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It's almost over. It's over.


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>Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., introduced the bipartisan legislation, which received backing from Democratic moderates who are supporters of Israel amid the country's war with Hamas.

>"In every generation, the Jewish people have been scapegoated, harassed, evicted from their homeland and murdered," Lawler said before the vote in a House floor speech.

The eternal innocent victims.


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The college protests are a false flag.


The law won't hold up in court anyway.

Dupsantis' Stop W.O.K.E. Act got made toothless in court, and that was a better law than this, it actually targeted some of the anti-Whiteism in education, it wasn't exclusively for jewish fee fees when Israel's murderous psychopathy gets called out.


How many lives can be ruined before it gets to courts


>false flag
>whole goverment is controlled by kikes
>protest agaisnt them
>kikes make laws to make them illegal


Does anyone feel like this is actually the beginning? The fact that they are kvetching so hard seems like massive cope to me. They are losing control..last ditch effort to preserve kikeoids and silence the goys.


I'm beginning to think these protests are synthetic. They're not accomplishing anything, Bibi is still going into Rafah, and it diverts the attention of the American public from more pressing issues like the invasion at the border. You're talking about a few hundred college kids protesting on college campuses, there's no mass riots, and yet it has completely dominated the news cycle for a fortnight.


No, but the useful fucking idiots are being used like you stated.


Yeah, I mean they have a stranglehold over every institution in the US, they're actively clamping down on any dissidence using that power. They've bought your politicians, propagandised half the nation and control what will be recorded for posterity, but yeah definite turning point.


That's what synthetic means.


That would mean the protests were started by these cunts, I highly doubt that.
Occupy Wall Street was the same shit.


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Nigger, specificity. Do you speak it?


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I'm obviously talking about cumskins!


I've already forgotten the context.
You're saying white useless idiots being involved in the protests means it's not synthetic for these protests to be happening and being used as justification for speech regulating legislation?


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that shirt is outdated


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I'm saying the yid conditioning handbook has turned against them by accident and now they're using it to push even more authoritarian shit in the JewSA.


Before the protests?


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No nigger, why the hell would the protests be orchestrated?
Shit was heating up before that.

It's just a convenient extremely shoddy excuse and everyone who knows of the bill, cuckservative or not is pissed.


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>They didn't wake up before the protests
>They woke up BEFORE the protests


>I gaysted a po sex meme
>I won
Nigger, nobody knows what you're saying.


Even dup at his rally is calling out the protests as fabricated (by Soros) (and/or by who knows ?) ).


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GayOps, all the organizers are mudshits this is just another Occupy situation and the yids are taking advantage of it.


So it's fabricated but it's not fabricated?


It is fabricated but how can you say it is? It's like Occupy.



Just because they're using tents doesn't mean it's like Occupy. It's exactly like BLM with a handful of paid organizers at a few select colleges, primarily of which are extremely well funded by the government.


they're not organic, maybe they were at first but then like anything else, got co-opted by soros and others…definitely a distraction, it's a literal nothing burger with non stop 24/7 news coverage. . BLM riots got no media coverage at all.


literally lol'd at this..thanks


they cropped out the "non-legally binding part" so you're still free to call out the chicken swingers.


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So, which one is it?


I don't see how it can be co-opted from an organic origin when it started at a highly jewish college that receives the second most government tax payer funding in the country.
Who started that and why aren't they a figurehead? All the speakers have been randos making generalized statements for noise rather than instruction. There's no rallying cry, just exposition.
People were calling it out from the start like when the first pics of identical tents began circulating.
I can believe a smaller college states away inspired a walkout march through campus, but the tent events seem subversively organized and nonsensical.

I don't think it's that difficult to organize a march through a city. I think there's permit processes for it. This road blockage, tent city protest shit just looks designed to fail.


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Based Trump and Sargon are taking the side of Israel, it's official. Zionism will prevail. Crazy socialists are mad!


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Nice dubs. It's like 6 is the kike's magical number or something. I'm just happy to know that whichever flavor of zionism I vote for this year, we'll still continue sending hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and Israel. And if you abandoned your own people and own homeland to be a "house nigger" for your American ZOG masters, I don't care if you're a spic or Pajeet. If you're a card carrying member of the empire, you now have blood on your hands too, but at least you have a PS5 and Ford F-150.

I'm actually really happy about this law being passed because they've ALL, both Dem and GOP, have shown their true faces. Almost a LANDSLIDE where BOTH the Dems and GOP finally overwhelmingly agreed on ONE THING together. There's no more cope or denying at this point that America is a ZOG war machine. It doesn't matter if you vote R or D this year. Both sides serve the same masters. This time, I'm in it for the chaos and the NOTICING. They can't stop the Great Noticing. People are asking questions.

I already have my Black Bloc regalia in my Amazon cart and I'm going to try to infiltrate the SEIU this summer… for the lulz, of course. It'll be one heckuva adventure to get out there with "my fellow comrades" this year.

The "fog of war" affords us the opportunity to subvert the kikes and outglow the glowies. The war is hot, but smooth brained Amerimutts and "sharts in the mart" don't know about 5GW.

So, what will happen ultimately? IDK. I really do think that we're in the CW2/WW3/Great Reset timeline now. In their attempts to murder Amalek, kikes have cucked us into extinction with mass immigration and anti-whiteness. The only people who'd defend the kikes, White Christcucks and Bible thumping retarded rednecks, are all going extinct. Jews murdered the only race that would protect them and now their brown golems have turned against them.

They did this to themselves. And history repeats, just as it has so many times before.


What an amazing uniform. It's colorized video?


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If you thought that this uniform looked smart, then wait till you finally see our HUGO BOSS line of uniforms. That shit is off the chain, cutting edge, and way ahead of it's time. JK Rowling loves it. I love it too.


Not really a fan of leather.
Kikes made too many propagandas about sex crazed bondage nazis


You know, I never was a supporter of feminists like JK till today when 80% of US Congress from both sides made the "JQ" illegal. That was the only thing I needed to inspire me to get out there in full "Black Bloc" and support my comrades in "removing" Zionists. (in Minecraft)


So, in other words, conservatives are no longer free speech absolutists, they only defend speech that's within the bounds of the Bagelian dialectic.


I'd be really curious to hear what the pulse is on hardcore conservative Christians that are diehards for Israel, if they've been shaken by any recent events.


Will he ever have a kid of his own?


I know some of these Christian religious zealots and they would all gladly lay down their worthless brainwashed goy life to protect the jews.


Was looking for proof but…


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Tell them to open their bible to John 14:6


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Or John 4:22. Maranatha!


They've reached the point where they can just tell the goyim how enslaved they really are.
>No, you can't criticize jews
>Yes, we can genocide/replace whoever we want…think of the beach front condos and cheap labor!

said it better than I can


Were all about defending the kikes. Always was. For both sides.


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The JQ, now illegal (thanks to the Congress House and soon Senate), is alive and well. Normies are now finally starting to ask questions. Jewish Questions. It's a huge win for us because niggers, faggots, Muslims, spics, Pajeets, and every other golem or smooth brain is finally starting to question the jews. It's not just the American ZOG, but the entire planet who are now asking the JQ. A bold move for Congress to violate the 1A and make the JQ illegal. I'm glad they did it because I can ponder what might happen next. Nothing would make me happier than a Republican governor like TX Greg Abbott to send the National Guard for another Kent incident. What a time to be alive. I'll spend my year persuading every nigger and faggot I can find into answering the JQ.


>Movie clip
dunno what this is from but I find it hilarious because the guy holding the gun… It really is the image of a liberal. I mean they think they walk around with a loaded gun all the time, being able to call people racist, nazi, etc.

Also couldn't have said it better. Truly amazing happenings.


I hope we all get saved from the jews.


Is a great film with a great message, Hitler is in all of us.
It has a really bad scene, but otherwise, is a nice watch.


>The JQ, now illegal
It doesn't actually make it illegal. They can't. It just creates more ZOG bureaucracy to monitor antisemitism, i.e., anything that hurts the jews' fee fees.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
They're liberals from 20 years ago, their messiah was some pot smoking freeloader who did nothing for a change but to stand there with a microphone spewing anti-white bullshit that'd make any tumblrina dyke wet her panties, or on how Hitler literally metamorphosize into America starting to rape niggers and cardboard colored minorities. His highschooler humor got him into trouble and somehow, in theory, strengthened freedom of speech along side with his boyfriend kike who shouted "cocksuckers", but you: The plebeian outsider from Pedowood or any democrat funded station, you'll be out of a job and get your bank savings frozen because you can't just joke about the holocaust or how retarded turd world stereotypes are. Isn't it funny how worldwide famous punks still get their careers intact and even showed up in cartoons for preschoolers?


It's literally always ever been about owning the boot. They only care when they're being kicked, and are disgruntled if they don't own the boot. They don't care about censorship and crushing authority, they care because it's not working on behalf of them.
Underageb& leftards learnt the hard way in 2014 (the wheat being filtered from the chaff and sympathising with the right), underageb& rightards learnt the hard way in 2024 (the wheat being filtered from the chaff and sympathising with the left). The pendulum will continue to swing until people have enough of a memory to cut the fucking thing off from it's string already and get rid of the boot.


Even the central-centrists are now shilling and seething about anyone being anti-Israel.
At least this entire shitshow showed who are the controlled opposition (once again!!!) and guess what? They are all controlled opposition!!!

Remember when people actually talked about the JQ in jewtube back around after Gaymergate? They are all banned now and some even "killed themselves". Remember Morrakiu? Mouthy Buddha? Love Life & Anarchy? American Krogan? ALL GONE.
Who we have left? Garbage such as the Lotus Eaters. Christfag channels made by some literal jews and spics. Manchild who only talks about tv and vidya, but never really dares to name the real problem.
The best we have atm are Zoomer Historian and Mormon Shaggy. And the first one will eventually be banned since he got the attention and hatred of reddit already.
So unless more and more people REALLY get redpilled about the JQ thanks to everything happened, I don't see the internet and public spaces touching the real problems. Especially with all the suppression and bad actors.


Nigger, the entirety of the internet is being JQ pilled on social media right now. You don't know if people were killed or cowed. There was mass censorship on all social media platforms during the dup years until covid lockdowns, and then censorship algos were suddenly dropped on facebook and the like. The great replacement was condemned as racist garbage, and now it's blatantly obvious and undeniable even to normalfags. All the libs feared dup was a warmonger, but they've been forced to process Ukraine's unending meat grinder as a democrat happening. Angry nigs are even claiming the rhetoric of replacers, rug pulling libs that defended them. The JQ has been an inevitability.


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Fox News openly talking about sexual blackmail of Congress now.
It doesn't feel real.


>men or women
Nope, they rape kids, film them and send all those videos to Israel. All the politicians send trillions of dollars each year to stop the kikes from releasing those tapes.


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True story! Yids rape kids! And every glownigger is in on it too. And I know glowniggers are probably reading my post too. Shame on y'all. There's an extra warm spot in Hell waiting for all of you sons of bitches.


They prefer the term Adrenognomes


>And every glownigger is in on it too.
We can't even fathom the crimes of the powerful that get picked up by mass surveillance pigs ignore. That's why I have no respect for pigs, the higher up the chain you go, the more corrupt it gets.


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Ahhh, this is perfect! *chef's kiss* This is why I said, "Good! I hope they fucking try to pass this law." Tell people that it's illegal to say "fuck the jews" and everyone will start saying FUCK THE JEWS! There will be FUCK THE JEWS t-shirts and bumper stickers.


From the way it reads, you're allowed to say fuck the jews, you just can't point out hate facts like how they have disproportionate power.


Kind of like saying "Let's go Brandon" but it still being illegal to discuss or point out inflation.


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I fucking love Dilbert

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