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File: 1714582609336.png (170.66 KB, 708x418, 354:209, samefag.png) ImgOps iqdb

 No.145086[Last 50 Posts]

Why it's so dead ?


File: 1714582984787.jpg (23.71 KB, 341x380, 341:380, shut-it-down-jew-with-walk….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

It's been in a state of shutdown for years.



Just look what's happening to /biz/ with the (((streetshitter bombardment))), now "forced" to go to an email system.


>no poster ids
isnt tvch the same thing?


It's definitely full of bots now. They also clearly have some kind of profile of me, and keep making bait threads specifically to draw me in. They know things they shouldn't know, if you catch my drift.

Well, I'm too far gone to quit at this point. No one else talks to me.


Plus the rock bottom degenerates are not doing any favors, they really get upset if you call out their messiahs, it all started with /co/ and /mu/


Nothing but bots and shills
It's reddit and twitter without any of the functionality.


In an ideal world, 4chan would've been shutdown instead of 8chan.


>/co/ mods mass deleting any and all Murder Drones threads for "flooding"
>half the board is softcore toddlercon
I'm losing what little reason I have to use cuckchan.


Ya 4chan started sand boxing users since 2016.


Why are there so many latinx subhumans on that site now? Make no mistake, AT LEAST 90% of that site is made up spics and pajeets. Threads have no substance, any conversation of value is immediately derailed by a meme spewing shitskin. There's no sign of recovery for it


Because 1/3 of the USA is meximutts and Canada got invaded by poos.


Weren't almost all of the 4chan mods revealed to be either mystery meat or actual trannies some time ago?


how lol


Weren't they all doxxed at some point by a crazy avatar fag?
I remember seeing something on it and the posts always getting deleted so I just assumed they were true.


I probably have a screen that, but I don't remember fully.


If you could find it I'd appreciate it and I'm sure some of the other anons would too.


File: 1714747512529.jpg (176.58 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Noospherical_leak[1].jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>File is too big.
Have this pic instead.
catbox of intended pic


4chan has been Redditized for years.


>Make no mistake, AT LEAST 90% of that site is made up spics and pajeets
Yeah, it's called /pol/


>Pizzagate is debunked.
Found the pedophile.


>Pizzagate is real so all the retarded shit pacos say on /pol/ is true
Wtf I love takis and wearing a tank top now


holy shit why are you seething about /pol/, you fucking blatant homosexual


Yes theres multiple poos hence why india subhuman shitskins never get banned and beaners. Got banned with a poo rage message from the shitskin mod from /sci/ for calling out all the Anti-White shitskin poos while numerous Anti-White threads get posted by subhumans in /sci/.


I remember when the /v/ BLACKED spammer would post threads that stayed up on the board for hours at a time, meanwhile on topic threads that were right next to them in the catalog would get deleted.
I think this shit happened for almost an entire year if my mind isn't playing tricks on me.


nonwhites, zoomers, normalfag reddit refugees.


Not to mention they're confirming the conspiracy theory of glowing nigs producing cheesecake cartoons (the ones that attract lewd artists) just to keep them autistic and useless as possible while being useful retards when it comes to "right-wing terrorist attacks", like the manchild who had a hard-on over a talking dog from a preschooler show and later shot up a supermarket.


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Martha speaks and I listen


Troons took over and started banning chan culture and everything that offends faggot feelings, anons got tired of Hiroyuki being a worthless cunt and almost all it's userbase has been overrun by mentally deficient weebs that post horny down syndrome shit with tranime pictures attached.


Also they implemented a piece o of shit captcha that makes you solve it first and then wait 1 minute before posting, if you solve it and then forget about it for some minutes then you gotta fill another captcha and wait another minute, fuck that.


Another little thing that might confirm your theory is that, right after they ran Murder Drone fags off of /co/ a fed tier site sprang up with a very obvious fake avatar fag who tried to harass them into using it.

I don't post on Cuckchan cause I really haven't seen the point in years but watching the only decent boys centric show posters get ran off of not only /co/ but /trash/ as well in such a short amount of time made me not even wanna lurk there anymore and has left me disgusted with the whole ordeal.


Worse, to make a thread you have to wait 5 minutes.
Literally 5 minutes


Shit's ridiculous, I'm convinced the people that keep using that place are bottom feeders who either don't know any better or simply like eating turds.


>or simply like eating turds.
It's called the brownpill. Have you not taken it yet?


Been searching for a video of Tyrone reading the copypasta, I know it exist because I have seen it being posted before but it ain't in yt.


I didn't know that. I've got the Rog Rogerson one but it would get deleted if I posted it due to it having the original video playing behind him.


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I don't think Tyrone ever did, Rog did though
RIP cunt


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>Encyclopedia Dramatica is down again
God fucking damnit


Oh no, how will you live without other people's OC


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By making my own, still sad to see




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What am I implying?


That you can make OC.
Also you didn't mean to imply that you're jewish, but you continuously do.


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Just gave you 2 things I made, here have another one.


Everything you post is jewish. There's no OC here.


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>Everything you post is jewish. There's no OC here.
Post nose kike


>Post nose kike
No, I was saying that to you. Why are you so dense


If he's troubled by internalizing something, he will project it. Basic jewish operating methods.


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You have no OC, you randomly accuse others of being hook nosed subhumans and your try to stir shit to derail threads.

Kill yourself you waste of space


>Accusing other people of what you do.
Why are you so obvious? Oh right, because you have no original bone in your body.


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Take a hike kike


>Internalizing and projecting again


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This is an imageboard, not a textboard
Post something you waste of oxygen.


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Ok, I'll post your theme song. How's this


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If you ever steal it, you will have proven you can't make OC.


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>steal it


Same thing that killed this place, garbage moderation staff


The Brown Pill was truly 8chan's finest hour. Naturally, all the moderators hated it.


The site had a good reputation for moderation until you came around.


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You poor thing. I also hate it when jannies make me sped for 5 years straight with no end in sight.




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There he is!


I was looking at the /biz/, now that it requires email verification threads with under 30 replies can stay up for a week
weird stuff


Are they actually deleting streetshitter spam threads?


I've been waiting for it to come back up.
Sunsoft's NES soundtracks were good stuff.
I hated it at first due to being spam, but after seeing the pasta pushed so many times I came around to liking it.
>that second one
Lel. Saved.


Kys, faggot.


Everyone sees your gay nigger, fag.


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Calm down holmes!


Dumb gay spic.


>They also clearly have some kind of profile of me, and keep making bait threads specifically to draw me in.
Happens to me all the time. I go there for the first time in months and there it is, a thread about something I haven't been able to discuss with anyone. It's especially a problem on fast boards because you have to fight like hell to keep a thread like that alive. You never know, it might just 404 on you while you step away to take a piss or handle a quick chore.


Just give up of this site, move on, it's over.


You're not that dumb dude, calm down


I wish I could. I seriously have a problem. Imageboards have been the stand-in for real social interactions I haven't been having for half of my life at this point. I have developed a very real emotional dependency on them.
I tried going to other imageboards. Too slow. Too lonely.
I tried going to Twitter. No one talks to you. You may as well not be there at all.
I tried going to Discord. I don't get it.
I hang around Twitch a lot now, which is the next best thing I've found, but you already know, it's just not the same. It's a lot of fun, but people don't want to hear what you really think about things. Huge liberal bias on that site too. I hang out with trannies now, and I'm cool with that, because I like them and think they're legitimately cool dudes, but they wouldn't like me if they knew what I really was.


Discord is just reddit chat. Everybody just reposts memes or post memes, but you can't have any conversations unless you break off to DM, so it's just a wash.
Twitter is Shadowbannedland.
Twitch is gaming is escapism is escape from leftist's own problems they voted for.
Did you seriously write all that text just to fuck with us few anons? Post proof. Or is this pasta.


No, I'm entirely serious. It turns out I really get along with trannies.
I just can't wish them any ill will at this point. They're fun quirky weirdos, and I identify with them. It's not their fault we're living in the stupid era of history, and everyone's a little bit insane.
>Post proof.
It wouldn't be fair to draw attention to people. I've done enough damage in my time.


You are 100% a liar then and have been shitposting this pro-tranny shit all over the site lately.


You don't understand how broken my brain is at this point. I just feel so much compassion. I can't hate people.
Well, maybe women.


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They're not good people.


Where are your five children?


Why are you posting like a kike shill in current year


If you're lonely then maybe we could work something out Anon


If your objection to trannies is that their existence lowers the white birth numbers, where are your five children? It's a legitimate question.
Most of these people were fucked up and dysgenic in the first place. They weren't going to have kids, and it may be for the best that they don't. You have to have the kids for them. Where are your kids?


Hard to believe but you're talking to two different people.


Failing to reproduce, and voluntarily becoming an abominable avatar of Baphomet are two different things.


what >>145386 said
Also what is this nonsense about failing to reproduce? Plenty of men have kids for the first time in their 40s and even 50s. It's so absurd to accuse people of failing to have kids in their 20s and 30s as if it's a failure that you'd have to be a kike shill to push that "demoralization" challenge.


Pretending to be a Christian for internet edgelord points stopped being amusing like five years ago.
If you were serious about your beliefs, you'd helping people. You wouldn't be hanging around the shittiest, dingiest corner of the internet, talking about lolcows, and how you think women deserve to be raped.
You aint that guy, is what I'm saying. the LARP is over.
>I-I'll have kids in my 40s!
You know that's an excuse, and Ahmed is having them right now.
Girls don't like you, and/or you're just lazy. You know that's the truth.

I'm not pretending this shit isn't what it is anymore. I'm too old. I've seen it all. I don't care.


Kike shill.


>Pretending to be a Christian for internet edgelord points stopped being amusing like five years ago.
>If you were serious about your beliefs, you'd helping people. You wouldn't be hanging around the shittiest, dingiest corner of the internet, talking about lolcows, and how you think women deserve to be raped.
>You aint that guy, is what I'm saying. the LARP is over.
I feel like this is you talking to yourself.
You probably larp as a Christian and make a constant effort to shit these people up with distasteful posts and think women should be raped.
Same with the second part I didn't green text.
I have a girl that likes me. I've dated a girl in her early 20s that had a dad that was in his 60s.

I can give you that there is a sliding scale of degeneracy and that perhaps seeking promiscuous women for a decade was a mistake, but I haven't converted by physical chemistry because of a brainwash ideology meant to turn you into a circus freak.


So, where are your kids?
Honestly, if you're serious about this demographic crisis stuff, people like you need to be having one a year, until you no longer can.
I think you know I'm right about that.
Easier to just attack trannies though, isn't it? As if they aren't fucked up enough as it is. Reality itself has seen fit to take a big enough shit on their lives. You don't need to help out in doing that for them.

>fart fart Baphomet!

Also not a real thing. That was a medieval misinterpretation of the name "Muhammed".


>You don't need to help out in doing that for them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH damn right the only thing they need is a mirror


I'm beyond this juvenile hatred.
Have kids, fatty.


I'm not the other Anon, Anon


All you've done is deflect from the issue of your being a troon lover by engaging in whataboutism.


You hang around trannies cause you wanna feel loved, you're not above a damn thing.


Why shouldn't I love them? What's the point in hating people, if it doesn't make anything better?
I hang around with them because they're overwhelmingly autistic, or people who otherwise got shat on by circumstance and mental illness, and I feel a kinship with them.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Why shouldn't I love them?


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You shouldn't love bad people. Troons are not good people. I'm beginning to think you're not a good person, either.


They're unfortunate people. You're a bad person.
You're literally pretending to be a Christian, so you can feel justified in hating people.


Stop projecting your bullshit onto other people


Why is it SO important that I hate trannies? I just don't.
You're not spiritual, because you don't talk like a spiritual person.
You don't care about the demographics question, because you aren't out there having kids and encouraging others to do the same.
You don't "love your people", because you're so willing to kick so many of them under the bus.
What are you?

Explain to me why you're actually like this.
Because I think they pay you people to rile people up, make them angry, and point them at targets that aren't you, and are ultimately a waste of time and energy.

I think you converge on alternate message boards to ruin them and chase people away, and to maybe just maybe, engineer another psycho who goes out and shoots people, so you can get this place shut down too.

Deny it. Go on.


Again, I'm the other Anon, Anon


>I go there for the first time in months and there it is, a thread about something I haven't been able to discuss with anyone.

You do know it is possible to just start your own thread hear, or on any image board/internet forum, right?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
You're done


>tranny anon is back
Don't bother arguing with him. They've been brainwashing him for too long now, odds are he'll be dead in 5 years but he doesn't want any help.


Fvck me a tranny IM going to cvm


You've been psyoping the boards for almost a year with this pro-tranny bullshit, and you have failed to accomplish anything other than fulfillment of your own destructive fantasy.


The problem is that trannies tend to be awful people who hate anyone who doesn't enable their mental illness.


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An abomination is an abomination


Brainwashing you to do what? Consider trannies human beings instead of boogeymen? They're human beings, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you grew up in a cult, but you're the one who's fucked up. Not me. I got out and started to realize there is more nuance to everything than horror stories conjured up by bigots and reiterated by internet NEETs would have you believe.

What happens if you "lose faith" and admit trannies are people? Western civilization collapses?
Have kids then, and raise them right. That's literally the answer.
>Noooo! I want to laze around and shitpost until I'm 40! It's THEIR FAULT the world is a mess. Not mine!
You're a fucking worm.


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> instead of boogeymen? They're human beings, I'm sorry.
This new gimmick is truly a new low even for you.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>What happens if you "lose faith" and admit trannies are people?


You are here because you used to be addicted to this place. Now that you've adopted your new e-buddies' worldview, you think you've "outgrown" us, and you think if you show up to show off how much more "developed" you are than us, then you can squeeze some validation out of this place one last time. It's pathetic, and judging by how you keep coming back, it's not even working. You're not the good person you think you are, and nobody cares about you.


File: 1715120857182.png (274.22 KB, 591x669, 197:223, christianfags and their la….png) ImgOps iqdb

Being a trannylover or becoming a tranny is part of Christfag internet culture.


Gahoole is your Jesus.


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>Now that you've adopted your new e-buddies' worldview, you think you've "outgrown" us
>It's pathetic, and judging by how you keep coming back, it's not even working.
>You're not the good person you think you are, and nobody cares about you.

Fuck 'em up Anon!


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>seething about Gahoole out of the blue
confirmed butthurt spic


Who said I was seething?


>random inoccuous shitpost about gahoole
>wall of 12 year old reddit memes


Fuck is this shit all about?


do you really need to act as discord subhuman?


uhm this is /dunk/ sweetie


this does not justify your behavior, which is worthy of a psychotic black woman


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Thas rite, honeychile.


I'll /dunk/accino these nuts on your forehead dumbass.
Gahoole himself is a christan.


I'm not a good person. I'm just better than you are.


Stop (You) farming


Most faggy egotistical post you have made so far


>I think you want to engineer another shooting.
Probably a professional troll. Just trying to "engineer" inflammatory comments it can then quote to others.
>Trannies are human beings.
>You're a worm.
It must know it's doing what it says others shouldn't do, so, again, an intelligently crafted troll.


GOSH, that's clever…


I've just been using his posts to /dunk/ on trannies


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Deaf by typo.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>this thread
Did it get hijacked by that faggot and his gay nigger fetish?


It's his thread.


It's your thread.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I don't really know if this works here but fuck it


>jejej I'm a newfag
New Gimmick just dropped
It's actually an old gimmick.


I like it, it deserves to be brought back.


>Redditors aren't anti-European
I want to live in your alternate reality.


Are you really expecting people to take a look at your /trannypol/ memes


Ear's to you mate, I've been sound out.


The anti-Christian pro Pagen shilling was so inorganic when it first started up on /pol/ I had to wonder if anyone was retarded to believe it or not but I guess some bought into it.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I just noticed I called someone a dumbass while misspelling Christian and then preceded to misspell Pagan as well.


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>anything is /trannypol/ if I don't like it
I'm not the guy who posted those anyway.
/pol/ wasn't a Christian board to begin with. They tended to be distrustful of all Semitic religions before the board got taken over by doltish Christfags. These three images are from the pre-Exodus days, and I probably saved them from /pol/.


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Also, if anything it's the e-Christians who are astroturfed. Especially the "tradcaths" and Gapers, who are easily co-opted. The whole thing is a red herring ideology created to downplay the importance of racial issues.


I won't say fake Christians aren't a problem but you're not helping.


Things can change naturally over time but the Pagan shit wasn't natural at all.


You've been seething about Christians for like 3 years straight, posting the same spamtext filled memes.
I think you are what you hate.


>Mr. Electric again intimidates me he says not to believe I'm shark B (???) hi lies.
What the fuck kind of schizo shit was this kid writing down.


How do you differentiate between a real Christian and a fake Christian?
>You've been seething about Christians for like 3 years straight,
Only 3 years? I've been ripping on Christianity for a lot longer than that.
I think feeling some affinity with Europe's own religious traditions is natural for whites who have begun to see what's going on. I don't see how a modern pagan who comes to their religious views from a place of blood consciousness is anywhere near as easy to subvert as a Christian. There's an inner tension in "redpilled" forms of Christianity that's lacking in the pagan equivalents due to Christianity being a universalized Middle-Eastern religion with European aspects grafted on, whereas something like Germanic, Hellenic, Slavic, or Celtic polytheism is European to the core and features no doctrines that revolve around converting the entire world. I don't see any reason to necessarily believe there's anything sketchy about it. Maybe they're trying to funnel pro-white or potentially pro-white people into "inclusive" pagan groups to "deradicalize" them of their "supremacist" beliefs, but paganism is a lot worse for that purpose than a universalistic religion like Christianity is. Even Islam can do the trick if you're willing to risk creating potential Islamic terrorists. Look at what happened with Malcolm X pussying out on his extreme separatist beliefs after his visit to Mecca.

I do find the views of a lot of the stricter reconstructionists like the Imperium Press guys completely ridiculous though. They seem to care more about tradition than truth.


What the fuck is modern paganism even suppose to be? Half these faggots are wearing fedoras and the other half are gay, I can respect an atheist more because at least he admits that he doesn't give a shit.
>I've been ripping on Christianity for a lot longer than that.
The only thing you've been ripping is your O-ring faggot.


Oh and one more thing, all these white dudes promoting Islam always end up getting their shit rocked because they're delusional enough to believe it's not a race thing.


>What the fuck is modern paganism even suppose to be?
Paganism in that sense is a broad umbrella term for a revival of the ancient religious traditions that were displaced by the proselytizing Semitic cults that made their way into Europe. Neopaganism is a huge category, and there's a lot of contention among self-proclaimed pagans themselves on who's a real pagan or not. It's not as if there's any kind of central governing body or accepted holy book, and that's a good thing. There are distinctions like folkishness vs. universalism, reconstructionism vs. eclecticism and merely drawing influence from the past, the nature of the gods themselves, etc. More conservatively minded neopagans like Rodnovers tend to detest the interloping leftist entryists who try to hijack paganism for their own political ends. If I remember right, there were three different figures in America who tried to independently revive Germanic paganism in the latter half of the 20th century. Two of them (Else Christensen and Stephen McNallen) were racially minded. The latter even coined the term "Asatru" if I'm recalling correctly, and yet Reddit-tier "inclusive pagans" piss and moan about him as if they aren't just parasitizing off what he's created.
>Half these faggots are wearing fedoras
If you're talking about the people who just treat it as a cultural thing, then you could easily say the same thing about most Christians. Remembering the traditions and myths of their ancestors is preferable to pretending to care about a bunch of dead Jews, many of whom were most likely fictional anyway. It's not like Christianity as a value system is a great one either, unless you're treating the Bible as a ventriloquist's dummy and making it say what you want to hear.
>and the other half are gay
Folkish pagans tend to be extremely socially conservative, and I think the Asatru Folk Assembly even bars homosexuals from joining.
>I can respect an atheist more because at least he admits that he doesn't give a shit.
Even a guy with Varg who sees the gods as mere personifications of nature clearly gives a shit.
>The only thing you've been ripping is your O-ring faggot.
Go count your dick.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Ya you're a (you) farmer this shit is fake and gay and you very clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
>Go count your dick.
I was gonna say you have the worst comebacks of any channer I've ever talked to, but you never really belonged here did you?


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>Reddit-tier "inclusive pagans" piss and moan

You know whats even more cringe around the 2010s shitskins practicing Nordic Astrau became apparent I checked a local group it was filled with niggers/shitskins with racial delusions.

There was a Astrau discord group that was popular a few years ago it barred all shitskins, niggers and gooks/chinks , transexuals and so on. All the larping reddit "pagans" posted photos with sign saying no racism in Nordic Astrau there was a couple of Whites but it was nigger mystery shitskins galore. The shitskins even made up cope about how the Ancient Nordic accepted everyone even though they directly stated disdain for niggers/shitskin when raiding Africa/middle east and wouldn't bring the shitskin women back as slaves so they wouldn't pollute the village bloodline. Same thing with the Vanguards the muslims hired they would cumdump the brown women then leave. Nordics In the Nordic sagas they refer to shitskins as skraelings which means "dark primitive subhuman".

The whole point of Astrau is its European ancestors celebration of the bloodline it automatically eliminates shitskins or any others from practicing in seriousness.


>doltish Christfags
Those are literal beaner/flip shitskins


Negro Pagans need to rise up and use their unseen power to become the dominate force of the warp


If you wanna larp for Paganism you really shouldn't bring up that lunatic


He's funny though.


>He's funny though.
Ya if you're fucking retarded no surprises there


Hilarious retort. My sides are literally in orbit.


You went from playing ball for trannies to larping for Pagans when you realized it wasn't working, don't think everyone didn't notice you trying to pull that bullshit.

you don't deserve anything better, you get what you give and you have given nothing but excrement.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Only 3 years? I've been ripping on Christianity for a lot longer than that.
Are you mentally ill?
Why would I know your behavior on other websites. I'm talking about this website where you've clearly made the same posts and even samefagged the same debates for (You)s even using the same pics and arguments. You are mentally ill or a jew.


>You know whats even more cringe around the 2010s shitskins practicing Nordic Astrau became apparent I checked a local group it was filled with niggers/shitskins with racial delusions.

>There was a Astrau discord group that was popular a few years ago it barred all shitskins, niggers and gooks/chinks , transexuals and so on. All the larping reddit "pagans" posted photos with sign saying no racism in Nordic Astrau there was a couple of Whites but it was nigger mystery shitskins galore.

This is something a jew would say without offering proof. And if it's real, jews made it.



That is a suspicious amount of posts for 3am eastern US time.


No but I'm a new fag so maybe it's worse than that, probably just replying to bait anyways. I get all worked up over politics and should probably just stay away from the topics.


Are you on some kind of bender? Did you get fired recently?


I have a really hard time keeping a consistent sleep schedule due to a variety of reasons.
Being overly passionate about bullshit and trying to argue with people on a chan I'm new to probably isn't doing me any favors when I'm trying to work on a game.


stfu nigger


1 minute after my post are you fucking for real


You must have gotten banned from 4chan again but this time for a while


I don't know if it's people being overly paranoid or if I'm being screwed with on this so I'm throwing my hands up on this one


>Throwing my hands up
Until tomorrow when you start samefagging this topic more


Na I'm staying away from shit I only came into this thread to bitch about what happened on /co/ and got swept up in bullshit that I have no business with.

Believe me or don't, I still need to get the hang of this stuff and I have tried to do right for the site like getting some discussion going on /ch3/ again and posting a bit on /lit/.

Ultimately I just want an alternative to cuckchan at this point and Gahoole saying he wanted more posters kinda pushed me into coming here.

Like I said though believe me or don't sorry if I came off as someone else or was just being a tard in general, I'll be marking this as my first /tv/chan blunder.


Why do you put so much effort into this


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Who knows, maybe I'm just something of a retard myself.
Goodnight Anon


Man, I've tried so many times to get real stuff moving on this site, and people are just assholes.
I can't help but assume someone is fucking things up on purpose to keep the site from going anywhere.
You get a decent thing going, and then immediately someone shows up and says everyone is a "kike" or some literally who from Gahoole's Discord. It happens every time.


>Until tomorrow when you start samefagging this topic more
Hasn't even been an hour


Why do you want this to be what the site is? What do you get out of this?
You just want to shit everywhere, so everyone knows your shot smells the worst?




When was the last time you contributed anything to the site that wasn't this?


I think you just hate being called out.
What topic were you pushing that someone called you a kike on? How trannies are based? How anons have to have sex? How e-Christians are and have been annoying for years in threads that have nothing to do with e-Christians nor religion in general?


Literally everything. I started the /lit/ novel project, and literally whenever that starts going in a fun direction, someone will show up, take a big shit on the ground, and call everyone a Kike, which is why I stopped posting over there. What's the point? That kind of thing is funny once, and that once was five years ago.
I tried to effort post in the WFC generals, and was also called a Kike, while no one else bothers to watch or talk about the movies at all.
What is the actual point of being here at that point? It sucks. 4chan is better, and I hate 4chan.


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>4chan is better


I think you're lying and dodging. Story probably goes that someone (you) tried derailing that /lit/ thread and people began calling him(/you) a kike.


You probably think derailing and baiting often through samefagging, that if it leads to pph, makes for a le good thread. If every thread on every board is the same bait, everybody loses. Kikes know this. Hence where the kike accusation comes from. That's just a guess based on what seems to be the last time you were called a kike, the blatantly fake pro-tranny push.


Why do you think I'm lying?
I'm being entirely honest that I now regularly interact with trannies, because I enjoy their company. Why is that unbelievable? Because you don't actually view them as real people, but goblins who live in holes in the ground?
I'm past the point where I'm going to lie to pretend I fit in with some of online culture that I mostly find retarded at this point anyway.
Why do you get to police my words? I've probably been around these corners of the internet longer than you have, and either way, you're not my boss.
If the mods want to ban me, they can ban me. I don't give a shit. I'm going to speak honestly.


>I now regularly interact with trannies, because I enjoy their company.
>I'm past the point where I'm going to lie to pretend I fit in
Nigga, you for real? Just go ahead and tell us that you suck dicks.


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>Why do you think I'm lying?
Because you're samefagging and pretending to be different people.
>I'm past the point where I'm going to lie to pretend I fit in
This is horseshit. You don't actually hang out with trannies. It's just your latest astro-turf shitpost. Why are you so concerned about how you represent yourself on a topic as an anon? It's artificial cause-championing like you have an agenda. Post cropped pics of your discord correspondence with heckin' positive trannies, or you are (You) baiting.
Promoting the absolute opposite of a board norm without proof as a baiting shitpost is going to attract the kike label.
>Because you don't actually view them as real people, but goblins who live in holes in the ground?
I see them how they present themselves to me.


>link me to people you actually like, so I can harass them, and fuck with their lives
Why would I do that?

>Promoting the absolute opposite of a board norm

I'm doing it because I have become tired of your "board norms", and I don't see why I shouldn't express that.
This is supposed to be a place for free expression, not some meme dogma that revolves around hating trannies you haven't actually met.
The best case scenario is I push you all a little closer to real free thought (like I did when I pushed you all to denounce liberalism a decade a go), but you're more likely to just get mad, because you're smooth brains. The last of the good posters left years ago.


I said crop the images, you faggot.


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The site is dead, let's be honest about it, all the webring is dead, mostly because of the [censured] but also because of [censured].
Go create your own imageboard or move back to 4chan.


You just have a circle chart on your wall and you cycle back to each gimmick as one is exhausted in a thread.


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Sage is not a downvote, nobody cares that you got banned from 4cucks.


What do you mean by [censored]?


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>Ya you're a (you) farmer this shit is fake and gay and you very clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
You're just making uninformed remarks without even responding to anything.
>I was gonna say you have the worst comebacks of any channer I've ever talked to, but you never really belonged here did you?
Considering how imageboards have become inundated with post-2016 rapefugees, I've probably been on imageboards longer than you unless you're an actual oldfag.
>The whole point of Astrau is its European ancestors celebration of the bloodline it automatically eliminates shitskins or any others from practicing in seriousness.
Yeah, and those "people" who think it's a religion for the whole world are too dumb to see the contradiction.
I brought him up because who's clearly serious about his beliefs even if him and his wife reduce everything to foreskins and placentas and other pagans tend to treat him as a joke. He seems to start drama with everyone he interacts with. Even Dan Capp, who got into paganism through him and did some of the art on later Burzum albums, doesn't have a good relationship with him.
Yeah, he's a hilarious goofball.


>I have a really hard time keeping a consistent sleep schedule
Yet you find my late-night posts suspicious


>1st pic
About time Eddie Pepitone decided to take the brownpill after realizing his mattress commercial was his only funny joke.


Imageboards in general are dead. A relic of a bygone era. We are the dead.


Indeed, time to kys
Be the first to do it, I'll follow!


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Troll's remorse, jannies and even the remaining owners didn't want to be left out from the cool prog kids around the block.


Those guys were literal pedos, right?


Yeah and they're probably all fed consultants now. The spooks infiltrated Anonymous during #Occupy. At least Lowtax had the courage to AN HERO.


Multiple waves of mass censorship, janny abuse, and user spying have triggered repeated waves of mass exoduses. Now that only remaining users are the most subservient of boot-licking boomers, attracted to the site by retard politics and thinking they're in good company.


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Explain how this site is any different sir.


Come on now


No censorship (that I've observed, so far).


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Now he's despised by his own fagdolescent kind.

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