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File: 1713800836049.webm (3.83 MB, 640x352, 20:11, 1713738571779515.webm) ImgOps iqdb


Can we save them?
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Sup, Vaush, how are you doing?


… Vaush is a pedophile.


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Isn't it obvious? You're the pedophile for naming the pedophile.


John won.


The fuck you're talking about?

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Is my gorduck protestant? It's not very interested in Saint Ramon
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you suck


…your whore of a mothers fertile vaginal juices


>you suck your whore of a mothers fertile vaginal juices
If that's the rest of my sentence, it means you partake in incestuous cunnilingus.


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Damn, son, you are unironically a sperg with small dick energy. That's why everyone calls you "the peanutgoblin".


i swear i saw a super ramon meme on 4chan archives from over 10 years ago, it's an edit of him on Alien

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dudes. I just don't want to confront npc pettiness. weed and alcohol cross worked in controlled amounts but now the npc's are making an effort to rile me up. I've worked in mental fields that require critical thinking and problem solving capabilities but in a chair which is torture, then I switched to labor because I work out and am able bodied and then I'm hit with rote memorization plebs in a specific industrial printing position where I hit the point where it's "fuck you, get your own paper."
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>tobacco smoking increases testosterone
No wonder I look like a chad


Tearing your lungs to shreds to own the libs


I've known people that were into fitness their whole lives and smoked. Doctors couldn't even notice.


>Doctors couldn't even notice.
Did this doctor also pump gas? You know Dr Bubba's Crawdad N' Surgery Shack isn't a real hospital right?


I'm smoking a pack just for you bud.

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Who was in the wrong here?
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both in the wrong for being annoying cunts

just punch her
>but mah laws
then leave her alone. yapping aint gonna do shit.

she is also an annoying provactive cunt, but women do be like that.


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He wasn't expecting a ground war. He expected her to be intimidated by his boldness and run off. Bad pedo instincts. And she was emboldened by her streamer tip goal.


Yet this cunt wouldn't dare go try this at a mosque with muslims where all the rape gangs are. Baiting pedos is cringe the system is to fucked to trust they weren't set up by police.


What was she supposed to do, take down the FED?
This was a huge win for Twitch.


If the owners of the copyrighted content in the video have an agreement with the platform then they get all the revenue and the uploader still gets a copyright violation notice. If not the video can't be distributed on the platform with audio and there's a copyright violation notice. Later the copyright content owner can change their licensing agreement so the video has the audio cut out.

It happened with tiktok and universal music earlier this year, the audio in millions of videos was muted. Also happened to youtube and warner music back in 2009.

It's only a matter of time before algorithms can edit out the music perfectly keeping speech intact but we're still years away dealing with this poison pill.

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I don't get it.


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As with all paintings, you will if you look at it hard and long enough.


Baron Harkonnen (the fat guy) chose his nephew Feyd=Rautha as his successor


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He did it better.


>thug son still looks like a sissy


She is a girl, get into the lore, newfag

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Furries off leash
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He is the zoomer in the other thread preaching about how weed is nice and we all should smoke it to be based.


You already called it a "good troll" but now you're defending it as if its sincere


In the full version they mention the principal's daughter is a furry so as a result she allows this madness


That wasn't me.


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As an Accelerationist, I hope our rulers continue the psychological and chemical torturing of our children.

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happy birthday uncle adolf! is anyone else celibrating?
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I think you mean Dutchies.


THC % is what you need to be aware of. The shit we smoked as kids was highest 22% (and that was strong 20 years ago). The shit they have now (35+%) is what I call psychosis weed. It's ridiculously strong and probably the reason so many zooms are flipping out on it. If you've never smoked and want to, go with 20% at highest, the rest is for old degens like me.


Yes. Swamp Germans, my bad. It's the weed.


Smoking the dried flower is one of the worst ways to try it out. Find a place with 50-60 different types of hashish and ask for classic types like Afghani or Red Lebanese. Those haven't changed much in centuries asides for being produced domestically from heirloom seeds, don't waste money for imported. On an empty stomach eat a small amount about the size of 4-5 grains of dried rice to feel very light but pleasant effects that will last a few hours.

If you feel any internal pain during that time it's your body trying to communicate with you about something that you've successfully numbed yourself to. I'd avoid people or unfamiliar places when first trying it. And have drinking water with you.

It is an effective pain relieving medicine but should be used as such and not recreationally.


You talk too much.

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>Big if true
Guys, if this vid is true, that means we've been lied to about talent, and we've been made to feel like losers all our lives in the face of "the great painters" of the renaissance and other periods.
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Pretty much. If you have "talent", that just means you're not retarded and you had an environment that encouraged learning and growth. Supportive family/friends, decent teacher (assuming you had one), stuff like that.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It was still painstaking work either way, and there are also other aspects like composition to consider.


You can have all this and only pretend to mount to something because you won't ever have the original techniques.


Did you guys trace your cocks yet


Teachers = Gods

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Back? I didn't know she left.




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>Hold on, let me set my phone down to sing this song.
Said no fucking zoomer living.


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If it's an emergency then sound the alarm.

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Her prime was only like 5 years

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Your vice is a revolting habit and you're the only one who doesn't realize it.


Girls that smoke are hot deal with it fag


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I think women smoking is awful, but if you can't enjoy tobacco in the right setting, you're missing out.


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Show me a girl you think has a nice ass, no balls


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