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Hey Gahoole, recommend me some good YouTube channels. I don't know how to find your subscriptions anymore since they changed the layout. You seem to know a lot about gaming and movie/tv channels which is the sort of thing I'm looking for. Really, I'm up for anything except political and lolcow content. I'm already subscribed to dozens of those channels and am burnt out on those subjects.


Stop attention whoring and writing this lame and gay posts, my dude.


>Gahoole, can you buttfuck me?
>Yes, daughter.


Not until you give me some youtube recommendations.


Still seething at Gahoole, mexicangoblin? Wow!


I was making fun of OP for making a new thread when Gahoole had already dropped the beats.

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>Somehow Gamergate returned.
Anybody know what's going on yet? Sounds like early stage stuff. Woke companies influencing game devs being dug into by our internet gamergaters.
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No buzz. What's the deal


I only just found out about this, and immediately my first thought was to check out that old Wikipedia article. It's more hilarious than ever now (it's called "Gamergate_(harassment_campaign)" now), and still being squatted on by some of the same editors from ten years ago. Imagine seething for ten years to right the world's wrongs on a video game controversy.


That is truly insane. haha
My favorite was a shill article accusing someone of having "pro-gamegerate views" which of course obfuscates the whole issue. Fucking shills… how are they so skilled


It seems more of what the Rothschild did to the niggers at Africa, also L.A Noire might the next game on the chopping block because the protagonist condemns a jew to the death penalty in one of his first cases and the jewish mafia trafficking drugs with their amerigolems covering for them.

<Making games
Anyone but him busted their asses coding, designing and even hiring trained monkeys. Konami was on their right giving him the boot because he kept on blowing resources over the pettiest shit, of course redditors idolizing like the retards they are blamed "le ebbin capitalist company" because their beloved interactive movies with spaghetti lore was jeopardized (and thank Yahweh it fucking died for good forcing these pretentious cucks in suicide watch)

>Bringing up Madonna out of all the oh so called "talents"
Her music fucking sucks and her liberal fellas fucking despise her (Seth MacFarlane, Sacha Baron, her own daughter).


>Madonna is despised by famous people.
I know this is a sidenote topic, but I just have to suggest something.
Assume for a second that (((they))) have our data. They have evaluated us psychological collectively and individually for centuries, and now they have our social media data and web histories.
They know and can forecast… they can even manipulate how the public perceives Madonna. If she's sinking, they can use it to their advantage. They're not dependent on her popularity anymore, just how she can continue to serve. She has been shown to be extremely ugly in recent photographs. Any celebrities throwing her under the bus, including her own daughter, should be looked at with a keen eye, to consider that they are just trying to prop up these people at Madonna's expense, and this could mean using the daughter's stance as further strengthening the stance of these other celebs.

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>The JBalvin of Porn.
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Is it true that niggers have problems staying hard?


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I can't cum


>More pickles please


Is he the one killing all the pornstars?

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What should I spend my zogbucks on this month?

Pics unrelated.
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I have already anticipated this, I'm building up my library of thousands of films, and I've invested in multiple backup hard drives.



What did you spend it on


backup drive, vidya and movie tickets


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>I have a Dunkaccino for… Dunk…accino?!
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Milana Vanytrub in No More Heroes


What websites are anons using to make this kino?


I'll give you that, Gayhoole, some of these are good.


No point in answering this question because they added filters daily to limit creations. I think it was bing's AI but I could be wrong.


It looks so real.

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Spritecucks… not like this…
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Why would they bite the rubbing hands that feeds them?


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Are there actually heterosexual males out there who talk like that?


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Sprite>Pepsi Twist>jones strawberry lime>Sierra Mist>starry


The peak of modern American culture. Even Mexicans and Brazilians make better advertisements.


Life was so simpler when one could drink soda.

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Also what's going on with alogspace ?
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Cope and seethe more. You'll have to find another space for your schizophrenic gahoole rants.


>For real, the vast majority of mods are the reason why the webring is so fucking dead

Hmm it's like the people who have the time to be eternally online aren't the most mentally well-adjusted or moral people or something


Stop seething, faggot.


Good falseflagging.


Good falseflagging.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Ran the same fate as Lindsay Ellis, now the trannies are shifting the blame from one to the other.


Do trannies really have fart walls


Mods Mad By Ramon's Bwc Superiority


??? did you reply to the wrong person in the wrong thread? kek


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>I'm gone, believe at me, I'm gone! The site is dead, I'm saying it for years now while posting nigger dicks and crying about Gahoole an vol3 and yet posting daily here or on other sites while I cry about tvch vols and anons!

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>4chan complicates their captcha and adds a cloudflare bot check
>The content and bot threads remain completely unchanged.
I don't see how anybody in their right mind can complain or dislike this website without being a kike or fed.
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Lol fuck you, you little shit.


I never liked Pac-Man. Devil World is better.


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As long as we live, the internet of old never dies.



Long live the archivers because the internet never forgets. These people are going to reap what they sowed. Kikes know that everyone is noticing.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Y'all keep embarrassing yourselves lol
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>see a man dressed as a pirate,

Did he molest you too?


Dios mio, I've been found out!


Indians are only brownoids because their real pale skin is covered in shit.


They haven't done anything to be proud of since the invention of the machine gun basically destroyed their way of life overnight.


As soon as the world turned cringe they dipped out, which is respectable.

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