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>gaymurgate is back




Is it though? Is anyone actually doing this "gamergate 2" thing? Feels like the "internet left" wants it to happen more than the people who did the original gamergate, because it gives them such an easy villain to unite against.


Maybe we got played to look like gaymer chuds that care more about games than we care about crying/dying Palestinians.


>gamergate 2
Nah. Seems more like outlets trying to paint it that way so they can have an easy dunk on "racist incel gamers" and fold it into another excuse why shit like forspoken doesn't sell well. It's still fun to see people spit on DEI/ESG shit but the energy isn't there.


I hate to say it but this is really good character design. Saved it as "mouse pepe" to forget that it's a w*jak.


It's happening but in a different way from 2014. Imageboards are not part of the process.


Where is it happening? Where can I find the main hub of "gamergate 2"?
If it's just people reacting to dumb shit in video games and saying "fuck off", I don't think that counts. We were all doing that anyway.


geeks & gamers streams, asmongold streams, sidescrollers streams, x DOT COM BISH


>azmongold is streaming gamergate2 on disney+


>"internet left"
I realize you used quotes already, but idpol-obssessed liberals are not left.


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>but idpol-obssessed liberals are not left
This is what /trannypol/ actually believes.


Right, but they think they are. They think they're online Nazi hunters, because they're fucking insane and living in a constructed hyper-reality.
Their enemies aren't "the right" either, of course. that's a whole narrative that has been superimposed onto what is basically a disagreement in taste and consumer choices, and a difference in temperament between people who like a masculine social environment, and people who don't. People who want more arbitrary rules, and people who want to be left alone. That's all it is.


There's no such thing as a real "left." It's always a larp.


That's just the same old cycle of nerd outrage though. That literally has not stopped for five seconds in the past decade.
Are they actually trying to do something? Are there letter writing campaigns, or people like Sargon doing deep investigation, or anything?
If it's just "dude ESG, dude Sweet Baby", then yeah, we know. We've known about that for years.


The whole political spectrum is a hyperreality at this point. People react to signals. They don't know what they actually believe, or support
The modern right is not seriously religious, traditionalist, or elitist, and the modern left barely gives a shit about class issues or actually pushing back on capitalism. They're just wearing the costumes of something that meant something at some point.
The only real fundamental disagreement taking place seems to be over how much we should punish white men for existing. That's what everything loops back to.


Just watched Hypernormalization I see. It's hard not to interpret this as nihilistic because it never seems to lead to any kind of solution.


I saw Hyepernormalization like seven years ago when it came out. I don't really remember what was in it, other than handwringing about Trump.
>it never seems to lead to any kind of solution.
I think the solution would be we untangle this whole mess of a discourse we have fallen into and try to understand what the fuck anyone is actually talking about anymore.
Moldbug was also right. We need to identify power and name it. It's no good arguing over elected figureheads and political teams, when that has almost no influence on who makes the actual decisions, and what causes social change.

What would you have us do? Just bitch about "the left" on the internet some more? I don't even know if I am a leftist, once we untangle the ungodly mess of what that term even means. I mean, I don't particularly believe in the divine right of kings, or think the pope should be able to tell me what to do. I don't necessarily believe the rich should just be allowed to endlessly get richer, because money is power, and power always needs to be checked, and can't be allowed to run away with itself. The people at the top need to be accountable.


It's heavily on Twitter, steam, tiktok and Judetube. Twitter has become the new free speech place. Imageboards are utterly dead and inconsequential now, even 4cuck. 4cuck hasn't made a meme since 2019 with Der Coomer. Faggy.shitty is just recycled 4cuck shit. It's over for imageboards.


>muh idpol


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>What would you have us do?
I'm slowly reaching the conclusion that the entire model of the modern republic was a sham from the beginning. Part of the big scam we're inundated with from childhood is the idea that the form of governance we currently have is in any way democratic. And since we all know kings suck, gee whiz we better settle for this crap because what else is there? And then when people see this crap spectacularly they're left to conclude that democracy doesn't work, so we might as well throw our hands in the air and turn to some dictatorship to solve our problems. Well the truth is that it's not democratic and never was. If you showed our system to an ancient Athenian they would give you very confused looks, questioning why you're trying to persuade them that electing a small group of people from a small stratum of society so they can make all the decisions for you is anything resembling rule by the people. I think it's about time we stop lying to ourselves that elections are anything but oligarchic in nature and try some Actual Fucking Democracy for once.


People reacting to a new cycle of outrage isn't a "happening" though. Where is it actually happening?
I've seen Nerdrotic streams and shit. He makes them endlessly, and they're all the same. Is that what we're talking about? Because that's not enough to declare a "gamergate 2" to be in process.


What do you want? A storming of the Bastille? A march on Washington? Right wing death squads?

You don't get how this works apparently.


Obsolete format?
Not phone friendly enough?
What's the problem


I don't think it's a big deal. Gamergate happened. The war happened. The timing on this seems strange. A lot of e-celebs involved with recycled drama.


unlike in the past a lot of nerd outrage now actually results in games/films flopping so it at least has that affect


It's just getting me more hyped for Vindictus or whatever it's caled


"Gamergate 1" was essentially an organised movement, that involved digging for data (that was the stuff Sargon was doing), attempting to contact and reason with developers and journalists, endless fucking meme debates between nobodies which eventually spiralled into Internet Bloodsports, Literally whos getting invited to talk at the UN, and a whole lot of stupid PR stunts that went nowhere (sponsoring a fucking seal for some reason, idk).

So what's happening now? Nerds bitching online like they do every day? How is that a gamergate?


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gahoole has given gaymurgate 2 his blessing


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This shit aint real


>Proof gahoole isn't a zoomer.
Glad that debate is settled.


Plenty of people doing this now on the platforms I mentioned.
>contacting developers
This is happening
You don't know anything. Journalists were always the enemy. In 2014 they were constantly attacked. Literally the only journalist that toyed with GG was Milo and he was a fraud.
It's the same shit this time only that a few things changed. Boycotting is way more effective this time because EVERYONE knows AAA is shit. Journalism is even more consolidated by leftists and image boards are dead. It's the same shit, you just have much clearer, harder battlelines and the enemy is now quit obvious. That's why the boycotting is so much more effective this time.


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I've seen the guy talking about gamer happenings. He "responds to chat" by giving his opinion on what should happen. It's always an opinion that carries a hint of gay. That opinion then is followed by the game company's decision which is in lockstep with the opinion. It's like he's a pre-emptive damage control shill that is given the narrative to then bake into his stream for PR purposes of the company.


And I asked you to tell me where it was happening. Don't just say "on platforms". Social media is endless.
Who is the figurehead?




unironically its, kabrutus some brazillian chadcel


Well I guess I'm happy to be out of the loop then.


For these new kind of internet events/phenomenons the notion of figureheads or cohesion among participants is outdated. With no strategy or goal people that participate in the parallel gaming ecosystem outside of the narrative control of major corporations beholden to ESG do what they want where they want for their own reasons.


I don't see how that's "a gamergate" though. That's literally just people existing in ways companies don't approve of.


Sequels are never as good as the originals. What do you expect


Go fuck yourself up the ass to death, you little faggot.


>Journalism is even more consolidated by leftists
Joke post or profoundly uninformed? The only leftists in journalism have been run out of all the big outlets and are fighting tooth and nail to overcome Silicon Valley censorship imposed ever since the Russiagate hoax.


Why he's mad?


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Exactly as the Brazil guy making a list of games on steam probably didn't know about or want to be associated with gamergate. An event or controversy gets a gamergate label applied during or afterwards even if it doesn't make sense.

>in ways companies don't approve of.

Not so sure about that as they will try to use it to their advantage. Gaming companies hiring professional protestors to create publicity isn't unheard of. Most of those ecelebs pretending to be outraged over inane bullshit are probably paid to do so.


Some faggot bot that spams with insults, it's on other webring websites as well.


What do we call Gamergate 2 if it's fake?
Gamergate 2gate?


Are you from an alternate universe or something?


It might seem that way but think of that as an indicator of how uninformed you are. By the way you don't have to agree with their politics to understand the difference between them and liberals. People like Chris Hedges, Matt Taibbi, Max Blumenthal, and others… journalists on the left are verboten on mainstream media and are regularly the subject of smears and character assassination when the media deigns them threatening enough to acknowledge their existence (due to journalism). Not saying there aren't some good ones on the right as well, but leftist journalists tend to be very principled as journalists and consequently are unwelcome at mass media outlets where they would be required to peddle propaganda and manufacture consent.


Oh it's just the "liberals aren't le true leftists" cope. Carry on then.


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Games journalists wish it was "Gamergate 2". In reality the "free money" era that sustained their fake jobs and the shitty games they propped up is over. They can't accept that nobody has any use for them any more and they are being moved along, so they are pretending there is some big culture war going on. Bit sad actually


It never would have been a problem if they didn't try to make careers out of what should have been a hobby.


They get paid dogshit wages. They are just spiteful/annoying people


It's not about the money, it's about the message!


I thought they made 40-50k to write about square watermelons and such, and that the reason they do this is to get their foot in the door at a "real" journalist outlet.

So they'd take the silver pieces to see ordinary people and villify them and figuratively push them all under the bus, because their sights are set on career, recognition and money


I doubt most games journalists would want to go and do actual journalism, they just want to vomit out their opinions to the world. It is closer to being an author or blogger than being a real journalist.


I'm imagining someone that wants to get their foot in a door in journalism and had siblings that played a lot of video games that they hated.

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