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File: 1713842070123.jpg (135.27 KB, 500x589, 500:589, where have all the skinhea….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


PHOENIX - A mistrial has been declared in the trial of George Alan Kelly, an Arizona rancher charged with fatally shooting an unarmed migrant on his property near the U.S.-Mexico border.

Kelly, 75, was charged with second-degree murder in the January 30, 2023, shooting of Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea.

Cuen-Buitimea, 48, lived just south of the border in Nogales, Mexico. Court records show Cuen-Buitimea had previously entered the U.S. illegally several times and was deported, most recently in 2016.



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Good. Americans need to do this more often. It's called jury nullification. Bring it up in the court room, as a defendant or a juror, you will be thrown out immediately.


I'm surprised jews haven't false flagged cases more often to have juries removed all together.


From what I heard, the jury was actually 11-1 for Kelly, there was one little invader lover who hung the thing.


What happened to the hillbillies to shoot the jogger from their truck? Or the other hillbillies who shot some guy whose voice sounded like he was possessed by a devil?


The jogger killers got life in prison iirc, and the guy who filmed it also got a shitload of time even though he didn't do anything to the nigger.


That was different, they were chasing him down the neighborhood. This guy had illegals streaming through his ranch in the middle of the night and got scared.

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