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LegaccoTID - IDGAF
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I'm from Saint Louis Niggaz


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Bitch imma move to Alabama


Let's go smoke some weed bros


Does jewtube let nigger rappers say nigger?


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Chud Historian lost.
Breadtube won.
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Yeah we're all celebrating on the discord


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There's nothing wrong with using discord or being a troon ally.
t. Mormon Shaggy


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Chad IH won, Breadtubers are losing hard!


>It's mostly showing how some YouTubers have plagiarized scripts for their videos, with some even reading off of Wikipedia unbeknownst to their audience.
Wikipedia is a free and open website. What's wrong with just reading straight from it? It's no different from having someone else write your script and you act it out. That's just part of producing a high-quality video.


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Chudmassacre forever btfo, not even dickriding the company behind Soylent would get them out of this jam.

The side effects of catering to the tumblrina kind, don't sound too assertive, those poor overgrown toddlers are in their mid 30s and they still can't tie their own shoes.

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It's true.
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>he fell for the buck breaking meme
never understood this reductionist logic. even if by some grace of god all the levantines are suddenly gone tomorrow, the subsaharans are already too deeply entrenched in society. and if you think they're just a "symptom" instead of an actual systemic disease themselves then it's obvious you've never actually dealt with them.

>we can just enslave them again

you will never be a landowner


A good analogy for this would be the situation in the Florida Everglades where the Burmese phython, an invasive species, is now so fucking dominant that it has killed off like 90% of the local mammals, completely ruining the ecosystem. Not even the local gators were able to cull their population and these pythons actively hunt and kill younger gators, making everything much worse. It was introduced to the Everglades by retarded pet owners who let them go once they grew bigger than 10 feet and started being dangerous to their other pets. Importing Burmese pythons is now illegal as is dumping them to the Everglades, but the pythons have already done so much damage and reached uncontrollable numbers that the government declared an indefinite open season on them. The government even offers to buy their meat off of you to encourage people to hunt and kill these bastards even more.


The buck breaking thing isn't really a meme. Blacks might be prone to chimping out, but they can also be really submissive to authority. They're not hard to keep in line when the will is actually there.
>even if by some grace of god all the levantines are suddenly gone tomorrow, the subsaharans are already too deeply entrenched in society.
The idea that everything wrong with society is due to Jewish influence isn't true either. It's a huge stretch to reduce all poz to Jews when the rot was already taking hold back when they weren't much of a factor in society outside of specific areas like banking. It didn't take Jews to create mattoids like John Brown or Parson Brownlow.
>and if you think they're just a "symptom" instead of an actual systemic disease themselves then it's obvious you've never actually dealt with them.
That's 100% true.


It's like naming something that starts and ends with A, gets jinxed.


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Nostalgia kino's
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Where's is zachary now?


Yakuza if you don't STFU and leave this site I'm going to post your pictures


erm… what the deuce?


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Do it.

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Shitposting on /dunk/? Having a blast


oof, lookin bloated


It's a really bad time to be a normalfag. These ads are so demoralizing.


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Soulless, here's how it's done.


I opened expecting some new Ramon kino. I was very disappointed.
Small channels using AI to make fake ads are unironically way superior. The absolute state.

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Gayhole bros…
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That sounds on brand


I mean gahoole has roommates too i dont think he's that unfamiliar with it.


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It was utmost kinography, they need to meetup in New Virginia.


Gayhole looks like Joseph Gorden Levitt in this picture tbh


Explain the lore behind that meme. As far back as I can remember, Ramon has dressed up as a banana but never as a penguin.

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"J Balvin?" Heh….kid…how about Trump Micky D's.
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He's worked construction too, he's a blue collar hero which is probably why he pisses off the NEET virgins on this site


Gay crackhead aids victim with a heavy dose of nigger genetics.


But enough about Donald J Trump


WRONG, retard


I actually found an old Ramon's meme on 4chan /tv/ from over a decade ago, he on Ridley Scott's Alien. I need to find it again.

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Like that buy that Germany ride that
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Burgers will really look at this and go
>Hmmm surely this will work


Oh what could have been. There's one or two things about that which could be fixed, tho. Like Norway. Germany didn't invade Norway to conquer it, they invaded it because Britain was going to invade it first as a launching point against Germany.


>Britain isn't occupied by Germany
I agree, it wouldn't work


Imagine if Mannie Fresh had been in charge though…

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>$8.99 large 1-topping pizza deal
>oh but it's too late for carryout
>oh but it's $15 minimum order for delivery, not counting tax, tip or delivery fee
>adding a second pizza brings the total to $24, including a $5 delivery fee and tax
>adding a decent tip will bring it up to $30
>tfw all I wanted was my $9 pizza
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Project harder

You are mentally broken, same 1 post everyday blaming the jews for your pathetic life for scraps of dopamine, jews didn't force you to be a fat virginal unemployed loser

picrel your future home!


based kike


I can afford it, I just think it's foolish to spend $20+ on a pizza. That's why I only get specials.


I broke my oven baking homemade pizza too often, and then I fixed it myself because I can't afford to have pizza made for me.
It was a fucked up solder joint on the control board, probably from too many max temp cycles. $0.05 worth of flux and solder did it


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>Ramon-run internment camps

Based and Ramonpilled

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It's now 18 years since I last fucked a pussy.
I'm confident I'll make it to 20.
You probably shouldn't try this at home. It does things to you.
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Fuckoff Louis


I'm getting real tired of all the cuckposting.



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Deal with it, whiteboi. /tvch/ is a CUCK MAN'S BOARD


Didn't Zach used to LoisCKpost?

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