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File: 1682041404374.png (1.63 MB, 887x1200, 887:1200, Aerie.png) ImgOps iqdb


Post em
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There's also a sex scene in the game with full nudity and gratuitous shots of her ass, goes to show there are still some heroes at Bioware




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Sophitia Alexandra is low key best Soul Calibur girl.


I fantasized about her 20 years ago.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
lowkey fire ngl bruh fr fr
For me, it was Seung Mina. I fantasized about shoving away her loincloth and giving her the dick with my penis.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just when you think a dead rotting corpse being raped for years couldn't get any worse, it keeps getting worse.
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AAAshit is all terrible, the pipelines are fucked and the companies are bloated with low wage incompetent fucks looking for an easy paycheck and nepotistic has been 50 year olds.

These companies grew too big too fast chasing low term profits during 7th Gen so now you get this shit.
At least the middle market is finally healthy so we get ludokino like Robocop: Rogue City


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>At least the middle market is finally healthy so we get ludokino like Robocop: Rogue City
Based double A enjoyer


That looks like cancer. Fuck you.


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It's over


First one might be a fun Automata clone. The other two look gay and niggered.

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>Boot up this game
>You just fly around and spam fire at enemies while strafing
>The missions are all sandboxes, just fly from one point to the next, short missions too
>First boss was shit and needed no skill, just rushed it and used everything not on cooldown
>Second boss was a gimmick boss with one beam attack
>Third boss same as the first, rush and spam attacks

THIS is the series people were begging to return? Am I missing something?
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Greedfall is one of those strange 7/10 games that basically no one cared about but when you actually do try it, it turns out to be quite addictive. It also helps that because it wasn't that popular, barely any woke retards even tried to latch on to it.


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>Greedfall is one of those strange 7/10 games that basically no one cared about but when you actually do try it, it turns out to be quite addictive. It also helps that because it wasn't that popular, barely any woke retards even tried to latch on to it.
I've enjoyed all of Spiders games, even the jank ones, the Bioware action RPG formula is so good and they are the only devs who have tried to copy it 1:1. To me Spiders is the new Bioware, I still hope ME5/Dreadwolf are good, but I have much higher expectations of Greedfall 2 at this point


Mormon Shaggy said it's the GOTY of 2023 and he was right, as always. Total Shaggy W.


literally who


A nobody youtuber that will troon out in a year or so. Probably.

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>A single camera flash

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I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such a fag.


If he wasn't such a fag he wouldn't be in that situation.


Indeed. He made one video game series and milked it into remakes and a TV show that retards keep giving him praise for.


Imagine a world without Reddit, Last of Us would've flopped and Druckmann would've become the new Phil Fish getting shit on by wrong-thinkers to the point on demolishing the nostalgiafaggotry spawned from his days working at Crash Bandicoot (an even more retarded Sonic wannabe mascot trying to compete against BingBingWahoo)


Polite sage because fuck Naughty Dog.

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Does anyone want to play GoldenEye on Switch? We can set something up here. My friend code is SW-0750-5115-4046.
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I'll play with your wiener instead, brother <3


It's part of Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, sub is $50 annually. All the classic games with multiplayer are now online-capable, right down to NES games.


I think I paid for taht thing once and canceled it fast because I never used it.


For me, it's worth it, because you won't get better N64 emulation. I only wish they had more titles and better online communication and matchmaking. As it stands, you can't even message people you've friended. All the communication has to happen off the platform.


>Most of the opponents are AI to give the illusion that everyone is doing it.
Same goes for mobile games in general.

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>Here's your UI bro


Sure is a modern UI.


I'm assuming this is PC or have they really killed console gaming


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What does PC have to do with this?
If anything PC only titles have the cleanest UIs and can toggle these them at will.
Just 1 button and all this clutter dissapears.

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Today's tvchan advice of the day: Don't buy shit with money you don't have
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Yeah I was just joking.
I don't think I knew there was a 3 though.


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Interesting thing about timesplitters I learned recently, it was the first game to use the FPS control scheme on shooters that is prevalent today


Yeah wasn't the default like Goldeneye though?


It's hard for me to go back to console FPS games before that scheme caught on.


I remember this lore. Somehow they were both responsible for the modern shooter.
News reminds me of UT 4 or whatever. Died in alpha.

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I would go one step further and say that Ramon is a living saint and honor's Christ's teachings even more than incel groyper tradlarpers (who are probably Ukrainian lol), I asked my pastor and she agreed Trans500 will be accepted as Biblical canon in a few generations


Maybe but he is still a nigger who fucks men in the ass and you are still a porn addicted virgin.


Ramon, Saint Homo


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Does this man *look* gay to you, anon?


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This game was a lot of fun. Konami did a great job with it.
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File: 1705935915575.png (Spoiler Image, 876.64 KB, 1365x768, 455:256, screenshot0009.png) ImgOps iqdb

I never saw that, was it any good?


It's bad and also not canon, so there's no reason to watch it even for the sake of completeness


It's all "in your face" humor mixed with The Office's awkward moments, surprisingly it didn't win any awards just to btfo the "trump supporting incels".


Only if you really enjoy fat, ugly women being unfunny.


Why yes I am a Jimquisition fan

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H-he's fast!
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>t. zoomer clearly too young to have used 8chan
Those "cuckchan filenames" would generate when you dl'd an image by clicking on it.


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That timestamp is from 2022 you retarded newfag.


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>The Mannie fresh voice pitch
>The cunny emojis
>The unc that rhymes with dunk
So many layers to this…


Look closely at the last two emojis

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