddies %^D

BIG JAN-JAN EDIT: the /lit/pendium shud b up 2 d8 4 this season @ least - mite goe back threw n trie n git sum backlawg done via annas-archive n wat haev u


I should finish this week but might be next, I'm 60 percent done the Flounder. Both books are ones I've wanted to read.


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GRAVITIES (SP?) RAINBOW wins. I was fine with the 2 nominations so I didn't nominate anything myself and that's my cope. There are a lot of shitty covers and I looked looked looked.


NEXT TIMES THEME IS EASTERN EUROPEAN and if I recall Gravities Rainbow is long so probably into next year for the next one.

Attached is a cool Cover Page for it


Update: I'm 50 percent done. Scheduling conflicts and anathema have plagued me.


Coming in hot for today's nominations:
Roadside Picnic - Arkady Strugatsky
The Melancholy of Resistance - Laszlo Krasznahorkai
For My Legionaries - Cornelius Codreanu

I will draw today


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The Melancholy of Resistance wins

It's the novel that Werckmeister Harmonies was based off of and I believe we read another Kraznahorkai "SEIBO THERE BELOW" which I found was Kino.

Checking the last time I posted to start a week off it was 2 months, my apologies.

Utopian/Dystopian is next perhaps I nominated this perhaps it was someone else.

The Melancholy of Resistance - Laszlo Krasznahorkai


I powered through and finished it in 2 weeks. So I will draw tomorrow.

The Island-Aldous Huxley
The Dispossessed- Le Guin

We -Yvegny


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apologheziers buukklub landloobin enkiddu-duke-muscadins - IRL keepin mie awaie frum duh bohrd a bit moar den eye wud hoap %^x

comean ean w/ @ least one nom doe soe my nigga OP aint flyean solo-segolatrined -

PETER PAN by JAMES MATTHEW BARRIE - https://annas-archive.org/md5/ec7a5e9ba8f1c97aeddb3605e871cec0

hoap dat sates u biellehook-tinkured wendygos ov the redingote-weft %^>


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PETER PAN THE 19TH CENTURY NEET WINS. Tis relatively short so if you want to pair a second go for it. Werckmeister Harmonies and The Melancholy of Resistance were way different, I think I preferred the book. The FALSE FLAG is a really digestible way for normalfags to digest but alas no normalfag would read this shit. Fun ending too, which if you don't want to read the whole thing you can start from there.



If you are gonna read one, Peter Pan is it. I don't know why Alice in Wonderland is popular this was better.

Meister Eckhart Selected Writings

St. Anselm's Proslogion: With A Reply on Behalf of the Fool by Gaunilo and The Author's Reply to Gaunilo
Origen on First Principles


MEISTER ECKHART SELECTED WRITINGS is the winner. I had found it on a comprehensive guide to HEGEL and it stood out to me.


TALES OUT OF THOSE MINISTRATIVE is next. I ain't know what that means but someday I will. See you next time SWEETIES


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MEISTER ECKHART SELECTED WRITINGS is the winner. I had found it on a comprehensive guide to HEGEL and it stood out to me.


TALES OUT OF THOSE MINISTRATIVE is next. I ain't know what that means but someday I will. See you next time SWEETIES


1 week delay I know, I know you were all looking forward to it but alas…


Bros I don't know what this nomination is about


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sry this 1 wuz mien n mie lifes been tuern'd upside-daon latelee soe didnt have a chance 2 nom - we kan just skip diz 1 eef no1s gawt nethang 2 put 4wahrd %^x

wuz just meant 2 b religious stories n stuph

sry 4 absence araond the pleyce, hoapphoallie thangs will b sekure mie waie sewn n diz wont b az big a prawblum %^x hoap errie1s well eaond the waie %^>


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gieven dat eets sundaie n eye noe the OP mite b bz eyem makean an executive decision befittean seraphymnalic sussurus n prescribin THE BOOK OF JOB frum THE BIBLE az diz category's reedan selekshun - u kan find various versions herein but diz'll lonk tew duh KJV 1: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job 1&version=KJV

nxt nominations eanvholve THE GREEK - rendur unto kaisahr wat his ides r n awl dat frens n famimigos %^D


Cool, thanks, was watching NGE EOE premier in North American theaters only this week. Lotta nerds, 1 or 2 smelly weeb babes, even more fag hipsters, lil ol me and and an old man who bopped his head to Komm Susser Tod. Its religious related ok. Will see how long this Bible book is, I heard the Torah has 70 some volumes.


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Easter was a good time to finish this book. I don't know if I read the right one but I read a rabbi explain this interpretation. It was good and I can use the arguments presented to dab on atheists.

I think I meant Roman but maybe I meant Greek but my nominations are
The Enneads by Plotinus

But the winner is MEDEA und other plays by Tyler Perry.

I wish you all a good day.


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okeigh soe duh /lit/pendium shud b kuntemporaierye w/ present categories/noms ATM - apolhogiyas 4 fawlean behindinburg awn dat IRL's been a beyawtch n a halph-phrenia <%^( mite b a lil lawngur awn mie end til eye'm settilled baq ean2 clineicallie hedgin' n clippean the tarp ov non-prattull pettiffoggiean duh boaerd

my nom btw (presumean eye thinq the titul meens wat eet miihns) eez a throwbaq frum priyor ean duh /lit/ty klub's rekords - THE PHILMARILLION, starring AN ANON whew eye mite oar mite gnawt noe sumwat %^x : https://mega.nz/file/btRCUBSD#ufSIaW_3bmQpsT39iGSkCjQMltveyhAaCGYMWN-CTN0

hoap errie1 had a blescid Eastur and may duh Lord Christ, who's duh /lit/tyest REY, drape the holee eidol's ioled gilead awn thee %^>


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I've never actually read it, but Yann Martel was my neighbour growing up and my sister did the paperclip challenge in Elementary school and went around trying to trade up and she knocked on his door offering some ballcap and he gave her a signed copy of Life of Pi.
My dad did some plumbing in his house circa late 1990s and his wife was addicted to playing slots, which was a moment of losing my childhood innocence since I didn't understand what that was all about.
Long story short, I assume he moved at this point, I did.



Grain by Robert Stead, my friends Great Great Uncle


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THE PHILMARILLION wins, a deep dive into an anons autistic life. A choice of /CUCK/Chan's top 100 novels is next. I chose 2014 to keep the riff raff out.


Medea in itself was pretty polarizing for me. On one hand, Im happy she goes to extremes because I like that stuff, on the other was it justified. I'd say so. I enjoyed it the most out of the selections and am glad to have read Eurepedies finally.


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Top 100 for reference sake


>The Count of Monte Cristo is the number 100#
>Overrated garbage such as The Old Man and the Sea, Harry Potter, The Hobbit and Lolita being this high in the list.
How old is this?
Lot's of Philp K. Dick. He is good, but deserves only one space in the list.
Same to Faulkner and Orwell.


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Checkthe filenameed.



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It was not that good of a list to be honest and all your criticisms are valid.
L'Etranger wins, I was kind of hoping for Virginia Woolf but what can you do. It's about time I read this classic.

Last week's book was funny at times, I liked to imagine it remastered as a post modern classic like a few chapters in The Pale King or something or anecdotes in a Kurt Vonnegut novel.



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DRUM TAPS wins, since there was no other nominations and it's the one I wanted to post. The Stranger was very short but good. I said it was a nice nihilist novel but my friend made a counter point it's just semantics and I didn't get it but we haven't discussed it in depth yet. I thought it was gonna be a very complex novel but it wasn't bad. Drum Taps contains a poem I really found inspiring and I want to reread it.



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