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>Yeah that's great Yong, real great, maybe want to try for another take… no? Are you sure?


Got to love how this is so sloppy that even the autotune is barely masked.




>who should we get to the english VA for kiryu?
<i dunno just find some faggot on youtube that happens to be asian or something
>do you think he'll be able to do a good job
<who cares anyone that's not a retard is going to play it with japanese voices anyway

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video games
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Even Sam Hyde's who hates everything loves the Killer Instinct ost.
Also based classic 40k ludo.


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2hu music helps the soul.


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He is back and seething at Earthbound again.



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>turn-based combat
>pointless minigames
>anime art style
>silent protagonist
>amnesiac protagonist
I love all of these things and no amount of fat neckbeards screeching will convince me they are bad.
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JRPGs aren't RPGs


Yes they are, and they are a damn good time.


>protagonist is the chosen one
>protagonist's home town is sacked at the beginning


I love how dragon quest 5 keeps both of these while doing a twist on them


It also does the silent protagonist thing really well. That allows it to throw some really intense stuff at the player without getting bogged down in the protagonist's mental anguish. It lets the players process the events for themselves. The part where you get turned into a statue and are forced to watch a strange child grow up before your eyes, for ten years, after having your own children kidnapped is one of my favorite moments in any video game story.

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Todd bros….it's over…
I would not be surprised by this tbh. Most of these guys leave at around 50. Todd's influence is keeping the game within the confines of Bethesda's traditional mainline style. I honestly like that style….the problem with Starfield is that it was just a bad idea, was empty, and was designed to be a pure skinner box with the emphasis on ship building and settlements. IDK why but Todd has been autistically chasing after Minecraft post-Skyrim….but it completely sucks. The settlement/Minutemen in FO4 was shit and the entirety of Starfield is shit. It is just not what Todd and Bethesda or their engine is very good at. It is good at Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim style games based around massive amounts of quests and lore. You cannot deviate from that formula and win while using the same engine and configuration. I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda went to complete shit after Todd leaves. Say what you want but he is a competent white guy. That is a unicorn in cuckeogooms these days.
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>turning Bethesda over to Microsoft
Cool monopoly, yo.


The silver lining is we will actually get a Fallout game this generation which was doubtful before. There is no way Microsoft is going to wait a decade for Bethesda to make another Fallout when they have multiple RPG studios at their disposal.


>Still on PC
>Still shit games because Bethesda
>Going to be mismanaged until they die by Microsoft
Imagine giving a shit lmao


blizzard too


Nintendo is gonna get shit tier Activision-Blizzard ports now with no optimization to make up for their hardware being a generation behind.

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The only console it's coming to is PS5.


How is the content in this considered any worse than GTA? Because it messes with Christmas?


Looks like shovelware, that's probably the main reason they rejected it.


Soyny is desperate for ONE GAME!!


I'd hate to be a tendie or xbot right now… SonyCHADS eating good.

>B-buh I didn't even want to play Christmas Massacre

Sour grapes


Chilla games only feel right on PC

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I really like pandamonium, the concept of going through every single game for a console and giving them over hour long documentaries each is just excellent. I hope he can pull it off.
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this loser tried to bully Michael for not being a consoomer like him
now he's about to kill himself in a livestream


>Cries about accessibility
>Mindbroken by trivial shit in games at random



I posted

"you should ask for forgiveness, say sorry to Michael Does Life"

he sperg out and closeted the comment section


I like Yahtzee even though he's still a cunt.


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This is the only "video essay" about video games that I actually like. And the guy never made another one.

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Is this a woman?
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>mj looks like she's a decade older and a man
>peter looks like he's underage
Gee, I wonder why a pedophiletroon would have made those changes.

>acting like an overgrown child
But you repeat yourself.


So the remaster is the right image? Why does the PS4 version look more detailed?


Probably to look more like Tom Holland spider-man. But it doesn't really fit the game since it's about an established post-college Spider-man.


>But it doesn't really fit the game since it's about an established post-college Spider-man.


>cuck holland

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Has anyone had a chance to play this early Miyamoto masterpiece since it debuted on Switch Online this Halloween?

They said it was a Pac-man clone, but this is way more fun than Pac-man.

You play as this dragon who has to navigate the maze eating dots, while picking up crosses which allow you to breathe fire to take out enemies. All the while, the Devil is randomly shifting the stage in different directions, attempting to crush you against the wall. Eventually, you will pick up Bibles, which also allow you to breate fire, and you've got to bring them to a part of the stage to seal the Devil.

The biggest surprise for me was how Tamagon is to Yoshi what Jumpman is to Mario.

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3DS effect sucks anyways tbh


I just got a few of the cheap 2DS and hacked those for my siblings.


Only a few that were specifically remade for it, Kirby's Adventure, Kid Icarus, Zelda 64, Starfox 64, Tales of the Abyss are some examples.
There are also some pc emulators that do it now like 3DSen


Okay. I was just wondering if it was a feature that it could add pseudo-3D to non-3DS games, sort of like how Super Game Boy/Game Boy Color would enhance monochrome games.


I literally did the same thing, 2Ds I found actually easier on my hands because I got big ones.

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Troon bros sisters, we wonder?
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>Donkey Kong, the best Super Nintendo game
That's not how you spell Yoshi's Island.


So one game and being a villain? The absolute state of Nintendo.
Why trannies are obsessed with Yoshi?


Don't you mean Wario Land? Last game was from the Wii era.

Yoshi is the one that got stuck in a mediocrity loop it was all copying and pasting the source code of Yoshi's Island or Yoshi's Story because Miyamoto himself despised the puzzle games.


I think they've been focusing on the WarioWare games instead because they're bigger sellers. They're about to release the 2nd one for Switch. The one for Wii was the best imo, because of the controller.


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They should've ended right after DIY, you just can't compete with the creativity of the world wide web, considering they were no censors compared to Mario Maker.

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Post the actual AVGN
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Hi calc-kun
Bob isn't a kid diddler, just a cp addict


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Razorfist is involved with Screenwave
Skip to 49:40


Razor made decent content at kne point, I might get why he doesn't anymore, ahhh.




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It gets funnier every time a redditor finds out about Bob, not only it taints Cinemassacre but also the dudebros who were involved in those shitty funneh bingbingwahoo humor.

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