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Let's share it.
For example, this guy is unironically a /pol/ users even tho his soyboy aesthetic
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Keep the lolcows coming.


>I luv Futurama
Matt Groening's smartest fan.




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What happened with the guy who used to dab on the vaxxed cattle? It seems to me, judging by the thread, that his channel has been deleted.

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Why they are ignoring the BBC question?
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>a rare waifuist sighting in the wild


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>mfw I see Jenny outside her containment board.


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What about the Big Black Butt question?


Ramon looked so happy before the jews took him down for being /ourguy/. Being relegated to tranny porn took a part of his soul.


Don't ever talk about the JQ, especially if you work for any form of media. Many modern niggers are now learning this lesson.

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I saw Mommy kissing Super Ramon
Underneath the muérdago last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep

Then I saw mommy tickle Super Ramon
Underneath his spandex suit so green and tight
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Super Ramon last night

He saw mommy kissing, kissin' kissin' Super Ramon
>I did, I really did see mommy kissing Super Ramon
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Is ramon truly our guy? is he into feet???


Please stop posting interracial porn.


both are white


Your hero is a gay nigger.


Nobody here is talking about your dad, lad.

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What's a good site to be posting on these days, if you actually want people to see and engage with the stuff you post?
Obviously all of the big social media sites are weighted in such a way that some rando making a post just ends up posting into a void, and that post never gets read by anyone.

Should I just go back to Newgrounds? I mean, Newgrounds is pretty much for kids. I don't think it's the most appropriate environment for an aging boomer to be hanging around.
Should I unironically be using DeviantArt?
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>You're here.
Peak toppest lel I bet your dumbass actually believes that too.


Why did this post make anon piss and shid himself.


>I literally want social media but good
Good luck faggot. Actually no I hope you fail entirely, you're stupid as fuck and never should've used imageboards in the first place.


Lies loosen my bowels.


What's wrong with wanting Myspace back

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>Soy drinking music stops.
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One off again, sharty.


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He's so happy.


>Try to enjoy life.
>Make a mistake.
>Get surrounded by beaners that were busy building the country.
>Get rescued by beaners.
>Beaner medic asks for your ID.
This is the most dystopian shit I have ever seen.


Texas was always full of spics just because the republic successfully split off from Mexico doesn't mean all the ones who were already living there just disappeared.


When Whites settled in Texas, it didn't take long for them to vastly outnumber the spics there. When the jew began targeting White birthrates and later flooding the country with illegals is when the spics took over.

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Kill yourself now


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>Her OF is still active, and I'm still getting DMs from her.


It's fucking worth it, I guarentee it, starts with a bang and then kind of slows down for some setup and drama, but picks up quick and gets you glued through most of it.


Is this a bot, WTF are you talking about? Why are you talking about onlyfans like a TV series?



I skimmed through the sub version and it really does alter the plot significantly, so I'll definitely rewatch it again with subs. Thanks a million, I really enjoyed it.

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>We want the bronie audience.


Even if she is still physically beautiful and premium white DNA, she's post wall and no longer viable for motherhood as she pushes 40. She's a puppet of the jewish establishment and a servant of Moloch. Into the oven she goes.



>she is still physically beautiful and premium white DNA


Please help him. He has a fat girlfriend and doesn't know what real skinny women look like. Men with fat girlfriends are always terrible at transvestigations.


Good theory
>Don't all these slim women look like trannies??? Don't you want a real (landwhale who complains stores only carries 4XL and not 6XL) woman???

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Happy Saint Georges Day!
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>How do you explain the divorce rates reaching the sky?
Your mom came here for vacation, her boomer kind was the first to bend over for charred med cock.


Pic related. The typical medtrash


George is the patron saint of England, bruv. Not the United Kingdom.


George Floyd is the patron saint of the USA


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Oi this threads kinda cheeeeky bruv shall we… shall we get a cheeky nandos???

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How many of you own a katana
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go attack some muslims or niggers with your katana


Holy shit I thought this thread was dead. Thanks for the bump


holy cope batman


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>not the jews

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