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yao wuzzup boardinskos,

1stlee eye want 2 apologhize 4 gnawt bein moar prescent ean duh bohrd's daie tew daie - the IRL sitchewayshun eye haev goean awn iznt v. gud atm n eye cudn't access the intergnit reliably enuff 2 keep auwp wit/enkourage thangs. eye want 2 thanq errie1 who has kept the lights awn ean duh joint, lyk book club OP + ppl poastean ean the /lit/ writes a gnawvul thread - u guys r the workhoarses keepin noe hoarse werked soil just az toiled hearse. %^> /lub erriebawdee poastean

w/ dat bein said thurrs noe guarantee eye'm set 2 haev the sort ov unbridled access eye haev 4 the momint netime again ean duh fewchur - consequently, fulfillean a # of priorities 4 the board ean the upcomean weeks/months will b ov highest peckean ohrdur (and wud lyk a referendum frum ppl whew still poast prawpur az well):

- fwellieton 6: bellicose-cosinnfragomad landean time 4 diz @ werst iz end-ov-year-ish - eye'll attempt 2 weald 2gethur a goodie bookie w/ the materiohl eye've gawt awn hand atm but eef ur hungerin 4 gerund-munsterean contribewshuns 2 /LIT/TYKINO ov ne n awl sorts (writtan + piccies) email [email protected] w/ ur chiros, quartos n folilos %^D

- /lit/ writes a novel pt 2 - prollie will end it aot the nite b4 the election n publisch eet election daie - shud it end nao? waie b4 den?

- galvanizing poastin energy - gnawt exactlee proppean auwp PPH but mayb gittin a lil moar cross-pollination w/ sum uddahr sides ov duh interwebs (Amarna, sum /lit/ mag rags, etc.) 2 slapdash a splash ov new panache ean duh lasso-ossal spawt %^) again lmk watchu thinq baot this - wagnaw dew wat the board wills @ the end ov duh daie

the /lit/ spirit emits writ tir-W stime awlmightee, and wishean the Lord blesces awl ov the /lit/tyzens w/ spritsail-swift-sweems,



Reading Blood Meridian atm.
I read The Sandman by Lars Kepler in the two first days of the month.
Both have a brutal difference of prose.


I read Blood Meridian last year, and I'm reading Book of the New Sun now, because I'm a complete fucking meme lord, I guess.
Maybe I'll read Infinite Jest next.


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Read Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep recently and really enjoyed it, gotta say though it nearly faceplanted by trying to be too deep near the end but recovered just in time.


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Do you have a telegram or discord group so we can talk about books and whatever? Am leaving the site for good and wont be posting here again after next Sunday.
Today I got "Now Wait for Last Year" by Philip K Dick, I haven't read "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" yet, mostly his short stories, "Ubik", "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" and I own Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said but I haven't read that last one. I was always afraid that it would be one of the rare cases where I would prefer the film over the book and that would hurt my experience.
Blood Meridian is good so far, it's not the first time I've read something written by Cormac McCarthy, but my previous experience with his works didn't please me very much.
For years now people told me to read Book of the New Sun, but it's way back on my list at the moment.

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