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Anyone ever play this? I remember I always got stuck at the part where you have to use the stylus to keep a Steve Harvey line in


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It's real. I've played it.


The fish tank level was fun


Playing it after getting vaxxed is a mood, fr fr


there's an infamous glitch with this game that causes that
the devs must've been using a devkit with a miscalibrated touch screen when they were testing that part, which leads to you needing to actually touch a few pixels to the right of where it looks like you should be pointing

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It's over.
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(Urkel voice) Did I do that?


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what is that obese loser doing these days?


Being a worthless jew in a home I believe


*Group home

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Let's get some banners up in here
Post 'em
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Every time I see that drawing of Mario, Movieblob comes in mind, I tend to forget if he used that whenever his liberal idols die.


Yeah the banner is from a Movieblob thumbnail


Why not also include the "buy my book" gag? As if the original wasn't annoying enough.


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Great idea, done

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>Ladies and gentlemen and crackers, thank you for joining me here today at EA Play 2023.
>I'm thrilled to be here with you all to share the exciting news about the latest expansion for The Sims 4, and it's one that's near to my heart.
>This is the biggest expansion to the Sims franchise yet. And when I say big, I do mean big.
<Louis chuckles to himself
>Introducing the Sims 4: Interracial Breeding Grounds expansion!
>Not only have we added new clothing, furniture, and decor options, we're also introducing a new breed of Sim: the black bull!
<The crowd erupts with cheers
>That's right, Now you can add some real virility to your Sim household.
<The camera pans to a big screen where Louis is playing a live demo
>As you can see, I've added this hung black athlete into this white Sim household.
>And I gotta say, I think they're getting along just fine!
<The crowd laughs and cheers as Louis shows a ginger haired sim crying in a shed while moaning can be heard off screen
>Wives, girlfriends, daughters, nothing is off the table…
>You can experiment yourself and create the world we all want to see when the IBG expansion launches this August.
>And there's one more exciting this I have to share. This expansion will be FREE for all players!
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Are you implying it isn't? Interracial is too. It's not nigs watching that shit.


Zoomers are obsessed with incest porn and make constant reference to it.


She should suck his bwc tbh




>the BBCmobile
Alternative name: the CuckKart

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Does any of what you're saying mean anything? Is this supposed to mean anything to me? What the fuck is "Handball 17"? Who is "Irdeto"? Why do you come off as a mumbling autist staring at his feet?


Way to out yourself as btfo.


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newfag fuck

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Nintendo has revealed the Nintendo Virtual Boy Pro, a new hardware accessory compatible with Nintendo Switch consoles that looks like one of its wildest projects yet.

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stfu nigger


Nintendo is already a bloated joke, how many gimmicky turds they've been shitting out that were worthy of being April's first pranks?
>Mario Kart VR
>The DLC for both Super Smash and Mario Kart
>Bing Bing 3d All Stars
>Cease & desist warnings
>Treehouse translators


this is preprogramming for the switch 2, which will have a heavy AR focus gimmick


And they HIRED DEI supervisors to butcher their games so they can be as political correct possible, not an April's fools prank mind you.


That's smart on their part to add in a worthless AR gimmick to deal with people that play their games on other hardware. More and more cheap ARM and x86 tablets are going to come out that will be more than powerful enough to play their games through emulation. 4 cents worth of an ASIC to do AR can potentially cut down enormously on piracy and require every game have it patched out if that's even feasible.

Add in tie ins for scanning associated products or at their theme parks and this could be a significant advantage for them.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sega employees are actively working with 4chan jannies to censor a story about their community manager harassing and doxxing players. posting about this on /vg/ results in a 3-day suspension. your account gets perma-banned on steam's forum.

Localizing Phantasy Star was a mistake.
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Companies need to stop giving these roles to attention whore troons, just because they know the game inside out and will do it for free doesn't mean they should do it. Give the job to some polite customer service rep - they can learn the specifics of the game, a discord tranny can't learn how to act normal


Imagine using that shithole, lol


No doubt the BingBing gigaleak guy got quickly raped because of cuckchan filled with snitches who think they'll get a blowjob from Masahiro Sakurai if they turn against to their own kind whenever Nintendo is targeted, 4chan became an alternative Reddit.


It's worse than leddit at this point.


What leak involving Sakurai? The CGI cutscenes from SSBU that got leaked during production?

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>Mutilate Lair 4 cutscene trolls by any means possible


The god-forbidden Lair 4 cutscene appealing to men is just worshipping something that's clearly NSFL. They are nothing but faggots for defending this shit.

https://tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html for the whole thread.

Gruntilda will never be human


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And the excuse is plain retarded:
<Can be only be used as hostile non-playable character
God forbid the nazies are about jump out of their screens and shove them inside their ovens, despite there's a NSFW section in which everyone can sodomize their waifus.


I am not one for fedposting but at the same time I cannot entirely disagree with you. I'm not saying I endorse violence, I am just agreeing with the spirit of the letter.


>I'm not saying I endorse violence
Don't worry, anon. I'll do it for you. I fully agree that redditrannies should be lined up against the wall. They're cancer on any society that houses them and the world would be a better place if they were filling graveyards.

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What dope exclusives is the kremlinbox going to have?


Hopefully infinity niggers



I wish every pixelshit roguelike "developer" could have their funds frozen like that

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lol Zoomers are leaning how to meme.



His inner voice is a nigger.

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