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30 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Banned for shitposting
What site do you think you are on?


You're purposely trying to get banned every hour of the day.


>to being poor and homeless
You do realize homeless people die very early from poor health all the time right? There's a reason bums older than 50 are extremely rare. What a stupid comparison.


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>Flaggots trend doesn't end with a bang
<But with a wet fart in a morgue


Do you think he has disappointed parents that will bury him under his actual name or a single mom that will bury him under his LARP name?

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Let's discuss FuRyu here. I think this company is a breath of fresh air in today's industry. They allow their developers to experiment in interesting ways, but also make efforts to appeal to traditional JRPG audiences.

Their latest known project, CRYMACHINA (coming to the PS4, PS5, Switch and PC this Fall in the west) is a Japanese sci-fi Action-RPG directed by Fuyuki Hayashi (the same director behind Crystar and Monark) and developed by AQURIA (the studio behind the PS Vita's Caligula).

Original trailer:

Official Twitter account:

Developer interview:

Demo footage clipped from Dengeki Game Live:
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>that said, I'm doubtful, especially since the environments are fairly detailed
If you look at some of the great PS3 achievements like Red Dead Redemption or L.A. Noire which are on the Switch, I'm confident it can handle this. If it's in 30 FPS.


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Looks like REYNATIS just got a 2nd trailer.



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REYNATIS x NEO TWEWY collab trailer


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Some more REYNATIS Twitter clips.


Bunny girl is cute, she btfo them zogbots.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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Why did they get rid of the established artwork? They look like Tekken's rejects.
>Only Cammy, Chun and Juri got variety
As expected the other girls are ugly as shit.

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post your favorite wads,overhauls and games
44 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I don't understand Steam sometimes.
Jews. The first is about teenagers being groomed and the second is about a replacement for 3DPD.


>le fed
I tried looking up the game people were hyped about, but I couldn't find it. That popped up instead.




No one gives a shit if it's excusable to you pompous faggot autist.


But does anybody care that you feel that way?

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I guess it's happening.
Are we hyped?
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He got fired but it's a big red flag nonetheless.


Fired for what? Hitting on a black man in the bathroom?


Boycott everything. Pirate everything. Everything is infested with this shit.


Billions must goom.


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The first one was good and this looks like that but with a better setting and a better enemy (I liked orcs/chaos but tyranids are a way better concept for a TPS)

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Homeworld 3 was delayed by a couple years. It was then delayed a few months. Massive multiple waves of layoffs, including original HW1 devs. It's going to be a massive disaster. Vid is a sophisticated breakdown.
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Yes Embracer bought Gearbox, then Embracer recently sold Gearbox to 2K.


Why? Sounds like a way to fire people that don't want the game to get butchered.


Embracer bought Gearbox because they were on a buying spree and thought they had a big investment coming. It fell through and they had to sell Gearbox and a few other studios and close some others to cut costs


>queerbox getting passed around like the cheap syphilis infested whore that it is


It just seems like a way to justify shakeups and layoffs like they're saving HR the difficulty, to blame it on the new corporate owner's previous policies that would phase things out if they had owned it for years, takes effect upon ownership.

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 No.3625[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

this is simply the best game ever. I just wanted to reiterate that.
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>Muh off topic
>Everyone but me is a kike
You do this in every thread, have some fun you sad sack of shit.


>Calling myself an incel and then posting a reaction image is fun in current year.
You drank too much jewish cum.


What do you expect, they crawl to tvchan expecting it to be a hugbox for them and for everyone to baby them, then get mad and piss themselves when they realize people here have a range of opinions and won't automatically coddle them for being a loser just because they have "based" opinions


Case in point


How is your hypothetical strawman character wrong?

t. doesn't even like boomer music



[Last 50 Posts]

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Remember that game that depicted whites as blood sucking vampires getting hunted by a gaggle of subhumanity? The dev was shutdown lol.
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Ya I forgot about this shit too


No. What the fuck is that? Rhetorical question. I don't give a fuck.


You can use the image again Anon no one will mind


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>depicted whites as blood sucking vampires



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In retrospect, only the first game is really a good game. But I still like 2, 3, and Reach out of nostalgia. ODST is boring.
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>play another shitass FPS with unremovable auto-aim


can't be anymore shitass than anything released now of days and you can turn off the auto-aim.


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>can't be anymore shitass than anything released now of days
Halofag, please don't presume your cancerous console slop gets to be part of the club now just because it's old.


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LMAO what even is that shit… think we will stick with Halo bro


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I like both games

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Funkochads we eatin' good
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Fair enough, I just read the bottom part of your post.


Garbage people like Disney adults do, even cheap little figurines like the Animatez Drone figures are a thousand times better.


I don't think the type of people who buy Funko pops are sentient enough for said information to matter.


That's fine, but then it can't be called Capitalism.


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I imagine Funko "chads" eating good looks something like this?

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