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File: 1712340997455.webm (1.39 MB, 840x820, 42:41, 1712300756846799.webm) ImgOps iqdb


Now THIS is how you troon the fuck out.
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Are you a kike?


Why would you ask this?
He's right.


God I love this woman.


There's nothing to suck you degenerate retard, it's all plastic.


What are you trying to say

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You're the one who took the action of feeling guilty homo lmao you gonna let me control you like that? Fetch me my dunkaccino queer.


Are you black?
How did you misinterpret my post so badly


>multy mofo u nigr son
I'm guiltless and big dicked, younare guilty and tiny clitorissed.


>I only suck clits if they big and long.
You gay.


No I'm guiltless. Where's my fuckin coffee faggot?

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3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Who is she?


>I neED tO CAnCeL tHiS biTCh
Stfu, troon.


Who said anything about canceling? I'm just a regular guy who wants to follow her.


Just trying to protect m'lady.


>shoot shots at federal workers

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fucking lol



This seems like staged and scripted clickbait. Is he going to saw her throat open or is this cjud just teasing my cock for that sweet sweet Google AdSense payola?


Who was in the wrong ?



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my wife's sun


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Clownworld bros, we're so fucking back.



americans have collective schizophrenia


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We have the best, cleanest, and most abundant schizophrenia in the world. Bigly Schizophrenia.


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Adulting is so hard

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The ones going over your head, retard.
Thanks for confirming.


This isn't discord, like the wise Weasel say. There's no need of you making four different posts in the same thread on after the other. Fucking Jesus!


Coping with tea.


>Appealing to moderation
Teahavers keep winning.


Made tea, drank it. It was tea-riffic.

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Louis' face should be on the right there in the clouds


Louis isn't a ghost, he's still alive.


oh no. That's too bad


It's a blessing.


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Why are the feminizing themselves

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They thought this was a joke but it really is true.
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How many must die though? Millions, billions perhaps?


I dont buy heroin. If i kill a heroin dealer, the only people who benefit are
>police - because I saved them a job
>heroin addicts - because they can get clean
>the family and friends of the above
all of whom treat me like shit, dont give me any pussy. fuck em, im not doing them a favour.


The cops will unironically kill you for killing a drug dealer.


>There is also the Global Warming Doomsday fear propaganda to dissuade people from having kids.
I sincerely believe that this is what the current push for mass faggotry is all about. Dupe kids into castrating and sterilizing themselves. I finally realize that the holocaust is a hoax and never happened, but it should have. Based on our current reality, 6 million wasn't enough. That's why kikes froth at the mouth and remind us daily. They're terrified that we're actually going to do it for real once everyone gets wise to their schemes. For me, it's TKD.


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Exactly. You get no favours for doing favours, 'tis a cruel world one finds oneself in. I seek solace in my inward pursuits. Charity begins at home and home is where the heart is. The Kingdom of God is within you. He that is of the world hath not the love of the Father in him. Amen.

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When will Francis admit dolphin won?
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She isn't me, just Blaine larping as me. Am the real Wrist.


Do you love bbc?


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Big British Cock? Yeah.


Isnt Ireland full of nigerians and eastern europeans these days?

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fascinating Boater incident.
Normally they have 75 IQ, but this one seems to have 80, and his friends have 85.
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Speaking of booze, man I need a good drink.


The civil war killed the USA, 9/11 just made it even more obvious that "letting the feds do literally whatever they want with no oversight whatsoever" is actually a really shit way to run a country this big


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>Speaking of booze, man I need a good drink.
Bottom's up


German having a picnic in 2020


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>German having a picnic in 2020
You have the sight?

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