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i got ideas but its too difficult and when i do the small daily stuff i peter out and forget

i just wanna talk about my story but its too big


Just write words. I know that doesn't sound helpful, but just write words. It'll take some practice before you can think of a lot of words in one sitting, but the more you sit down to just write words the easier it will get. Try to write 300 words today and see where that gets you. Then try it again tomorrow and the day after and so on. Once that gets too easy, go for 500 words. Then keep moving up from there.


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You should jerk off and coom a lot, that's how I do it!


300 words

Vape pen key board how do I write three thousand words let alone three hundred words on a 5 day basis on this day that I chose to do the three hundred day word a day basis if I do goo I will score good boy points on the Friday of the day that was this week and now I am only down to sixty seven words does that count the word itself or the total number I guess it's just the same thing does spelling count or is it okay I just make a bunch of typos also do small one letter words like a and I count as words since they are so minimal and other words bust their ass all day being words with more than one letter I'm sure that's a pain in the ass. That period right there means I stopped to grab my dick ha ha just kidding I have a hair in my face and now this concentration on spelling is making me anxious I feel it in my arms and in my legs its getting difficult to write now like I am using muscles that I hardly ever use in my shoulders or triceps like wtf I work out a fairly decent amount. That was another break by the way, but anyway I think it's the concentration that's making me uneasy about writing so much damn bro I got fucked up by jewish media bad I forgot how to natural write more than 200 words. Well looks like I'm closing in on the big 300. I'm feeling better a bit more now after a stretch but damn bro that's fucked up I used to do this more freely but shit I guess life gets you like that when you aren't looking well here we are 300 wowwee I am still going. Sorta filling in for all those pussy ass short letter words so fuck you a and I punk ass bitches lmao


whatever you do, flee the flow state, it is a trick of the devil meant to pollute your pen. if you can't "write" a long sentence with multiple clauses in your head, you can't write, and you should just read. there's nothing wrong with being a reader. people who advise stream of consciousness noodling are luciferians.


Try eating your own semen after you masturbate, it's called "recycling" and it recharges your creative energies


Too big? Why don't you start simply.


I meant to add: why don't you tell us about it?


Try picturing scenes in your head moving about as you write and keep a note pad by you at all times.

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