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File: 1714498945086.png (1.38 MB, 1024x1280, 4:5, sargon victory meditation.png) ImgOps iqdb


sargon WON
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Sargoy is too afraid of debating anyone or calling off Israel.


Im with israel if they are bombing brownlestinians.


File: 1714591579218.png (173.79 KB, 1517x594, 1517:594, destinymeme.png) ImgOps iqdb

Debates are pretty much always staged, if you haven't noticed.
>Calling off Israel.
Yeah, one phone call or visit from a glownigger with a threat to your family will do that.

by the way I have no idea what this pic means. Was looking for something on Destiny, specifically his role in an Alex Jones debate.




I figured this out long ago. It's why they had to let Kyle Rittenhouse free. The case got deep enough that people were going to start asking questions why the SEIU chartered busses of lefties from Seattle and Colorado to travel hundreds of miles away into Baltimore, Louisville, and Kenosha to commit arson and pose for kosher "photo ops" from bgonthescene (a jew) who just always happened to be in the right place at the right time and never arrested. The other third of the agent provocateura are glowfags and SEIU members organizing this shit in cahoots with the kike media… and the cops just let these people do whatever and let them go because they're all part of the show.

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Since he's the President and CEO of GG2, I support Gahoole and will follow him into battle against the forces of evil.

The ride never ends. This is /our/ Alamo. This will be the hill that we all die on.

File: 1714326327829.mp4 (5.92 MB, 656x960, 41:60, bam.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Who is stalking Bam
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Here's the problem. You project a lot, so I can't even explain things when you're in the wrong frame of mind. You misinterpret a lot of nuance while accusing me of misintepreting nuance. You are fighting this like a court case as if nobody here is allowed to read between the lines or interpret events on their own. Your strategy to compensate for your weakpoints is to call in a discord buddy or samefag or falseflag. This is just how it is.

>Ah ha it was a separate IP. You think my discord buddy and I are the same person.

I know, I know, you're going to have a meltdown because I'm accusing you two of being discord buddies. Ok, so let's try to backup for a sec and deal with one issue.
Let's go to the sped topic.

Now this is going to be difficult to read because it would require you to admit "defeat."

Let's take your quote about being a sped.

>but generally when you throw a bitchfit about something for weeks and months it makes the type of sped that comes on here more likely to want to do it, especially when it's as petty and stupid as your little crusade here (which, again, the website owner has said many times is perfectly permissable).

You're accusing me of throwing a bitchfit and overzealously moderating you. You're saying that when and if I do this kind of moderator action type behavior to people other than you, that it can cause other people to behave like speds and do more often what they're being jannied for.

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You're both retards and wrong




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Maybe [Censured] was right after all about a certain person here having a severe drug addiction among other problems.


You're addicted to me banning you.
You're now experiencing withdrawals.

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Who's your favorite Dragon Ball character?
I liked piccolo the most in DBZ, but he became a weak loser background character towards the end of it (and in super so far - just finished the Goku black arc).
Piccolo is cool but I like the character development Vegeta is going through in Super.

Mr. Satan was awesome in the Buu arc and honestly redeemed the worst arc in Z.

Which characters are your favorites and why?
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I think it's as I said, they wrote themselves into a ever narrowing triangle's corner by having nearly all the saiyans die.
The Frieza saga was such a monumental success, that they had to keep going, and since that was more or less a reimagined Superman story, they had to come up with an entirely new foundation for the show.


Which ones are canon?


I'm not even sure if that's the correct phraseology. They're more like side-stories. The plots are separate from the show, and I'm not sure the order is important. I mean you could watch them according to release date I guess. I think Broly is never mentioned in the show, but there's I think 2 movies that center around him. I haven't seen them all.


The only ones I can think of that seem like they could even fit in the main story are Dead Zone and the first Cooler movie. They have some inconsistencies with the series but those are no greater than the inconsistencies the series has with itself.


Honestly most of the movies range from shit to complete shit. Character development in them is non-existent and they basically just exist to regurgitate fighting mechanics from the canon series. In fact it can be argued that they lessen the impact of various fighting developments in the canon series by turning them into lazy tropes.

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Why are chicks still getting fake bobes
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File: 1714527128469.mp4 (4.58 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 7244B0DC6E1A79075A8DE2FDF3….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Found the body source.
So weird
Maddy Cherry


dating this girl would be a nightmare


I looked her up. Apparently she's dating a UK Millionaire. I find it so odd that rich guys go to this. You'd think you could get anybody if you're rich, but you go for plastic. I don't get it. Maybe it's a status symbol thing having literal money in the boobs.


Maybe he bought her as a toy for his son. She gives pedo vibes.


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Being an alumni is great. You no longer have the stress of classes. You don't have to worry about being kicked out before your degree. No more worrying about grades. No more tuition payments. No lectures from pretentious teachers. Can use the library whenever. It's a great time. No vaxx mandates. No mandated jewish art major gf. Just pure freedom.
Anybody else know this feel?


Gay men are some of the most racist of all.

File: 1714523586685.png (1.31 MB, 1398x1340, 699:670, Troon Golf.png) ImgOps iqdb


Looks like it's going to be a big year for golf.

>Royal Troon will have the longest hole in Open history when the Ayrshire links plays host to the 152nd championship in July.

>The sixth hole will measure 623 yards - 22 more than it did when Troon staged the 2016 Open - when it hosts the battle for the Claret Jug from 18-21 July.

>Two holes later, the players could then play the shortest hole in the championship's long history.

>The iconic par-three eighth, the 'Postage Stamp', will measure 123 yards on the scorecard but organisers the Royal & Ancient (R&A) is considering reducing that to 99 yards for one round, weather permitting.

>The R&A can use a forward tee and a front pin position to create a hole that would play fewer than 100 yards.

>Overall though, the R&A's preferred architects Mackenzie & Ebert have generally lengthened the links for the 2024 Open.

>The creation of nine new tees means an overall increase of 195 yards to 7,385 - just 36 fewer than the record at Carnoustie in 2007.

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the memes


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Which youtube front-end actually works?
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Invidious works fine because it's decentralized. If one instance is down, just go down the list until you pick one that's working.



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Standard adblock affair on PC (uBlockOrigin + uMatrix), tor browser for extra security depending on if your internet speed can handle it. Invidious does work, but personally I just can't be assed to scrawl through instances; same as nitter.
Newpipe if you're on mobile (comments are fucked, but it's in part because they've been rewriting the foundation codebase or something from the ground-up to something better since the start of this year, and abandoning the current build once it's done)


eat shit niglet

I'm not logging into a Jewgle account just to watch age-restricted videos.


Just host your own front end locally if you really need to play youtube videos in a web browser. Install debian in virtual machine, run their docker image and change your DNS to redirect youtube URLs to it.

You copy and paste hitting enter about a dozen times and it's done. Reading the instructions takes longer than setting it up.


>Adblock needs to get updated each time
>Search results are completely fucked
>Need to sign in just to watch a video of some guy saying "fuck"
No, fuck jewgle

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>I am forgotten
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I hope Eggard Pig is doing okay :(


This guy has the fat distribution of a foppish aristocrat who enjoys daily goose feasts


PPP is a king.


File: 1714415283607.webm (732.65 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, standachance.webm) ImgOps iqdb

Yeah a burger king


Isn't a burger owned by a count or duke or some shit?

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.136350[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since /cow/ died with 8chan and foxdickfarms is straight crap lets post shit here
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What happened with /cow/? Three years ago they had some threads about some alternative lolcows, but all are dead now, is only the general and even that one only have four active anons.


Bloodsports cancer fully metastasized and drove away everyone who wanted to look at actually interesting weirdos in favor of the handful of stupid faggots that just want to circlejerk about boring drama surrounding other boring fuckups.


dont worry son, it will Build Back Better


the thread about fuzhou was the last good thread in the entire site, since they it's over


It's sad to see that there's no activity there, a few years ago there were at least one or two other active threads.
And isn't /cow/ now a kind of quasi-left-wing board because of all the discord trannies and kiwifarms users?

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