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After 25 months living like an adult, I have ended up back in my mother's house. I have failed.
>Working long hours suck
>You CAN be fired for rumors
>Normal people just kind of talk to each other naturally without being weird about it
>Twins don't look that similar
>Niggers are actually as bad as you think
>I fugking hate niggers and kikes
>My favorite job was customer service, honestly not the nightmare people say it is
i will figure out a plan to move out again, let's hope it goes better.
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No, I'm saying the kinds of people you you're talking about can't exist in that great of numbers, and I suggested they amount to less than .01% of the population. Take picrel for example. This is probably the person you want to be talking about but didn't describe properly. He's probably entirely capable of having conversations. He's just never been in an appropriate environment. There might not be one since he's an ugly hapa with no natural nationality. If he were in Mexico and joined a gang, he'd have pussy and parties easily. Or maybe he'd get chopped up alive.


Sonyeah you're talking about some other shit because you misinterpreted my point. Call me stupid or whatever I'm not going to get sidetracked because you want to nitpick.


>My argument was purposely vague, so I can be right when I shit on people that might be visiting the site because if I'm too accurate, I won't demoralize anyone.
Max gay.


Too bad, you'll just have to deal with it champ I got tired of dealing with sidetracking nitpickers years ago.


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You either have an argument or you don't. Just because I deduced what you were trying to say because you are intentionally vague doesn't make it a nitpick. You're overgeneralizing without acknowledging the realer problem of kikes ruining all social spheres. It's like germ theory vs. terrain theory. If the environment is polluted, you don't inject cleaner into the fish. You clean the tank. Likewise with people, you can't solve this problem you speak about through therapy or a meme. You have to remove the toxifiers from the system. That means get jews out of colleges, government, corporations, law, and entertainment.

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It's over.
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Uhm excuse me but I'm going to gatekeep you until you leave even though you most likely have been using these shitholes as long as I have. It's not arbitrary and overly strict standards on my part, it's "quality control".


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Which one was Mark's site again?
Stupid fat fuck removed himself from the webring.


>removing himself from the deadring
based Jew always win.


its at 1000 posts now dead dead dead

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 No.113611[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


No job today.
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not funny


I laughed, you're just gay


Buck breaking is a serious issue that black men suffer constantly. It is no laughing matter.

[Last 50 Posts]

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That one on the left is not Tom's kid.
He got cucked by a spic. It just goes to show that "muh hypergamy" is NOT eugenic! Women aren't looking for Chad. Women are nasty sex obsessed whores that'll fuck anything!
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You sure like talking about men's cocks.


Penis envy is the primary motivator behind hapa rage.


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>t. shitskin beaner


Why isn't Dunk Accino a member of the Dunkings? Or is he secretly the mastermind behind it all?


I have a working theory… Pacino, DeNiro and Jerry Jones were all picked for meals way before the modern wave of meals. They also all happen to be older guys. I think the fast food giants have been planning this for a long time and are preparing for the OGs to be the first "meal saints" when they pass on

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Dad, it doesn't hurt anymore.
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I am cum


Not the OP here, but…
What does this mean?


Niggers Get Mostly Interracial

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 No.130545[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Old thread is 1 year old
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I miss Sargon, Jon Aryan and Jimbo taking turns gangraping destiny in these livestreams so much bros…


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Sargoy is a coward lolcow. He is afraid of even talking about Vaush or debating anyone now.


Black Science man is about to be put before the Science tribunal and stripped of his Science for violating the laws of Science and therefore breaking the oath of Science. He will then be given a pink slip of Science and told to go to the nearest Science welfare office for Science gibs.


sorry leftist catamite, he knows the debate market is saturated and moved on to bigger things like podcasts and owning libs on the xitter.

[Last 50 Posts]

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>tfw I fell into one of those tranny gamer circles, and they're all so nice, and I realised this is what I wanted all along
You assholes literally ruined my life.
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>"well known" because you cherry pick and make up stories, so you can feel like someone else out there is worse than you.
Nothing I've said is cherry picked or made up. It seems to me the reason you've got your panties in a bunch over the Foxdicks isn't for any of the legitimate reasons but because of the way they document the kind of things your butt buddies get up to.
>Meanwhile actual CP is dumped on this site every day, and you think it's funny
Why would I think a problem like that is funny?
>You do that too. You love taking people who are only really socially awkward and unhappy, and filling their heads with all kinds of ideas that only furthers their social alienation from the rest of the world. You think it's funny when someone who was more or less normal once, goes out and shoots up a supermarket, and then you feign ignorance as to who egged him on, and why that happened.
Even more projection.




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>Meanwhile actual CP is dumped on this site every day, and you think it's funny
Why don't you tell the whole truth that this is the work of jews in Israel? When the lights went down in Tel Aviv, the CP spam and the nigger dick spam ceased, for days. No one cares. Jews gonna jew, jannies clean it up. Rinse, repeat.
>You think it's funny when someone who was more or less normal once, goes out and shoots up a supermarket, and then you feign ignorance as to who egged him on, and why that happened.
We don't encourage violence here. It's actually against the rules.


It's "against the rules", except you all still take part in it, sure.
And that weird stuff definitely isn't being posted by Gahoole's friends, who are all podophiles. No it's always some shadowy cabal of outsiders.


>It's "against the rules", except you all still take part in it, sure.
We must be talking about different sites, because I don't see any posts inciting violence.
>And that weird stuff definitely isn't being posted by Gahoole's friends, who are all podophiles. No it's always some shadowy cabal of outsiders.
Thing is, there were rumblings for many years that jews in Yidsrael were doing the CP spam on these. When the lights went down in Tel Aviv, and the spam stopped, then, resumed when the lights came back on, it was all but confirmed.

Yidsrael is a criminal haven. What better way to attack the few Internet spaces left that they don't have a stranglehold upon, than by spamming the digital equivalent of WMDs, in order to attract the attention of law enforcement? It's a terroristic tactic similar to swatting.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Post them
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>The nigger lover poster is the same always attacking americans
Wow, imagine my shock!


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Considering I'm not the OP, there are at least two of us.


Considering this is a bad thread, it doesn't matter.


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Haven't you got some job applications to be filling out NEETy?

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literally none of you are funny.
Try harder.
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>Ywn be dog
>Shoulder bumping with the geniuses behind the Simpsons or any flavor of the month liberal approved show
It's joever, ching chong ding dong


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coal, the blackest of coals.


Explain to me why you think you're cooler than anyone.


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>Explain to me why you think you're cooler than anyone.

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HAHAHA Don't you just want one for yourself?
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Time to coon


>American one is a nigger with a white and Asian lady
>Mexican one is a nice group of friends
That's why as Christian American fully support the Latino immigrants, the good hombres among them.


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In the first moment of the video, there's also what appears to be a kike sitting next to the Asian female, and either a male or female Black on the other side of the redhead. The edit of this commercial I'm seeing on talmudvision cuts out these people, and it's just the redhead, the nigger, and the Asian female.


Their goals is to only have nigger males and kikes, all white men, asian men and latinx men gone.


All the youtube ads are different from the ones on TV for some reason. There's ad websites with the full ads, but they're difficult to rip from. Highly deceptive shenanigans afoot.

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