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Political Shitposting
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Something is going to happen, so be prepared.


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I guess my image being deleted means I won the thread with the best BTFO face.


No, it means you're a pedophile.


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>children making silly facial expressions is cp
This is what we've been reduced to.


You derailed the comfy.


Kill yourself you fucking pedophile


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>Kill yourself you fucking pedophile


The antisemitism bill of course, now jews can and will replace the goyim.


Would you like your own daughter (or son as is similar & comparable) to know what the "fucked silly" facial expression was, at a similar age as the girl posted in the video?

Would you want them to also have recorded and uploaded it to the internet with or without your awareness?

Because if you answer "no" to this kinda stuff then you're breaking your own internal rules for the sake of indulging in some proclivity.

You need those internal rules to stand. They stop you from plummeting deeper in a society that's become satanic


>a society that's become satanic
No, that makes it sound cool.


>You need those internal rules to stand. They stop you from plummeting deeper in a society that's become satanic
both uncomfortably true and well said Anon.
Chaos worship sounds badass, that doesn't stop it from being fucked up and wrong.


Posting implied cp and baiting replies is his new gimmick. Just ignore.


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Threads such as this should just be deleted. Start to delete all the spamming/slide threads.


The whole point of the thread was the webm which nobody has talked about yet because of extreme midwittery.


>posts a tranny goblin in the OP
>"something is happening no idea what"
>"my thread doesn't lack focus - you do because of your middling IQ"
quite the "Talmudic" take you've got over there bro


Are you projecting?
The thread is a game and to laugh at Alex Jones shilling product using Star Wars and AI talking about The Great Awakening and The Great Reset. There's some fun anons out there. There's some smart anons out there. And there's you.


We're between current things. It's a good time to drill for next current thing. Aren't you addicted to new current things, bro?


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The new current thing is being anti-Zionist. We are winning. The ziomedia is having a meltdown, just nakedly calling all the protests "antisemitism".


That was 5 days ago. The tent cities have been decolonized.


Pretty neat trips/imageposting alignment there

I've no idea if popular opposition is sufficient or will be sustained though. What if Trump is not the "based" candidate you would otherwise anticipate, when it comes to Israel? What if, according to the media being willing to interview him, or talk about him, or world leaders willing to meet with him… What if all of it is in order to make the goyhiim take the off-ramp away from an Israeli issue?

The only reason "the media" would talk about his potential candidacy is if they are busy preparing and aligning themselves for such a candidacy.

I want to know the theories involved and the best/worst case scenarios.


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Checkin those trips for the Synagogue of Satan!

They shut it down because the goyim know.


>What if Trump is not the "based" candidate you would otherwise anticipate
Just write "Kike shill" in the Name box, so we don't mistake you for an anon.


Must I love everything he does?

He does too much Israeli ring kissing. In fact his blood's getting polluted by it if you look into his daughters. That's not to put you off voting for him. He's all you have least for the moment.

If he's potentially going to be Zion's continuity candidate then you need to be prepared. Don't be a moron.


>Don't be a moron.
Take your own advice.


>In fact his blood's getting polluted by it if you look into his daughters.
Some people say he's a crypto-jew himself, it would explain how he got where he is.


>Some people say he's a crypto-jew himself
What self-respecting jew would say this?


Anti-Zionism is the current thing because shitlibs think Jews are white.


And I'm actually fine with that because it gives us the "foot in the door" to educate these retards that "the 13th tribe" aren't even real semites or Biblical jews. They;re the ancient Khazarian Merchantry who are simply religious converts. They're not even real jews. People need to know this. They're hoaxers trying to hide behind religion and white conservative Christians protect them 99% of the time.


The Khazar hypothesis is a myth, and a kike is a kike whether they're "Biblical Jews" or not.


Alright I'll play. Why the distinction?


Real jews are merely benefactors of the criminality. They don't actually get to enjoy the wealth. They're like super goyim.


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>The Khazar hypothesis is a myth
No. Khazars and the Ashkenazi are real.

>a kike is a kike whether they're "Biblical Jews" or not.


>Real jews are merely benefactors of the criminality.
Yes! Real Israelis benefit from the globalist kikes scheming on every corner of this Earth. Once they've genocided everyone in Palestine, Israel will turn the entire thing into one giant kike HQ where they can control the world with their Theocratic Ethnostate, as their ancient Babylonian book of sand magic prophesies and summon their own kosher Sky Daddy Jr.

>Why the distinction?
Because we have to break through their "racism" and "antisemitism" defenses. The Khazars and so-called Ashkenazi are 13th tribe, not canon Torah jews. The only thing I'm skeptical about is if any real pureblooded jews made it out of Babylon and I doubt it. That's when the "real jews" were forever lost. I'm not sure what kind of nomadic Turkish, Babylonian, Slav mutts they are now, but they're clearly scamming the entire world at this point. Tell me, how is Winona Ryder a semite? She's not. She's not from that region. Never been there. She's not fluent in Hebrew or Yid. She was born of Ukrainian (Khazarian) ancestors. AOC, Doja Cat, Lenny Kravits, they're all kikes but they're also brown. So, it's not ethnic? It must be religious then. Nope. Not really. Winona's dad was an atheist. She never even practiced Judaism. So, what the fuck even makes Winona Ryder jewish? That's a really good question. That's a JEWISH QUESTION! Chuck Todd, Harvey Weinstein, Jerry Seinfeld, Jeff Goldblum, Jack Black, Logan Paul… it goes on and on. Are any of those fuckers even slightly Israeli?! Do you think they're going to synagogue every Sabbath? Are they fluent in Hebrew? Nope! Well, what they fuck makes them jewish? And how can you be antisemitic to someone who isn't a Semite?! Jerry Nadler can cry about how his grandparents survived the holocaust all he wants. Does anybody ever fact check these people? NO. Why? Because it's illegal to deny or question the holocaust. Why is it illegal to ask questions? That's another good question. Soon, it'll be illegal in the USA to say something antisemitic. Burn all the American flags you want, but if you burn an Israeli flag, Scarlett Johansson will have you put in jail. Shitpost some stonetoss on Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg will call the cops. Is there any other group of people in the world with this much disproportionate amount of wealth, power, influence, and protection?!!??!

It's time we stop allowing these Nomadic Merchant Mutts deceive the world by hiding behind their supposed religion or any claim of endangered ethnicity. They're scamming the whole planet as "God's Chosen People" and Christcucks think they'll go to hell if they're not good shabbos goys for their masters. Real Christians need to realize that these are not real jews, they're the Synagogue of Satan.

Alas, most will never know the truth because the kikes control the media, they write the history books, they teach the students, they control the economy, they determine the laws, and they have the entirety of the military industrial complex at their beck and call. Have you ever stopped to wonder why we have such a raging hard-on for these certain wars? Ukraine is Khazaria. Iraq is Babylon. Palestine will soon be Israel.

Once normies start to ask these Jewish Questions, they'll hopefully figure it out. And every kike will kvetch. "OY VEY! ANTISEMITISM!" But what even makes these fuckers jewish or semites in the first place? It's a scam. Once normies realize that it's a scam, maybe we can start fixing it. Until that day comes, they'll all be working hard to fulfill their own prophesies by destroying Amalek and ruling the goyim. They're a fucking cult.

Can you believe that our politicians are literally voting whether we should cut our kids' dicks off in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty-four?!

And then one day, for no reason at all…


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I'm going to be up front about my opinions regardless of whether they're unpopular here. I don't care about the Jew question, nor do I care to name the Shoah in any particular distinction. How I would describe it to the man on his doorstep is as follows:

>"call it Globalism, call it Zionism, call it what you want just so long as you know that you are hated"

In this way I'm evasive on the "where", and the "who", and also (but to a significantly lesser extent) the "how". So my emphasis is on the "what" and the "why".

Because these are the things that directly affect the man and he can see it, without him needing the patience for a history lesson, or a geography lesson.

There is also the deliberate distinction between "the bankers" and "the ordinary common Jew" who attend their Synagogue every Saturday.

In this way I believe I can be more rather than less effective. Alex Jones I believe maintained a similar frame of reference. He was considered a sufficient annoyance to bankrupt, so to me it doesn't feel like I'd be letting the side down in my approach.

I happen to be clued in on the turn within the Anglo-Norman aristocracy around 1745… But I want Joe public to know that he is hated, why he is hated, and how that hatred is manifested.

The rest is immaterial to my argument, and I consider those holding the "Jews rape kids" billboards to be an entirely separate caliber of people to me.

I will learn those history and geography lessons in my own time if you don't post them by the way. I just think that where I've come from to where I've arrived is sufficiently "good enough" already to start being able to equip others around me or those of my kin.

My love for God is a tempramental thing I'll be honest about that. But I feel fortunate that what's happened to me isn't like the black death, or the potato famine or some other catastrophe… I know the sort who did this to me and know I've some to blame. So I can at least look at it as "at least things could be worse".


When will the normalfags kill all the kikes?


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>Ukraine is Khazaria.
Uhh, (((Z)))-kike? What is this? Will based Kiketin do another interview with cucker to explain this?

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