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Use this thread to discuss anything related to J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium.


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Did anyone else think Aragorn should be Samoan or at least half-black, Half-Samoan?
I just thought it would suit him in my mind


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You haven't seen Bakshi's Lord of the Rings?


New Hobbit audiobook read by Andy Serkis coming this September:


No nigger.


After halting at the first few chapters of The Two Towers some years ago I decided to finish it recently in part because of the webring radio stream.

Still good, the movies didn't feel like much back then but as soon as I touched Fellowship (after Hobbit) it clicked that it was all about Middle Earth, a nice memory.



Samoans didn't exist back then


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Eternal reminder that halfelven do NOT belong in Valinor.


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Why the sudden shift to the perspective of a random fox in Fellowship of the Ring when Frodo, Sam and Pippin are first heading out on their journey away from the Shire? I don't think there's another instance of this throughout The Lord of the Rings. What did Tolkien mean by this?


There is another thing that stood out to me; during Bilbo's birthday party the large dragon fireworks is compared to a train.


In The Hobbit, it's mentioned that ravens are intelligent, have a language of their own, and are allies with dwarves. If I had to guess, the fox in Fellowship is there because the early part of that book still retains the lighthearted fairy tale atmosphere that The Hobbit had, but nothing of that sort shows up again because the story gradually transitions into a darker epic.
It's a conceit of the author that LOTR is a historical account of stuff that happened thousands of years ago in this world. The train is mentioned as a comparison for modern readers to understand, not something the ancient characters would have described it as.




Gnome is another word for Noldor in Tolkien's universe.


>Gnomes are 110% elvish, are the last carriers of the blood of Quendi, and the most true children of Iluvatar, ok?


In the early drafts.


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After 25 years TIL lembas bread = Eucharist. D'oh!


I watched a LOTR + Hobbit limited made for tv doc series on Amazog Prime that featured interviews with his family and publisher that mentioned this.

I can somewhat see the connection, lembas bread always seemed somwhat holy, but I don't think it carries the air of absolute sacredness that the Eucharist does. Profaning the Eucharist is probably the most profound sacrilege possible (other than maybe destroying a piece of the true cross or something of similar stature), I don't get that from lembas.

Side note: the intensely sacred nature of the Eucharist is why there have been cases of witches stealing communion waifers for use in rituals. Luckily heathen theologylets can't into understanding when transubstantiation takes place.


>Luckily heathen theologylets can't into understanding when transubstantiation takes place.
sounds like a catholic cope to me bro




>In the last years of his life, Tolkien resisted some of the liturgical changes implemented after the Second Vatican Council, especially the use of English for the liturgy; he continued to make the responses in Latin, ignoring the rest of the congregation.
Hello, based department?
Some of them know, so they steal the ones that matter. Some even don't bother stealing ones from Novus Ordo masses.




Grifters trying to please Amazon are using Morgoth's Ring as their argument for nigger eldar, Galadriel Xena, etc.


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About two weeks ago, Amazon released new paperback editions of The Lords of the Rings featuring cover art that ties in to their Rings of Power TV series. Is anyone going to purchased these latest paperback editions of The Lord of the Rings?


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Alternatively, you can purchased an all in one set, which contains The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King in a single paperback volume. However this single volume set won't be available until the 18th of August, 2022.


Tolkien is getting a lot of hate in recent times, no only by political freaks but also fantasy fans.

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