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DD2 oh hell yea-
Dropped. No thanks. Fuck off.
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god i want to fuck that sphinx


Can you negative chuds stop hating on Capcom???? STOP BEING SO NEGATIVE ABOUT EVERYTHING!


One of the strangest releases for sure with 99% of the people discussing the game online being those who never even played the game.
>muh performance
Simply giving the game higher priority to hog the GPU solves it and there's even an automated script if you're too lazy for it.
>muh MTX
You can just use the Gain Item mod if you're too lazy to even get the items yourself ingame. I've been playing for 100+ hours before I even started using the mod and have never felt the need to buy anything from the half-assed item store which doesn't even help you that much.
>muh benevolent pavement apes
This is about the only argument that you kind of have a leg to stand on with, but all of the most important characters in the game are either white people or furries. Brant and Sigurd are the only two niggers you're absolutely required to interact with, the former because it's an early main quest, and the latter because he's the teacher NPC for one of the late-game classes.
>muh DRM
Everything people have been saying about this boils down to them not being able to buy the game. Capcom doesn't give a shit that you're using hacked items because there is no real online component, and yet you faggots are so afraid of paying for a game you can't cheat in.


wtf i want to buy dragons dogma 2 now


>It's rare that I side with the obnoxious fags who cry names at everyone
sure it is obnoxious fag who cries names at everyone

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>blue hair
>pink beard
>looks like every soybeard on twitter
How many red flags do you need? The single moms that allowed their children near that deserve to be in prison along with him.


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Fortnite is the new Minecraft for a good reason.


How can anyone look at this guy and not get a chill up their spine?
His eyes alone set off alarm bells.


>a chill up their spine
Well, not being sexually attracted to men helps.


>How can anyone look at this guy and not get a chill up their spine?
Not being a woman or a child, all is face tells me is:
>Punch me I'm a fucking faggot

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I enjoyed Lies of P more than Elden Ring, if anything ER feels like the shitty ripoff.

>The censorship was an attempt by journalists and even the developer to kill their own game.
I don't buy that this was the devs choice since the censored costumes are so hastily done and obviously not intentional redesigns.


It's such a weirdly specific change, it unironically feels like some kind of humiliation ritual (as the kids say)
>haha, we changed this costume, to a slightly less sexy version, but the game still has costumes where the protagonist is basically naked!

All I can see this as is someone drawling a line in the sand and saying "fuck you, we'll censor whatever we want, and you can't stop us". What else could possibly have possessed them to do it?
It puts the anti-censorship crowd in this awkward position where they have to take a principled stance against the unashamed coomer game, because the developers technically engaged in censorship.


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>people in other streamers' chat instantly recognize him
I didn't know you were this famous, Gayhole.


Holy fuck I love seeing these newfag reactions to gahoole.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Grummz EXPOSED A Secret Discord Server For Community Managers!! They Are FULL Of DEI Activists!!


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 No.86[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You will buy Starfield and you will be happy!
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Dark Messiah is linear, same with Deus Ex. They are both excellent but don't have the feeling of exploring a huge world and being able to go off in any direction. I don't say this to praise on Bethesda, it's just a fact and it's why they can keep selling their old games over and over.


lol no, Nehrim was actually good and had no chiggers. This game nailed the Oblivion aesthetic but sucked in every other aspect. My best memory of it was looking out across a river and seeing large reptiles creatures roaming around.


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>Except you Elon
<Fuck you for shattering the feelings of my many, many loyal redditors


Elon was in Fallout 4?


he's from a lore-friendly Creation Club mod

[Last 50 Posts]

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Koreans will literally save gaming
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File: 1714012273646.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 1.52 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Name.mp4) ImgOps iqdb



You're the nigger who wouldn't tell me her name. I remember you!


tits mmmm


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This is the hard R game?
looks based

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Is it good ?
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he spammed the board to try to get there too


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What a fucking loser, holy shit


>haven't posted any images
>sudden soyjak accusations
Did you actually get mad because I called you gay? Are you in elementary school? You should leave there are predators here little boy preserve your asshole for when you go from larval gay to adult flamer.


Nobody gives a fuck about whatever it is you think you're talking about.


>nonsensical gayboy hissy fit
Lay off the anal, your butt will hurt less.

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Bruhhhh Sony straight cooking (fire emoji) (fire emoji) (skull emoji)
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I bet Hideo Kojima's gonna love that shit.


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It's over for the freeloading jews.


>holding the L stick up and pressing the X button once in a while is too much for some soyny fans




Be fair, man. There has to be like 1 or 2 soynyfags who really like holding the L stick up for 3-5 minutes and pressing X maybe once or twice inbetween the hour and a half cut scenes.

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Project ReFantasy is alive after all, believe it or not. Yup. Turns out they weren't just fucking with us. It's actually a real game in development, and only one year away from release now, apparently. Imagine my shock.

Finally, for the first time ever, it's got a proper trailer, and a proper title: Metaphor ReFantazio.
They're aiming for a 2024 release.
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File: 1693350888004.png (2.09 MB, 833x1083, 833:1083, Kazuma Kaneko lifting his ….png) ImgOps iqdb

Among Atlus employees, Kaneko's the most memed one by far.
But in general, Atlus people are rarely talked about outside the fanbase.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Metaphor ReFantazio just got a bunch of new info, including the release date.

Also, Kazuma Kaneko is now confirmed to be working at a game company called "COLOPL", making an unknown new IP:


>another gayme by atlus that will get a DEI localization
No thanks.


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