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They stole your bit, Gahoole. You should start a beef.

Why does Rocko look like he got botched plastic surgery?
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Is this crusty Justy?


Yes it is, pretty sure they collabed once or twice during his Silvermania days.


Remember when Mega64 wasn't a bunch of cucks?


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>He finally made the crossover with Mega64
<Without the sex offender, the only funny guy they had

Sort of

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No bad tactics, only bad targets
This is one of the most profound and correct things anyone has uttered in the 21st century.
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that said Frankenstein


Every story has its underdog

Palestine Israel
Ukraine Russia
Bob Mob Lindsay Ellis


Is he wrong though?

Well, I guess he's kind of wrong.


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Super Razor Ramon

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15 is more than legal in my country you possed faggot and even your Jew masters have their legal age at 15, but of course you rather just become a gay transexual and consume estrogen so your normal sex drive can only be activated by blacked porn.


Ok so why are you seething so much about the AOC when a jew gets caught but not when a random low life or goyim gets caught?


>Yes, I would let my 15 year old daughter date a 76 year old jewish predator.


groyper pedo BTFO


No, a girl who's 15 is indistinguishable from one who hasn't hit puberty yet.

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DO you feel nostalgic watching this ?
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I never got the joke tbdesu

been here since v chan, still don't know about the namefag drama


Why lie?


this is undoubtedly the greatest webm this shit hole has ever produced, Emojitroon is truly knig.


Holy shit that's actually a really insightful post.

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Have you ever seen anyone get btfo in public before?


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>you can keep walking


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Don't you just hate it when nobody on the outside isn't autistic enough to understand retarded inside jokes?


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>5 seconds in he's already making this face
Imagine his looks, imagine the smell
Poor Doug


The cashier is obviously retarded. The juggalo behind the camera is literally bullying a retard and redditors are cheering.


He disrespected a woman, he deserved it incel!

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Eurovision finally produced some kino.
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>He thinks public relationships are real.
Man, you'd think you'd get how the jews operate by now.



you mean nato

face it buddy, you've been wanting a white tranny as a girlfriend for some time


No, I meant jews.


Jews troon their sons


Hey Louie!

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You need THERAPY!
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Were those all your comments or something?
You shoudl go back maybe


Now it's mandatory to make an account if you want to witness their autism, much like with twitter, god forbid if you catch lefties having a breakdown.




Don't tell me you come here every single day

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 No.137417[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>10 years from now
Will it be 10 years or more? At some point people will be reading about this era of history. The teacher is going to say "Yes… really… men were deceived by propaganda to cut their dicks off to satisfy sexual fetishes." Kids will be like "what the fuck?" They'll be whispering their shock and horror to each other, cracking jokes, snickering, some laughing out loud while trying to maintain decorum. There will be whole chapters dedicated to defining what libs thought was "progression." I can hear the children laughing their asses off, falling out of their chairs. It sounds like music. Can y'all hear it?

source on pic
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It's self-evident that eugenics is a taboo subject nowadays. William Shockley was talking about dysgenics and racial differences in IQ back in the '70s, and his views were considered controversial then. More recently Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory cut ties with James Watson over his statements on race and intelligence. Project Prevention's also caused a lot of hand wringing over their voluntary sterilization of drug addicts.


Ok but why are you samefagging


You must be really naive to take the agenda rebranding itself so seriously. Hopefully for your sake, you'll develop the ability to think laterally in your 20s.


It's not "rebranding" when you attack it and promote an agenda completely at odds with it.


OK Zoomer

[Last 50 Posts]
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Our sins and transgressions have deceived us. Our Lusts have deceived us.

Let us Pray.

Father which art in Heavon, Let us Forgive our Transgressions as we forgive our Transgressors. For Thou art the Lord our God, for the Lord of Heavon have deceived our Minds and thou forgive mine digressions. Mine Lord mine GOD, for the Gentiles are not Jews, But Arabs.



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stop trying to steal my waifu's of old u cunt

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