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dudes. I just don't want to confront npc pettiness. weed and alcohol cross worked in controlled amounts but now the npc's are making an effort to rile me up. I've worked in mental fields that require critical thinking and problem solving capabilities but in a chair which is torture, then I switched to labor because I work out and am able bodied and then I'm hit with rote memorization plebs in a specific industrial printing position where I hit the point where it's "fuck you, get your own paper."


tldr but fuck yeah weed man


Weed is for hippie faggots, smoke tobacco from a pipe, and enjoy the fact that it's a byproduct of colonization and Brazilian suffering.


Ok boomer, enjoy your anal cancer, lol.


Smoking Marijuana also gives you cancer you THC ridden fucktard.
Inhaling any kind of smoke is a cancer risk and damages your lungs.


Pretty sure that was debunked in recent years, especially during the rona.
Word on the street is the cancer scare around smoking and the banning of smoking indoors was to misdirect from the toxic cleaning chemicals being inserted into the mainstream consumer consciousness and buying habits. That and the combination of them with industrial construction materials like linoleum.
Factory cigarettes also have an absurd number of alternate ingredients and toxic filters.
Meanwhile the ancient wisdom of tobacco used to fend off plague was proven also to be true when they found out it fends off covid.


Combine with the fact that tobacco smoking increases testosterone, and you can understand why they pushed smoking onto women in the 1910s. Once that chemical alteration bombardment impacted several generations, they began removing it from society entirely through progressive taxation campaigns and ban campaigns. There was so much anti-smoking propaganda in the 80s and 90s it's unreal.


>tobacco smoking increases testosterone
No wonder I look like a chad


Tearing your lungs to shreds to own the libs


I've known people that were into fitness their whole lives and smoked. Doctors couldn't even notice.


>Doctors couldn't even notice.
Did this doctor also pump gas? You know Dr Bubba's Crawdad N' Surgery Shack isn't a real hospital right?


I'm smoking a pack just for you bud.

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